Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Soon it will come to you like lightning!
- Message No. 1102 -

My child. Please tell the children of the earth today how important it is to prepare.
The majority of humanity does not live with God. They do not know HIM because they do not seek HIM. They are doing well or not, but they blame the Lord, WHO THEY DO NOT KNOW, for their going bad, and when they are doing well, THEN THEY DO NOT NEED HIM!
Children, you are living far from the truth, and soon it will strike you like lightning!
My Son stands ready, the angels of the Lord and the Father are ready, your beloved saints and I pray unceasingly, for the time has come, and the purification is imminent, and if you do not prepare yourselves, you will perish in the agitated earth that will seethe, that will spew, that will send tidal waves and will completely overturn, but you, beloved children of My Son, who are faithful and devoted to Him and who are prepared, have NOTHING TO FEAR, for the Lord, your Jesus, will lift you up, and your soul will be saved and not lost!
My children. Much have We foretold you about the end, so now put 1 and 1 together.
See what is happening and do not hide, for the earthly no longer offers security, nor has it ever been able to give you security. You have built an illusory world for yourselves, which is not real and trust in money and other securities, but what if everything collapses? You have not racked your brains over this.
So now run to Jesus and give HIM your YES, then you will be safe and secure, and - no matter what comes - be preserved in HIM.
Come, My children, come and do not get lost. The end is so near, and he who does not prepare himself will not reap the Kingdom of Heaven.
Come, beloved children, and give your YES to Jesus. One YES is enough to take the first step. Amen.
We pray for you, beloved children, united and intimate.
Don't get lost because you are comfortable, but turn around, CHANGE YOURSELF(!) and give yourselves completely to Jesus, let HIM take over in your life, let HIM be the helmsman. Fear not, for Jesus is purest love, and your life will be truly worthy.
So come, My children, come and give yourselves completely to Jesus. Consecrate yourselves to HIM and give HIM your YES every day, unreservedly and full of love.
Ask for Our help in everything you do and need. We will always be by your side, but you must ask Us.
So prepare yourselves now and do not get lost. The end is nearer than you think, and the New Jerusalem is ready!
Come, My children, come, the Father is pure love. Out of this love HE gives you the 1000-year peace, and this time is now near. Amen.
Come, My children, come. The Father is waiting for you. Amen.
With love and heavenly blessing, We take leave of you today.
Believe and trust, My children, because you do not have much time left. Amen.
Your Mother in Heaven, the Holy Angels of the Father, the Saints of the Communion of Saints, as well as God the Father and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
"Our love for you is infinite, accept it. Amen."
"Prayer is important. Use it. Amen."
Source: ➥