Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, November 22, 2024
Your Impurity Will Shatter against My Purity!
- Message No. 1459 -

Message of November 6, 2024
Mother of God: My child. The days in your world are bad, and many storms everywhere show people how small and lost they are in the face of such forces that have broken loose and will break loose.
Your security, in which you believed, is 'floating away', and with it, the belief in the benevolence of your governments in so many parts and areas.
Jesus: My children. I, your Jesus, am your only security!
Mother of God: When the disasters of the end times break out, blessed is he who is with My Son!
You are getting a taste here and there of what will increasingly come now, and how powerless you are!
You have 'built on sand', believing that you feel safe in your world, now see what security you have believed in!
Only Jesus is your way, beloved children, only Jesus, and you would do well to finally recognize this.
I, your Mother in Heaven, weep great tears over the apostates, the faithless and the earthly-attached!
You have learned nothing, beloved children, and your soul will suffer great harm if you do not repent! You will not only suffer on earth, but you will also suffer for all eternity if you do not pray and turn to Jesus Christ, My son, your Redeemer!
Children, children, nothing on earth is eternal!
So do not listen to those who come along and preach otherwise!
Hell exists, beloved children, who you are, just like purgatory!
Do not believe, because an apostate tells you and preaches something different, that it is not so, as I, your mother in heaven, tell you today!
Hell is a place of horror , it is a place of eternal torture and torment. The agony of the souls there is incomparable to anything on earth in terms of pain and torment, and if you believe that the earth is hell, then you are mistaken!
Let go of sin and find Jesus, because if you don't, your suffering will be endless.
Only Jesus is the way to the Father in glory, there is no other!
So do not believe the people who have come along, but pray and repent!
Beg the Holy Spirit for clarity and understanding!
The Father hears your prayers, so beg to Him!
Jesus rushes to the aid of anyone who sincerely asks Him, but the first step, beloved children, you must take it!
HE, who is your Redeemer, is waiting for you! But so many have turned away or only 'know' Him when they experience suffering . Children, children, it cannot be like that!
You do not want to be taken advantage of or used by your fellow human beings, but do this to Jesus!
You treat Him like a doormat, and then you expect Him to save you from suffering and hardship and injustice, only to humiliate, forget, ridicule and disrespect Him again when you have what you want. The list is long, My children, it is so long...
Wake up!
Get up!
Leave off sin!
Give your yes to Jesus and love your neighbor!
It is not difficult to live pleasing to God, but you prefer to follow the devil!
Repent, time is running out for you!
I, your Heavenly Mother, am worried about you and very sad to see how you have turned away from My Son and insulted Him, used Him, and then rejected Him. You are barbarians, and as such you will have to answer for it in court if you do not repent and confess Jesus and begin to truly love Him. Amen.
In deep concern for you,
your Heavenly Mother.
Mother of all children of God and Mother of Salvation. Amen.
Jesus: My Mother speaks the true word. I, your Jesus, weep bitter tears, for you do not want My love.
There is still time to turn back, but soon, very soon, this time will be up and you will have to answer to My Father!
All your sins will be shown to you beforehand, and as long as you do not perish from this misery, which you have caused and for which you must answer, you will still receive a time to repent from this moment on.
Do not waste it and learn the prayers* that We have given you in these messages for the great warning that is imminent.
In this way you can save your souls and those of your loved ones, so that they do not fall prey to evil should they die in this hour.
The warning is only a brief moment, but you will not be able to endure My presence if you are caught in sin!
Ask those who were allowed to experience My light!
Your impurity will shatter against My purity , and your soul will not be able to endure this pain!
Convert now, so that the Warning becomes a gift of grace for you and your soul, that you await and accept with love!
I, your Jesus, ask you to do so, because the time is short and running out , faster than you are able to believe. Amen.
Mary Magdalene: John came to reveal 'his' book, and the last part is still to come. Do not wait until it is known, because then you will have no time to repent!
John: So repent, beloved children, for I have come to reveal to you 'my' book at the end of time, as the Holy Angel of the Lord and Father instructed me, John, apostle and 'favorite' of Jesus, who I am. Amen.
Do not wait!Amen.
Source: ➥