Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, December 5, 2022
Do Not Be Tempted to Accept Changes!
- Message No. 1387 -

Our Lady: My child. Difficult times are ahead, but persevere. Be ready at all times and do not doubt. The 2nd coming of My Son is near, but the world (the children of men) do not see it, and prefer to follow those who come along, living their lives as if only the earthly existed and caring little for what was foretold to you.
I, your and your Mother in Heaven, worry Myself very much, because many children lose hope and adapt themselves to EVERYTHING WORLDLY, which is more and more and more ruthlessly and brutally determined and given by the evil one and his henchmen and do not see how it will cost them their eternity if they do not remain strong and persevering NOW.
My child. The world, this one is upside down. Your Catholic Church has so many good priests, faithful and devoted to My Son, yet they are 'muzzled' and, if they do not comply, 'abolished'. It is a shame to see how many (priests) have already yielded and thus given entrance to evil in their work, in their lives and in their parishes.
My beloved priests awake and see the signs of the times!
He who says he comes from My Son does not come from HIM, and he who will come to be celebrated as My Son is not HE!
My Son, your Jesus, is coming at the end of time, and that time is near, yet many calamities will happen before that day has come, and His consecrated priests will have to endure much, but their faithfulness will be rewarded, for My Son is merciful and not a soul will be lost who is truly, sincerely and honestly devoted and devoted to HIM!
Jesus: So stay strong, beloved sons that you are, My (2nd) coming is near, but first a hard time will come for you and all faithful children.
Stay vigilant, for the one who comes first IS NOT ME!
Stay faithful, for the one who folds will be lost!
Stay strong, for the one who truly defends Me, upholds My Holy Masses and accepts NOTHING from the beast, I will reward him, and My love, My care and My faithfulness to him will bear great fruit for him.
Never be afraid, for I, your Jesus, am with you at all times.
Know that a time of great trial is coming, therefore remain faithful, devoted to Me and NEVER be tempted!.
I, your Jesus, guide you through this time that is now coming.
So pray much, remain faithful to Me and accept NOTHING of evil.
Remember that My Word is Holy! So do not be tempted to change it or accept changes!
I love you very much.
Stay strong, persevering and faithful to Me.
Your prayer is the greatest weapon you have. So use it. Amen.
With deep love.
Your Jesus and your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥