Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, August 5, 2019
You are blinded by high offices and dignitaries!
- Message No. 1224 -

My child. Bad times are coming your way. Never be afraid, and remain in prayer. Your politics are upside down, and Satan is raging, because he WANTS to impose his goals, and he will stop at nothing.
Pray, My children, that his plans may be thwarted. Pray so that the worst may be averted. Pray to the Father that HE may shorten the time of the end, for if HE does not, Our children will live through worst times. Pray for mitigation to the Father, and pray for perseverance.
Satan rages, for his plans are thwarted every day. He rages with fury and malice, but he will not be able to do anything IF YOU ALL STAY IN PRAYER AND PRAY TO 'HEAVEN', US!
Pray, pray, pray, beloved children that you are, for it is only through your prayer that the worst will be kept away and the New Kingdom will become your home!
Pray to the Father in Heaven and to the Holy Spirit! You must pray for your clarity, so that you may be preserved from confusion and not fall into the hands of Satan!
Your church is sly in the highest place, and many children go astray because they follow 'modernization' and listen to, follow and cheer the lies and deceit and double-edged tongue of the sheep in wolf's clothing.
Be warned against those who run away, because they want to lead you on the wrong track! They lead you astray from the true path under deceit and hypocrisy and open the doors to hell, beloved children. They are Satan worshippers and in bondage to him only.
So see through the evil game, and see how you are lied to and deceived. Recognize the partial truths, and see what lies are! Because the lie is packed in partial truths, and you do not recognize it! You are blinded by high offices and dignitaries, but you must always follow Jesus and recognize WHO DOES NOT!
So do not let yourselves be led astray from the true way and faith, because he who says he comes from My Son, in truth does not come from HIM!
Recognize the lie and deceit and remain faithful to Jesus.
I love you very much. Pray, My children, pray. Amen.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Make this known, My child. It is very important. The call for prayer is urgent, My child. Amen.
Source: ➥