Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Part 3, Message from John, on April 17, 2023 at Holy Place
- Message No. 1400-35 -

On April 17, 2023 at Holy Place
My child. I, your John, am here, come to communicate the following to you and to the children of the earth today.
My child. The Holy Angel told and showed Me very much about your present time. It is the end time, My child, and I, your John, have come because the Holy Angel told Me to:
'John, My beloved son, do not tell the children what is coming to them until the end of time.' That time, My child, is now. That is why you are writing My book, because any other time would have been too soon.
My child. It is important to keep the focus on Jesus, your Lord and Savior. In your present time, it is so easy to keep the focus on transient things.
You must remain with Jesus, firmly anchored in HIM, because what is coming will 'pull the rug out from under the feet' of so many of you if you are not fully with Jesus, hoping in HIM, trusting in HIM and remaining faithful and devoted to HIM until the end, to the New Kingdom that will open its gates to all truly faithful children of the Lord Jesus Christ.
My child. Tell the children of the earth they must remain in prayer and make much sacrifice and atonement. Without your prayer, the Holy Angel told and showed Me, your John, you will NOT be able to stand firm!
Without sacrifice and atonement, many, many children will be lost who could have been saved.
Without prayer and acts of atonement and sacrifice, you will truly have a hard time, because the Father mitigates through your prayer, HE protects, because of your prayers, and HE intervenes, because His children pray and plead to HIM!
You must never forget that the way to HIM, your Father in Heaven, is through Jesus Christ! So be faithful to Him and follow Him, but remain vigilant at all times.
As soon as the Antichrist is presented to you, good to him who has found Jesus!
You will suffer through the Antichrist and his henchmen, and you will suffer through the chastening hand of the Father!
So be ready, beloved children of the earth, for the end is near, and you must be ready for your Savior, Jesus Christ!
Fall on your knees and beg for forgiveness of all your sinful misdeeds! Jesus will forgive them if you truly repent of them!
Do not miss to confess, beloved children that you are! The Holy Sacrament of Confession washes you clean, provided you sincerely repent of your sins!
The Holy Angel told Me to repeat this to you again and again, because you tend to be impatient and not steadfast!
So remain in prayer to Jesus Christ and implore to the Father in Heaven! These are hard times for many of you, but do not fear, for he who is truly with Jesus has nothing to fear!
I will report to you again as soon as the Father tells Me to.
Also this, like the previous message, make it known in advance, My child. Amen.
Yours and your John. Apostle and 'favorite' of Jesus. Amen.
Source: ➥