Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, March 8, 2018
The preparations of evil for world domination are underway!
- Message No. 1191 -

My child. My dear child. Thank you for coming to Me today, and hear what I want to say to you and to the children of the world today: Your days are numbered.
The time(s) are darkening.
The devil is raging and preparing, and Our children must pray so that the worst will be held back!
You must pray, beloved children that you are,and turn to My Son!There is little time left for you!
The preparations of the evil one for world domination are set in motion, and "the finishing touch" is what is still missing.
Therefore, beloved children, pray much and fervently, that the Father may stop the worst!
Beg Him, the Father, that He may protect you from the worst evils of the devil, because what is to come will be most cruel, what already is, but so many of you do not want to "acknowledge", do not want to "see", "push away" from yourselves, because "it has nothing to do with them", is already an infinite suffering(s)!
So much misery is already in your world, butas long as it does not concern you "you look away".
Children,what else has to happen for you to repent, give your YES to Jesus and start praying?!
Time is short, My children, and the devil is in his final preparations.If you do nothing, My Son will not be able to do anything for you either, because your YES to HIM, to your Savior, is the prerequisite, your prayer is the weapon to stop against the devil, your conversion, your repentance are the first steps towards Jesus, your confession, penance and atonement are purification and healing.
Take the first step and repent, My children! Say YES to Jesus, andrepent of everything you did wrong!Direct your life completely to Jesus, because only HE is the way to the Kingdom of Heaven, only through HIM you will become witnesses of the New Kingdom.
And pray, My children, pray and plead to Heaven so that the Father may stop the worst evils, becausethis evil that awaits you cannot be described in words if you do not pray!
The Fatherhears your prayers andintervenes, but you must ask and implore HIM!
Use the prayers that We have given you in these messages, for they are effective, healing and full of graces.Amen.
Turn back and pray, My children. This is the message I bring to you today. Amen.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥