Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Whoever is not ready now will not be able to discern!
- Message No. 1185 -

My child. Your world events are deteriorating, and you can see and feel it in all aspects of your life. Those who have not yet found Jesus should do so now at the latest, because what is about to come upon you is the end of the end, and We have informed you of this. When the time comes, everyone should fall on their knees before Jesus and ask for forgiveness. Those who have not given their YES to Jesus by then, be told: When the Lord comes to you, NOT TO LIVE UNDER YOU, but to warn you(!), so when HE stands before you, you must be ready for HIM! You must fall down and beg for forgiveness(!), worship and serve HIM, i.e. direct your life completely to HIM.
But be warned, dear children, because whoever is not ready now will have a hard time. He will not be able to distinguish and recognize who Jesus is. The Antichrist will have an easy time with him, for he will come and dwell among you, and so many of you will follow him because they do not know the Lord, Jesus.
So prepare yourselves NOW, because who knows Jesus, who lives with HIM, gives HIM his YES again and again, is faithful and devoted to HIM, he will be able to distinguish!
But be warned, beloved children, because the Antichrist has a charisma "paralyzing" you, beguiling and hardly withstanding! Never look him in the eyes, because this could be your undoing. His attraction is strong, beguiling and vehemently dangerous!
So be warned and don't fall for his charm. He has an attraction that is not from God, and by that you can recognize him. Heart palpitations, sensual feelings, losing oneself, and all the other intoxicating and beguiling feelings should be signs to you. But from God peace emanates, a divine joy and love, which fill the soul and the human heart!
So be warned and distinguished! The time that remains to you is short and soon, very soon, the events in your world will overturn.
He who has ears, let him hear; he who has eyes, let him see: The signs of the times are already visible, but the majority of the world's population does not want to see them, does not want to believe them or is talking them up. Your media and governments divert your attention on wrong tracks and distort the truth. Slogans like "climate protection" and "global warming" are only some of the catchwords with which they lead masses of people into the wrong direction.
Remember My words, dear children, and be ready at all times. Pray much and pray fervently, for prayer is your strongest weapon. Pray the prayers given to you in these messages of preparation. They save souls, My children, and you will need them when the warning is there. Memorize them so that you can save many souls.
I thank you in My name, but also especially in the name of our Mother in Heaven and in the name of Jesus.
I love you and I take leave of you for today.
Your Bonaventure. Amen.
Jesus of the Cross: "I suffer greatly, My child, because the unbelief of your world is greater than ever, and the moral decay, the lack of morals and the lack of faith in Me corrupts My children more and more.
Pray for the world, My daughter, so that many more children may be saved. Amen."
Source: ➥