Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Don't block your own way to glory!
- Message No. 1219 -

My child. My dear child. I, your and your Mother in Heaven, want to say the following to you and to you, My beloved children, today:
My Son, your Jesus, suffered for you and continues to suffer, still suffering for you. He took up the heavy cross for you in order to open the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven for you, My children. For this HE, who has no sin, died on the cross, My children, FOR YOU HE, who is Holy and without sin, died on the cross.
So honor My Son, love HIM who gave HIS life for you, beloved children that you are, and prepare yourselves for HIM, for your Jesus, because only through HIM you will reach the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven, only through HIM you will obtain eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven, only through HIM you will reach the Father, and only through HIM you will be elevated to the New Kingdom.
Get ready, My beloved children that you are, for a soul, a man, who does not give his YES to Jesus, HE cannot come to his aid, for YOUR will stands in the way for YOUR salvation, YOUR redemption and eternal life in the Kingdom of the Father, the Most High.
So turn back and get ready, because an unprepared soul will have a hard time and much sorrow, suffering, torment will come over it.
Do not block your own way to glory, but prepare yourselves for Jesus, your loving and merciful Savior, who will come in glory, and that time is near, very near.
So be prepared, beloved children that you are, I, your Mother in Heaven and Mother of Salvation, call you to repentance and preparation so that you will not be lost.
Repent and prepare yourselves. Pray and ask to be helped, because much time does not remain for you, and everything will come blow by blow. Amen.
Whoever pleads to heaven will be heard. He will get help, because God the Father sends out His heavenly helpers to him, for his conversion, for his preparation. Amen.
I love you very much.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Jesus of the Cross: My way of suffering was difficult, and it still is. Until the last of all days I will not cease to fight for and for My children, in suffering, in pain, in mercy and tears, because I love each one of you, My children.
Source: ➥