Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, October 31, 2022
You Have No Idea of What Is to Come!
- Message No. 1382 -

My child. I, your loving Mother in Heaven, would like to share the following with you and the children of Earth today:
Your prayer is greatly needed.
In these days and the next, it will be especially necessary that ALL children unite in prayer, worldwide, so that the worst evils do not roll over Europe, so that the instability of your supply does not collapse (completely), so that the evil one with his followers, who use these days to bring evil upon you, do not reach their goals!
Children, if you only knew! The most terrible things are planned, and you must pray, pray and pray!
Your prayer must not cease, because where there is prayer, beloved children, there the devil cannot anchor, where there is prayer, his demons must depart, where there is prayer, beloved children, the light of My Son will prevail over evil!
So pray much and pray fervently and unite in prayer, My children!
Only your ALL prayer can hold back the most evil, only through your prayer, you will save yourselves from the worst!
Where there is prayer, THERE IS MY SON, so pray, beloved children, pray and unite in prayer WORLDWIDE.
I, your loving Mother in Heaven, warn you:.
Whoever does not use prayer in these times will have to answer for it as soon as the day comes, because ONLY through prayer will you be able to stop cruelty, ONLY through your (all of you) prayer, beloved children!
He who does not pray will soon have hoped that he did!
He who does not pray gives power to the devil in your world!
He who does not pray, makes himself complicit, because he OBLIGATES to HELP this world with all its human children!
He will have to answer for it when the day comes.
Take My words to heart, for they come from the deepest love for you, My children.
I, your Mother in Heaven, am very concerned. You are on such thin ice and do not see how everything is threatening to collapse beneath you!
Dear children:
Pray! For it is through the prayers of all of you that you can stop the cruel plans of the devil!
Plead with the Father for mitigation, beloved children that you are, and plead for shortening of time!
You have no idea of what is to come if you do not pray!
You have no idea of the time that awaits you under the Antichrist!
And you have no conception of the torment and chastisement that your soul will suffer if you reject Jesus, are unfaithful and do not plead!
Children, children, it is not the time to be comfortable!
It is the time for prayer, faithfulness to Jesus and supplication to God Almighty!
He who does not plead, he who does not pray, he who becomes unfaithful, let him be told.
Great is the chastisement that awaits him, in the here and now and in eternity!
No human child will survive the brutality of the devil, the most unimaginable cruelties and the reign of the Antichrist, for you will no longer be yourselves once you have accepted the mark of the beast. It is an unimaginably tormenting condition, and it will lead many of you to death -eternal death- with no hope of the New Kingdom, no hope of salvation through Jesus, no hope of Eternal Life in Glory! You will belong to the beast, and into the hell of the beast you will be cast, but already here you suffer the greatest chastisements!
Only he who remains faithful to Jesus WILL NOT LOSE!
He will be saved and lifted up, and with HIM, the Holy Apostles and so many Heavenly Helpers he will live in the New Kingdom of My Son!
He will live in joy and no evil will befall him, for it is My Son's Kingdom that he will attain, and in bliss and joy he will live.
Remember all the messages in which We have told you about the New Kingdom.
No suffering(s), no torment, no sickness will grieve you. You will be true blissful children of God.
It is a life full of joy, a life in deep union with Jesus and in perfect purity.
The devil will not be there, he is raging chained in his hell at this time. There he tortures to the cruelest and most despised all those who did not want Jesus. It is a great suffering for all the souls who have fallen into it, a vegetation without hope and full of agony and torment.
Therefore, beloved children that you are, pray! Give your irrevocable YES to Jesus and plead!
You must pray in these days, for greatest calamities are to befall. Therefore, pray and persevere against all the dark masses that are now increasingly being held. I deliberately say 'held' because they are not worthy of any other word, so dark, so vile, so abysmal and cruel are they.
I ask you, beloved children: Pray! Amen.
Your loving Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥