Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
This saves you from wars, from captivity and from control!
- Message No. 1106 -

My child. My dear child. Please sit down and listen to what I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, want to say to the children of the world today: You have not heeded My call, beloved children, yet all is not lost. If you begin to pray, the Father will bestow graces upon you, and the worst of the end times will be STOPPED.
So listen to My call and follow it, for he who prays will not be lost, but he who does nothing will soon see the worst come upon himself and his loved ones.
So pray, My beloved children, pray fervently and full of love for My Son! Pray always in His intentions and for the shortening of the time of the end to the Father in Heaven.
So much evil is yet to come, and you live as if nothing were happening. What evil has yet to happen in your world for you to run into the arms of Jesus? What evil must happen to turn you away from consumerism and easy living? What, children, will put you on the true path of life that leads to My Son, if not yourselves?
Turn around and change! Easy living has never brought anyone to the Kingdom of Heaven, but piety, humility and devotion to My Son has!
So follow My call, beloved children, repent and pray, for it is through your prayer that the worst will be held back and save you from wars, from captivity and from control!
It is prayer that if you use it, will lead you to Jesus and make you survive the end with dignity!
It is the prayer that keeps away the worst and brings the grace of the Father in heaven to earth!
It is the prayer that gives you strength and devotion, and serves you as a weapon in this time of the end against evil!
So use prayer and desist from your easygoingness, because the devil does not sleep and is already in the process of completely corrupting and controlling and ultimately enslaving Europe and other prosperous areas.
Wake up and fight back! Your prayer is the weapon to do so. Amen.
I love you. Heaven united prays for you and that the graces of the Father may reach each one of you. Accept them, turn back and pray. Amen.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥