Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Warn the priests!
- Message No. 1259 -

Uphold My Holy Masses and do not change them!
My suffering, beloved children that you are, is great. I love you so much, and My mercy opens the way to salvation for you if you convert and find your way completely to Me, to your Jesus who loves you so much and who suffers for you, who I died for you, for the redemption of your sins and the forgiveness of yours.
My child. My daughter so loved by Me. Please tell the children of the world that the way they are going is leading their soul to perdition! Please tell them that the hour of My mercy will soon pass! And tell them that only a soul who has confessed Me, her Jesus, will not be lost to the Adversary!
Ask them to convert and desist from fornication and sinfulness, for it brings them nothing but eternal suffering! Ask them and tell them that a soul consecrated to Me, may expect all the benefits of 'heavenly help', but a soul not consecrated to Me, may likewise always hope in Me, for the one who has turned to Me, surrenders to Me and trusts completely in Me, will not be lost!
Warn the priests, My beloved daughter, who are you, for many of them are in the greatest sin! Their sin punishment(s) will be especially great and painful, because: they have consecrated themselves to Me and then turned to the worldly. Knowing well that this cannot be the right way, they lead My flock on wrong paths, offend My children, rob them of the holiness of My Holy Sacraments and verbanalize My Holy Church! I, your Jesus, say to you:
You grieve My Heart and bring shame to My Church! At the hour of your death I will not be with you. You have committed sin against Me and My Holy Church and have on your conscience the soul life of so many of My children!
Shame on you, for you of all people should know better! You have preferred the Adversary to Me, your Jesus, who loves you so much and has suffered and is suffering for you, and your punishment will be great in the eternity of the devil. You have no hope of salvation, because you have committed the worst of all sins: The betrayal of Me, of your Jesus!
So see how Judas fared, and see what is in store for you too, if you do not repent, beloved priests that you are, begging forgiveness from Me, your Jesus, and repenting of your sins and atoning in expiation, sacrifice and humility! You will lose your reputation, but your soul will not be lost! I, your Jesus, will be with you, fighting for your soul on the day of the last hour.
Only repentance is your salvation, beloved priests, you who have gone astray. Only through repentance will you be able to save your soul, but the repentance you must do will be great. It is the only way to find your way back to Me, to your Jesus. Amen.
My child. Your holy church is led by the one who is not sent by Me, and many priests follow him. So pray for the conversion of these priests so that they may recognize and find their way back to Me, to their Jesus.
I love them very much, but My suffering is great, because their sins hurt Me the most and pierce My Sacred Heart. They know Me, their Jesus, and yet they go the wrong way. It hurts My Heart suffering for them very much to see that they do not realize, to see where they are leading My flock.
Beloved priests that you are: You too must pray to Me, to your Jesus, and to My Holy Spirit, who can give you enlightenment and save you from aberration and confusion, which is all too great in My Holy Church and is steadily spreading and bringing division.
So pray to the Holy Spirit and plead for preservation from aberration and confusion and for clarity and knowledge! See what is happening in My Holy Church and STAY TRUE TO ME, YOUR JESUS! Uphold My Holy Masses AND DO NOT CHANGE THEM!
The devil is raging and infiltrated in My Holy Catholic Church, so recognize and resist! Only a priest soul faithful to Me, will not be lost!
You cannot serve 2 masters, but only Me, your Jesus! So see what happens and remain faithful to Me!
The Communion of the Mouth is desired by Me, by your Jesus, so see what My Adversary has already brought among you! You give My Holy Body into unconsecrated hands! How can you do that?
Remain faithful to Me, beloved priests that you are, because in the hour of decision YOU MUST BE WITH ME, WITH YOUR JESUS! Do not become lukewarm in what you do, but fight! You must defend Me and uphold the true Holy Mass and Eucharistic celebration!
See what evil game is being played, and hold also and ESPECIALLY you against. You are consecrated souls to Me, so do not sin, for your punishment will be greater than that of those who have not known Me!
You are My priests here on earth, so serve Me and not evil. Whoever gives himself to worldly things is not a servant of Mine and must expect the greatest punishment!
So be completely with Me, and do not sin. Amen.
My child. It is of utmost importance that My children convert now. I suffer greatly, and many I see perishing because they do not repent.
Fornication is great in your world, Satanism will soon dominate large parts of your earth, and the infiltration of Satanists in your society is increasingly corrupting the morals of My children.
You must adhere to the laws of My Father, who is also your Father, for only in this way will you have guidance and direction!
What is written is holy, so keep the commandments that the Father has given you in greatest love and care.
Turn back, beloved children, before it is too late, for My Son is suffering greatly. He is in the greatest agony, and I, your Father in Heaven, will not watch much longer as you continue to desecrate Him and beat Him and trample Him underfoot.
My hand will come down upon you, and I warn you of that day: Blessed is he who faithfully obeys My commandments, for he will be spared My unbridled wrath. To all others, be told: You will experience suffering, and your horror will be great! You will be snatched away when the earth masses open up, they will be washed away by raging waters and greatest purification comes over your earth.
I, your Father in heaven, warn you: Whoever does not convert, whoever does not repent, will perish in torment and anguish and horror, and My Son will be able to do nothing for him.
So convert now, because the time that remains to you is shortand the hour of mercy is almost over.
I love you very much. My Son loves you very much. Be and remain faithful to Him, for only in this way will you be able to escape My wrath and remain safe from the misery that My wrath will bring upon you. Amen.
Children, remain faithful to Me, for when the last hour of My mercy has struck, good to him who has confessed Me, his Jesus. Amen.
I love you very much, but My suffering is great, and the wrathful hand of My Father will bring 'disaster' upon your earth if you do not repent! We showed Mary how the forces of nature break loose without you expecting it. Only through repentance, confession, penance, contrition and atonement will you appease the Father, for the greater My suffering, the more it will strike you, and the Father's wrath is great, and irrepressibly His hand will strike if you do not repent and atone. Amen.
With deep love,
Your Holy Jesus of Limpias, with God Most High, who warns you so that you may repent and not perish! Amen.
My child. My children. The word of My Son is holy. So repent and find your way to Him. And all the ordained priests of My Son I ask: Defend Jesus, and remain faithful to Him!
Pray to the Holy Spirit for clarity and knowledge, for preservation from confusion and aberration, for it is great in His Holy Church, and the division of His children is increasing, AND THAT MUST NOT BE.
Do not sin, for you are guardians of His flock and have the obligation to lead them to Him, to your Jesus. Amen.
Do not give Holy Communion, the Holy Body of My Son, into unconsecrated hands! A little linen cloth is allowed to you, but you must maintain the Communion by mouth!
Do not take, beloved children, the Holy Body of My Son, into your hands! You sin, as does the priest who does so!
You are allowed in times of need, such as you are going through, to receive My Son on a cloth of linen or cotton, but you must, like the priests, carefully beat out the little cloth over a container of water, so that even the smallest crumb (note: particle) is not lost, dissolves in water and you drink it. So handle it with care, for it is the body of My Son that you receive on this little cloth, and not a particle must fall to the ground or be lost. Amen.
With deep love,
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Listen to My Son, for only HE can give you salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥