Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Do not wait!

- Message No. 1198 -


My child. My dear child. A man will come and he will raise his voice for Jesus, My Holy Son. He will defend the true faith and the true Church of My Son. He is sent by God, Our Father, and he will bring hope to Our children.

The true Church of My Son is now being destroyed more and more from within. The "superiors" of the worldly church are responsible for this. You have been deceived and lied to for a very long time, and more and more they make untruths known, hidden but modified. Thus they change your missals, the Word of My Son, as well as the Holy Eucharist, which soon, very soon, will no longer be true.

My children. My so beloved children. You MUST stand up for the true faith and the true Church of My Son! You must bear witness and not accept these changes that are "creeping in"!

A host WITHOUT CHANGE is worth nothing, My beloved children, so stand up for your Jesus and do not deny HIM!

The Holy Sacraments are not only losing more and more of their true meaning, but they are being DECREASED by the highest Church authority!

Remarried people are not allowed to be married a second or even third or fourth time before God, because "what God joins together, let not man put asunder!", nor are they worthy to receive the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist still pure.

My children. The confusion is so great in your world, and the simplest divine laws are being "stretched", "twisted" and/or "adjusted" and "made to fit". This is not the way! You are sinning, My children, you are sinning against that which is Holy!

My children. This man who will come will defend and rebuild the true faith and the true Church of My Son! He will have the highest of the Church against him. He will be exposed to slander, but, My beloved children, he will be sent by the Father in Heaven, and he will not only be a "reminder" of all that is true, but also a reminder!

My children, My children so loved by Me. The love of My Son is great. It is infinite, and it is above all merciful. Therefore, believe in Him and trust in Him! Defend Him and remain faithful to Him!

No one who turns to HIM with a true heart will be rejected, nor will he be alone. My Son will take care of him, but children, My dear children, you must convert, you must repent, and you must defend Jesus! Your irrevocable YES is the condition for this.

Say YES to Jesus and pray and ask, because whoever entrusts himself to the Lord, whoever trusts in HIM, He will come to his aid. He will not be lost and his soul will be saved.

So turn back, My children, before it is too late. Amen.

With love, your Mother in Heaven.

Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.

"Do not wait, but stand up for Jesus!" Amen.

Source: ➥