Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Saturday, March 25, 2017

My heart bleeds for you, for your conversion!

- Message No. 1171 -


My children. My heart is wounded and it bleeds for your world. So much suffering, so much guilt. My heart bleeds for you, for your conversion.

Find Me, beloved children that you are, and abide with Me, for I AM your Redeemer, and through ME you find the salvation for which your soul longs so much.

Wake up, beloved children that you are, for the days are shortening, and not much time remains for you.

Turn back, beloved children that you are, for I AM the salvation, the way and the love, and I lead you to the Father who awaits you longingly and in deep, all-embracing, healing and caring love.

Come to Me, beloved children that you are, and let yourselves be bestowed by this so wonderful love that the Father and I, your Jesus, have in store for you. Amen.

I love you from the depths of My Redeemer Heart bleeding for you.

Your Jesus, who am always and always with you. Amen.

Source: ➥