Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Enthusiastic technology that serves only for your control!
- Message No. 1108 -

My child. My dear child. Write again and listen to what We, Heaven United, want to say to you, the children of the world: The promises of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are at hand.
You do not see it, because you are caught in the jumble of lies and distractions of the devil, who has built you a make-believe world full of -for you- fascinations, amusements, amazement and euphoric excitement, and this, My beloved children, is your way to ruin!
You don't live the spiritual anymore! You have suppressed Jesus! Your world has no place for the commandments of God! And everyone is only righteous to himself...! Children! This is not the way!
Wake up, look the truth in the face, break out of appearances and glitter and glamour, out of technology that inspires you, THAT IS ONLY FOR YOUR CONTROL, and which you oh so joyfully and enthusiastically accept, wanting to have more and more innovations and to be on the cutting edge of technologies that completely control you.
Children! Break out and run into the arms of Jesus! Only HE is the way, the happiness and the joy that will truly fulfill you and give you blessings! All the earthly things you must put away. You must leave it behind and concentrate on what is really important!
My Son is the way to the Kingdom of Heaven! HE is the ONLY ONE WHO gives you perfect love and fulfillment, because only HE IS true love and the only way that LEADS TO THE FATHER!
Don't believe the people, the masses, the runaways.
Listen to Our call, beloved children, and give your hand to Jesus! He will come and take you to His New Kingdom, which is imminent, but you must find your way to Him completely and not get lost in the technology and novelty garbage of the devil, who tries to control you through only all conceivable channels, and to whom you play directly into the hands with your "want to have everything new"!
So listen to Our call and return to Jesus, because only with HIM and through HIM your soul -will- be lifted up, but without HIM truly nothing good awaits you.
So convert and give your YES to Jesus. A yes is enough to take the first step. Amen.
In deepest love, your saints from heaven with your Mother in heaven who loves you so much. Amen.
Source: ➥