Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Friday, December 17, 2021

Recognize how sin has become the 'normality' of your everyday life!

- Message No. 1332 -


My child. I am suffering greatly. The sin of humanity inflicts much suffering and sorrow on My Sacred Heart. I love My children, but I cannot approve of their sins.

Children, go the way of repentance, for only through repentance can you go the way to Me and to the Father, only through your repentance, beloved children that you are.

You have too much indifference in you and you approve of sin. You do not even recognize it, so much you have already become accustomed to it. It has become 'normal' for you, but children, this is the way that leads to the devil's damnation!

Stop and carry love and joy in your hearts! You must feel love again, true, sincere and nothing-expecting love, because love is a gift, and you must not expect anything in return, because whoever does this, does not really love, and evil has crept into his heart!

So be vigilant, beloved children that you are, and recognize how sin has become the 'normality' of your everyday life!

You must repent and avoid sin, but for that you must recognize it! Where there are expectations, there is no pure love, but where there is love, it is given away without an expectation!

Carry love and joy in your hearts and regain peace within you, because without My peace you cannot become happy, and you will be tempted again and again and brought out of true love, if you do not carry My peace in your heart.

But I give you My peace and My joy and My love, if you truly turn to Me, stay away from sin and trust completely in Me, in your Jesus!

I love you so much, and sadly I see how lost you are. You have not learned to distinguish and you do not see the dangers that lurk on you -your soul.

Not the earthly fulfillment you shall seek -and you will always remain in search, if you think to find fulfillment in the earthly!-, but in Me, in your Jesus!

I give you My riches, but they are not the earthly-fading goods, but the eternal, lasting ones! And these will become more and more, greater and greater, more and more glorious the closer you come to Me, the more you give yourselves to Me, the deeper and more sincerely you recognize the mysteries of Me and My Father!

Children, the way to the Kingdom of Heaven is truly glorious, but you must be completely with Me, with your Jesus, to truly understand it.

You must not only refrain from sin, but you must stay away from sin altogether.

And you must pray, My children, you must pray!

Only through prayer will you find deeper and deeper into My mysteries, only through prayer, beloved children that you are!

Only through prayer will you understand them more and more, My children, only through prayer!

So pray, beloved children that you are, and find on the true way to Me, to your Jesus! Then true love and joy and My peace will enter you, and then you will no longer seek fulfillment in earthly perishable things, for you will find it in Me, in your Jesus.

In deep love,

Your Jesus, Who I Am. Amen.

Source: ➥