Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, March 14, 2022
Wake up from your lethargy!
- Message No. 1346 -

Our Lady: My child. The time that remains to you is short, and you must prepare yourselves. Tell the children of the world, for otherwise events will take them by surprise and catch them unprepared, and good to him who has made himself ready for Jesus, good to him who honestly and sincerely and truly believes in the Father in Heaven, good to him who has washed himself clean before and through Jesus by the Holy Sacrament of Confession, and good to him who has truly, sincerely and from the bottom of his heart repented and atoned for his sins.
Jesus: My child. Only a short time remains for you, and I, yours and your Jesus, will come to redeem those who hope and trust in Me and are devoted to Me, their Jesus who loves them so much, honestly and sincerely and with all their being.
My child. Your time on earth is now limited, for the Father has set the date. You all do very well to heed this message, for truly so many are only waiting for more and more events and do not see where they are already.
It is not important and completely nonsensical to wait for more and more catastrophes, because only the Father knows what HE is holding back and what is yet to come, and you forget before all the 'wanting to know' and 'wanting to wait' for something new, that it is only about making your hearts, your spirit, your being, YOU ready for Me, for your Jesus, WHO AM THE SAVIOUR OF YOU AND THE WORLD.
Children, awaken from your lethargy and do something for your salvation! Help others through prayer! You must be ready for My warning, because if you continue to wait only for more events in your world events and have not prepared, the warning will surprise you, and you will not be ready!
Do not list what else is to come, do not expect the atrocities and catastrophes, but pray, pray, pray and be ready for Me, for your Savior, Who I AM!
Only a prepared soul will be able to serve Me as I, you Jesus, desire from it! Only a prepared soul will be able to help and stand by others and grasp what is happening!
Your mind, beloved children that you are, is not able to see through the events, happenings and mysteries! You can do it only with the help of My and the Father's Holy Spirit, and He, in turn, will give you enlightenment, clarity and knowledge only if you are ready for it, your soul, your being!
So prepare, beloved children that you are, and do not wait for the war to expand further. You MUST be ready, so that I, your Jesus, can lead you through the times! You must be ready for My Warning! And you must be ready for the time of the Antichrist.
Everything is very near, but only the one who is truly faithful and devoted and dedicated to Me, who is completely ready for Me, his Jesus, will enter into My Kingdom, which is not far, and whose gates will be opened for those who are truly faithful to Me.
You must be ready, beloved children, otherwise the gates to the New Kingdom will be closed to you. You will not be able to perceive and experience the Warning as a beautiful event if you are not ready, and I will not be able to guide you through these times if you do not make yourselves ready.
Children, it is high time! Don't wait for more events, because time is running out for you and good to him who has listened to My word and made himself ready for Me, his Jesus. Amen.
Yours and your Jesus, Who I suffer. Amen.
Source: ➥