Devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph
Devotion to the Three United Sacred Hearts through the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph given to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Table of Contents
The Scapular of St. Joseph

History Development
In Aylesford, England, Our Lady appeared to St. Simon Stock, when he was pleading with great fervor to the Mother of Carmel for Her protection, reciting the beautiful prayer he composed: "Flower of Carmel, flowering vine, splendor of heaven, fruitful Virgin, singular. O benign Mother, without knowing a man, to the Carmelites give privilege, Star of the Sea!". When he finished this prayer, he raised his tearful eyes, and saw the cell suddenly fill with light. Surrounded by angels, in a great procession, the Blessed Virgin appeared to him, clothed in splendor, carrying in Her hands the Scapular, saying to Saint Simon Stock, with inexpressible maternal tenderness: "Receive, most beloved son, this Scapular of your Order as a distinctive sign and the mark of the privilege which I have obtained for you and for all the children of Carmel; it is a sign of salvation, a safeguard in dangers, a covenant of peace and of an everlasting protection. Whoever dies clothed with it will be preserved from eternal fire."

This most special grace was immediately spread in the places where the Carmelites were established, and authenticated by many miracles which, occurring everywhere, made the opponents of the Brothers of the Blessed Virgin of Mount Carmel silent. St. Simon Stock attained extreme age and high sanctity, working innumerable miracles, having also obtained the gift of tongues; he was called to the heavenly homeland by God on May 16, 1265. Our Lady returned to heaven and the Scapular remained as a sign of Mary. In the last apparition of Fatima, Our Lady brings the Scapular and comes with Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus to bless the world.

On July 14, 2000, Edson visited Aylesford with a friend of his, Marina Hodking, who lives in São Paulo. This happened when his friend was visiting Italy in July, when Edson was in Brescia, at his friends' house. Marina, before going to England, invited Edson to come with her. He stayed two weeks in England and was able to visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
In England, Edson had some apparitions of Our Lady, Jesus and St. Joseph, who told them about the devotion of the three Hearts and about future, very sad events that were to occur in this country.

In Aylesford, when Edson was at the Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, he visited the chapel of St. Joseph with his friend. In this chapel, he had an apparition of the Holy Family. This apparition caught Edson's attention: Our Lady, accompanied by the Child Jesus and St. Joseph, held a Scapular in Her Hands, but not the Scapular of the Order of Carmel, but a different Scapular, white in color, where Edson could clearly distinguish the three Hearts. When the apparition was over, Edson mentioned what had happened and what he had seen to his friend Marina, and he became very thoughtful about this vision, because he still did not fully understand the request of the three Hearts.

Already in London, when he went to the celebration of Holy Mass, he had a revelation from God, who showed him in a vision the three Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph uniting into one Heart. This vision was repeated three times, so that it would be imprinted in his mind and he would not forget it, not having the slightest shadow of doubt as to the indivisible unity of the Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. 'In analyzing the nature of marriage, both St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas constantly situate it in the "indivisible union of minds", in the "union of hearts" and in the "consensus"; (15) elements which, in that marriage, were verified in an exemplary manner. In the culminating moment of salvation history, when God manifested His love for humanity through the gift of the Word, the marriage of Mary and Joseph took place precisely in that marriage, in which the "spousal gift of self" was realized with full "freedom", welcoming and expressing such a love.' (John Paul II -Encyclical Redemptoris Custos, 15.08.1989)

On July 16, 2001, Edson was in the city of Sciacca, province of Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, visiting the group of young people formed there. In the afternoon, after praying the rosary and giving his testimony in the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, of the Capuchin friars, he had an apparition of the Holy Family in front of the people present.

In this apparition, Our Lady gave him a message and then told him: "Pay close attention to what I am about to show you. As you will see, have a Scapular made. This will be the Scapular of St. Joseph. My Son Jesus and I desire that everyone wear it with faith and love, deeply honoring My Spouse Joseph as He deserves. Whoever brings it with him will receive God's protection through His Most Chaste Heart and His protective mantle, as well as many graces from heaven necessary for salvation and sanctification." Edson saw appearing over the Holy Family the writing in golden colors: 'MOST CHASTE HEART OF ST. JOSEPH' and below: 'BE THE GUARDIAN OF OUR FAMILY!'

Soon afterwards, the vision disappeared, giving way to the three illuminated and radiant Hearts. Two rays came out of the Heart of Jesus and were directed to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and to the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph, and from them rays were directed to the world. Above the Hearts appeared written in golden colors: "JESUS, MARY, JOSEPH" and below them: "I LOVE YOU, SAVE SOULS!" ... Soon after this vision, Our Lady appeared again with the Child Jesus and Saint Joseph. The three blessed together the people present and disappeared in the clarity of the beautiful light that enveloped them. Edson did not know that on the day this apparition occurred, the 750th anniversary of Our Lady's giving the Scapular to St. Simon Stock was being celebrated in the Carmelite order and in the Church throughout the world. It was a very special day for Carmelites, a great event in the Order of Carmel, and the day on which Jesus and Our Lady requested the Scapular of St. Joseph for the Church and the World, as a special protection for all families throughout the world.

To receive the Scapular of St. Joseph, one must pray the prayer of the Holy Mantle of St. Joseph for thirty consecutive days, in memory of the thirty years of life lived by St. Joseph with Jesus Christ, Son of God. Confess and attend Holy Mass. The Celebration of the Imposition of the Scapular is held on the feast of St. Joseph on March 19, or on the feast of His Most Chaste Heart, the Wednesday following the feast of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, or on each first Wednesday of the month.
The Importance, Blessings, and Graces to Those Who Wear the Scapular of Saint Joseph
Jesus, all these years, has made me understand the great importance of wearing the Scapular of St. Joseph. I write here what the Lord has revealed to me for those who will wear it with faith, love and devotion:
The Scapular is white in color and represents the purity and holiness of St. Joseph who is Virginal, Chaste and Holy, and with purity and holiness St. Joseph will clothe all His faithful devotees who ask Him and give themselves to Him, under His Protective Mantle;
It is very important and a sign of protection against the forces of hell. The devil fears those who wear this Scapular with faith and trust, surrendering themselves to the protection of St. Joseph. This Scapular drives him away from us and from our families;
Jesus told me that this Scapular makes us deserve great graces from His Divine Heart, which we cannot imagine, copious graces, when worn with love and faith;
This Scapular gives us the strength and grace to overcome impure sins and infidelities, in all states of life, whether single, married, consecrated, ordained;
This Scapular defends us against the dangers of the faith and against all the errors and heresies that spread in the world, wanting to destroy the Eternal Truths and all that reminds us of God;
Whoever wears this Scapular devoutly, as Jesus wishes, uniting himself and begging the intercession of the Heart of Saint Joseph, will obtain great love for His Divine Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and will never offend these Most Holy Hearts with grave sins;
Whoever wears this Scapular with faith will be sure to be under the protective Mantle of St. Joseph until the end of His life, because He unites us profoundly to His Most Chaste Heart;
To those who always wear the Scapular daily and pray to St. Joseph on the first Wednesdays of the month, will receive great graces, blessings and virtues that will not be granted to those who do not wear it and do not give it due honor and love, as Jesus wishes;
To those who wear this Scapular, the Lord asks that they be united to His Divine Heart, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary and this most Chaste Heart, a new vessel of graces, committing themselves to intercede, to sacrifice and to fight for the salvation of souls, especially of the dying who are about to breathe their last and who need prayers and sacrifices in order to obtain Divine mercy in the final hour of death;
Those who wear this Scapular, praying and honoring St. Joseph with His Rosary of Seven Sorrows and Joys, will always have the help, protection and intercession of St. Joseph in their greatest difficulties, who will work great miracles for them and their families, already in this life;
Those who, in this life, have always worn the Scapular of St. Joseph with so much love and faith, will receive from the Divine Heart of Jesus the grace of a good and Holy death under the gaze of His Merciful Heart, and will receive the last Sacraments, not dying in eternal misfortune, but in the grace of God;
To the devotees of His Most Chaste Heart, Saint Joseph obtained from the Divine Heart of Jesus the grace of having an immense glory in heaven, at His side, as apostles of His Most Chaste Heart;
Your brother, Edson Glauber
Prayer for the Blessing of the Scapular
The minister with outstretched arms pronounces this prayer of blessing:
O God, Author and source of all holiness, who calls to the fullness of Christian life and to the perfection of charity those whom You have caused to be born of water and the Holy Spirit. Look kindly on those who are about to devoutly receive the Scapular of St. Joseph, who will diligently carry it as a sign of their offering to the Most Chaste and Virgin Heart of St. Joseph. Grant that they, allowing themselves to be loved and guided by Saint Joseph and, imitating His virtues and perfections, may be protected against the assaults of the devil, be strengthened in faith and love for the Divine Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and obtain the grace to reach the perfection of love and perfect sanctity as He lived, to the glory of the Most Holy Trinity. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
It follows the sprinkling with the holy water.
Formula of Imposition
The priest then imposes the Scapular on each of the faithful who asks him for it and says:
Receive this Scapular, sign of the protective Mantle of St. Joseph: may His Most Chaste and Virginal Heart protect you against every evil and danger; may it protect you in holy purity of soul and body, and grant you every Divine Grace in time and eternity. Amen!
Priest: Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph!
Faithful: Be the guardian of our family!
Priest: Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love You!
Faithful: Save souls!
If necessary, the priest may say the formula for imposing the Scapular out loud once to everyone. All respond together: Amen. And they approach the minister to receive the Scapular.
Prayers, Consecrations and Exorcisms
The Queen of Prayer: The Holy Rosary 🌹
Various Prayers, Consecrations and Exorcisms
Prayers from Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch
Prayers for the Divine Preparation of Hearts
Prayers of the Holy Family Refuge
Prayers from other Revelations
Prayers by Our Lady of Jacarei
Devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph
Prayers to Unite with Holy Love
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary