Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Monday, October 4, 2021

THE Weapon of the End Times! You still don't get it!

- Message No. 1321 -


My child. Time is darkening, that is, much, very much of what We have foretold you is coming to pass, and you must remain vigilant.

The end is approaching very quickly, and there will be no improvement, My child, My children so loved by Me.

YOU MUST STAY IN PRAYER, beloved children that you are, because: Your prayer is THE weapon of the end times!

You still have not understood HOW IMPORTANT YOUR PRAYER IS, beloved children that you are, yet I, your loving Mother in Heaven, say today, that there is nothing more important to do, THAN TO PRAY AT ALL TIMES!

And by that I mean: That you pray instead of listening to your music, that you pray instead of watching your movies, that you pray when you are moving in the car, bus or other means of transportation, that you pray when you go for a walk, that you pray when your work allows it, i.e.. i.e. those of you who do a trade, for example, that you pray as soon as you wake up, and that you pray when you go to sleep and then continue to pray with your Holy Guardian Angel!

Prayer No.:42

Holy Guardian Angel mine, I ask you with a sincere heart to pray with me and my soul unceasingly from now on until the New Era.

I ask you to continue praying and completing all the prayers that I have begun and have not been able to continue praying, for me, with all the saints and holy angels of the Lord, as well as all the guardian angels, for the conversion of humanity.

I ask you to always unite all my prayers with the Holy and Sacred Angels of the Father, so that they may ascend as a song of praise to the Father in Heaven, multiplied and in praise.

Holy Guardian Angel mine, pray with me in the intentions of Jesus, Our Lady, Saint Joseph and God the Father...* in my intentions...* and join my prayers with all the Saints, Holy Angels, Guardian Angels and Archangels. Amen.

*... (Note: All intentions can be inserted here.)

My child. Make this prayer known. It is extremely important that Our children pray and use and implore Heaven's help.

Beloved children. I remind you to pray also for the poor souls in Purgatory, for the dying of the day and night, for the preservation of work and income of all fathers of families, for the sick, suffering, persecuted, etc., as well as for mitigation and shortening of the time to the Father and for protection of His people of God! Amen.

You may expand the intentions, but please do not forget the urgency of the intentions requested by Us.

Many prayers We have given you, but you use only a few of them. My call is urgent, so heed it, so that many more souls may find the way to Jesus and not be lost when now the end will soon come upon you.

The warning is near, My children, so be ready. Whoever is not ready, the warning will overtake him like a thief in the night.

Pray, My children, and be ready.

I cannot say more to you today than that you hear My call and implement it.

I love you very much.

Your Mother in Heaven.

Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.

Source: ➥