Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, June 6, 2022
It's not too late to ask for all the Holy Gifts!
- Message No. 1362 -

My child. The Feast of the Holy Spirit should be celebrated with the greatest reverence by all the children of the earth.
The gifts and graces that flow on His High Holy Feast are great and of the greatest importance for you, My beloved children. I, your Father, give you abundant graces on this feast (for you, for your world), and Jesus, My Son, your Savior, gives you My Holy Spirit, WHO IS DIVINE! That is why it is so important to celebrate this feast reverently and in full faith in the work of grace of the Holy Spirit, My beloved children.
I, your Father, through Jesus Christ, My Holy Son, your Redeemer, grant you one of the greatest gifts that can be given to a child of God, because only the one who is enlightened with and by My Holy Spirit will realize, only the one who receives HIM, My Divine Spirit, will come closer and closer to Me, His Father and Creator, WHO I AM, only the one who truly begs for My Holy Spirit will be bestowed with rich and abundant gifts.
So celebrate this feast worthily and in faith, for he who does not believe will not receive, he who does not ask, pray and plead will not be granted the gifts of the Holy Spirit, he who celebrates this feast as just another feast WITHOUT ITS TRUE MEANING will not reap Its fruits!
You must be ready for My Holy Spirit, and you must accept and celebrate Him in gratitude, because through My Holy Spirit you will come closer and closer to Me. You will know and you will be prepared.
My Divine Mysteries you will be able to recognize and experience only with and through My Holy Spirit, so whoever does not celebrate this feast in faith, whoever celebrates it because it is 'prescribed', whoever does not live in true faith in Me, in Jesus and My Holy Spirit, all the miraculous gifts will be hidden from him, and the mysteries, My Divine Mysteries, he will never understand.
So open yourselves, beloved children, who you are, and those who have not prepared themselves:
Pray the novena to the Holy Spirit, the prayers and litanies! Call and implore to Him for all His fruits and gifts. Then they will be granted to you, and you will recognize, more and more, and understand. You will grow in faith, and you will come closer and closer to My omnipotence. But whoever does not pray and plead to the Holy Spirit, does not call and does not ask, he will truly have a hard time, because he will not get to know My omnipotence in all His beauty and power and love, he will not be given the necessary gifts, and he will never be able to understand My mysteries, which are Holy!
It is not too late to ask for all the Holy Gifts!
Pray, My children, pray and trust in My Holy Spirit, Who is Divine, because He comes from Me, He comes from My Son, from Our Unity, and together We are One, even if this is so difficult for so many of you to understand.
I Am, beloved children, and I will always be, but only through My Holy Spirit will you be able to understand this mystery, only through HIM will you be given the knowledge around Me WHO I AM, only through HIM will you be able to understand this mystery in all its beauty, purity and love, only through HIM will you be enlightened, therefore ask, pray, implore and call to HIM Who is the Spirit of God, My Holy Spirit. Amen.
Those who do not understand, let them pray and plead, for only through HIM will they (the children) come to understand. Amen.
I love you very much. I love My children very much. Tell them from your and their Father in Heaven. Creator of all God's children and Creator of the world and all being. Amen.
Do not think you will live forever, for only through My Holy Spirit will you attain Eternal Life. Amen.
Those who do not understand will have a hard time. Many will be lost, for they do not know about My Holy Spirit.
So pray that all children may know and understand HIM. Amen.
Source: ➥