Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, April 25, 2022
You Are Playing into the Hands of Evil through Your Ignorance!
- Message No. 1355 -

Oh My child. I am suffering very much. If only you would realize, beloved children that you are, you would be in fervent prayer to Me, to the Father and to My Holy Spirit. But you do not recognize and doubt and do not see where you are!
Time is running out, and your conversion should now be complete, but so many children continue to stray in the worldly transient, and more and more of you are tilting and doubting. Children, have you learned nothing?
You live as if it would go on eternally and don't see the dangers which lurk on you -your soul!
You are happy about relaxations and don't see what the devil has already planned and prepared! For a little 'normality' you accept pretty much everything to be able to live further comfortably and conveniently in your world of appearance.
You plan journeys and don't see which dangers are heading for you -and your world!
You live in joys about luxury -any kind- and don't understand what the devil does with you!
You are blinded and have not understood how important it is to prepare yourselves -your soul- for the events that are coming to you!
You live as if nothing of what We tell you is true. You are impatient, faithless, greedy and lazy!
Whoever does not use this time for his preparation, let him be told:
Like a thief who comes in the night, you will be faced with faits accomplis!
You will have no more time, and you will not know.
You will be easy prey for My adversary, and you will not recognize the events, the deceptions and intrigues.
You will not be able to withstand the lies, nor the machinations that will be imposed on you. You already do not recognize them -many of you-, and there is coming a time that will be even worse, even more formidable, even more confusing than this.
You do not recognize what is happening and through your ignorance you are playing into the hands of evil.
You are not converted and have not prepared yourselves and your time is running (out).
So use this time for your preparation, because everything will come blow by blow, and woe to him who has not listened to Us, woe to him who has pushed Me, his Jesus, away and has not found back to Me, woe to him who does not accept and implement the Holy Word of My Mother, who is also your Mother, woe to him who lives far away from the Father, God Almighty, because your awakening will come, but then it will be too late for you.
So stay strong and stand firm and do not doubt!
Our word is holy, and it was and is given to you, given to you for your salvation. Those who reject this gift will soon hope to have accepted it, but this insight will then be too late.
Prepare yourselves and remain faithful to Me, your Jesus, and pray much and fervently!
Ask for clarity, insight and understanding from the Holy Spirit, and pray to the Father to soften it.
I, your Jesus, stand ready, but My adversary does not sleep, and blessed is he who remains faithful to Me until the end. Amen.
Your Jesus, Savior of all God's children and Redeemer of the world. Amen.
Source: ➥