Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, June 14, 2024
The Ravages of Time Are Not Compatible with the Commandments of the Lord, the Father!
- Message No. 1441 -

Message of June 4, 2024
My child. These are not easy times for you and the children of the Lord and Father, but know that the sun will shine again on the horizon, i.e:
When the time of tribulation, evils and destruction of all that is good, all that is holy, is over, as well as the persecutions -and they are many, My child, My children, they are so many-, then know that Jesus is there for you, the doors to the New Kingdom of the Lord will open, and Jesus will grant you entrance, those who remain faithful and steadfast and know how to persevere, resp. be ready (!), My children, be ready, for the times will become even more difficult and only a heart strengthened in Jesus Christ will be able to remain steadfast and not 'give in' when the times seem unbearable.
Pray, My children, and strengthen yourselves in prayer and the Holy Eucharist!
Adore the Blessed Sacrament and strengthen yourselves in Jesus Christ!
You must remain strong, beloved children, and you must always seek the way to Jesus!
It is important that you do this so that you remain in true and firm and deep faith in Jesus!
The ravages of time are not compatible with the commandments of the Lord, the Father.
You live in a world that is divided and very distant from the Christian faith. You have not been allowed to express your free opinion for a long time. People are attacking each other like vultures on a dead animal, only you are neither animals nor dead, but you no longer have freedom of expression.
Children, children, do you not see what is happening and where you are?
All this has been prophesied to you in these and other messages, but so many of you do not see it even now! Others of you have no stamina, even though you see, and yet you do not persevere.
Strengthen yourselves in faith and pray, My children, go to your Holy Masses and adore the Blessed Sacrament!
The Holy Spirit is there for you! You only have to ask Him and He will give you His gifts!
Children, children, your world is in ruins, but it will get worse!
I am not speaking of warlike ruins in the usual sense, but I am speaking of the moral ruins, of the ruins that are tearing you apart, like the 'made' ruins of the barrenness of your earth and yours (!), of the spiritual ruins that are coming out of all this..., the list is long, My children, it is long!
Your only way to survive is to trust in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior! Only through HIM will you be able to persevere and receive the end with joy! Only with HIM will you remain strong enough to withstand the end! Only with HIM, and through HIM, will you attain the New Kingdom and reap the Father's Kingdom of Heaven, His glory!
Children, children, all those of other faiths will not endure!
All the lukewarm must be converted! They have gone astray and do not live the commandments of the Lord and Father!
Children, children! It is time.
Prepare yourselves, for when the time comes, blessed is he who is prepared. Amen.
With deep love I bid you farewell today.
Pray much and pray fervently so that you may remain faithful and steadfast to Jesus. Amen.
Your Bonaventure. Amen.
My child. I intercede for you and for all who ask Me. So tell them: We, your saints, await your address. Amen.
Source: ➥