Final Preparations

Important Appeal from God The Father to All!

Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)

Red Alert

The END of our Freedom, of our Existence

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)


Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

After the Vigil, Our Lady speaks for the unborn life in Göttingen in the house chapel through Anne.


Dearest Mother of God, You promised us that after this vigil in Göttingen You would give us a message that would strengthen us and many other people.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, as she appeared today, will say: My beloved children, My children of Mary, I want to tell you that I, your dearest Mother, have participated in this Vigil. I have spread My wide mantle over you so that nothing happened to you while you went into the city praying the Rosary. I want to thank you. Although you were a small group, you were able to do much, because the Savior worked in you.

My beloved children, you, My little one, were allowed to see Me in three forms: once as Mother of Guadalupe, once as Fatima Madonna and once as Schoenstatt Mother of God. You have seen the angels, my little one. You shall also pass this on. The angels were present kneeling in white and golden robes. They have hovered over all of Göttingen and have accompanied and held together these little souls that you have saved. You looked at these little souls today with little wreaths and golden beads.

My beloved children, I want you to repeat this Vigil Rosary again and again, praying it every month. As you know, many murders are committed against these little people. How much it hurts a mother when she kills her little child. How much it must hurt your Heavenly Mother, who wants to take these little souls to heaven. Yes, they are in heaven, and through your prayer they are about to enter into God's glory.

How much have you already accomplished, My beloved children. How I love you so much that you have endured for so long here in Göttingen, despite many hostilities from the priests. It is not the faithful who enmity you, no, My beloved sons of priests. They no longer believe that I walk the streets.

I gather all My children in many places to make so much difference in prayer. Yes, you go in front of the abortion clinics, in front of the doctor's offices, to get the doctors to stop killing. These mothers have to suffer so much when they have killed their own children. They cannot recover after the abortion, after the murder. They seek help and rush to many therapists who cannot help them. I wish that they would come to Me, to Heavenly Mother. I would comfort her. My children, you have achieved so much. Now many will find to me. How sad I am that this vigil has been and continues to be rejected here in Göttingen. Yes, one is ashamed to walk the streets in prayer.

One is ashamed to wear the priest's clothes here in Göttingen. How valuable it is to show this priest collar. People can no longer go to the priests. You do not recognize them anymore. They are not only turned towards the world, but they wear world clothes. They are no longer recognized as priests. And all are My sons of priests. I am the queen of the priests. I would hide them all under my cloak if they hurried to me. But they reject me like my dearest son, the Son of God.

Also My sons of priests here in Göttingen no longer cultivate the Adoration of My Son in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. It has become a symbol. How great are these offences that must be atoned for. I, as Heavenly Mother, love all these priestly sons and want to lead them back to My Son. He has been waiting for her for so long.

In addition, they also rejected this holy Cenacle here in Göttingen, which could have achieved so much if it had been allowed, so that you, My children, must celebrate it here in this house chapel, because you have been expelled from the church in Göttingen.

Jesus says in between: Yes, they have cast me out, Me, the highest Lord and Savior. How painful it is for Me, for Me, Jesus Christ.

Our Lady continues to speak: How much I suffer with My dearest Son, the Son of God, and continue to weep tears of blood in many places for these offenses. How great this place Göttingen could have grown, because a place of pilgrimage was planned here.

Jesus speaks in between: All My priests are hostile to you, and yet it is I, Jesus Christ, whom they reject here in Göttingen. How painful it is for me and my dearest mother that this is done here in this place, where I scatter so many graces, where you have been praying, atoning and sacrificing for these priests for years, three and a half years already.

Our Lady continues to speak: Your dearest Mother, My sons of priests here in Göttingen, I would like to address you once more with My Immaculate Heart. Come to this heart, it will bring you again to My Son. Watch over you sons of priests! Turn back! Again and again I intercede with My Son for you and weep in your hearts because I cannot reach them to bring them back to My Son.

Believe at last in these truths, in these words of the messenger Anne! How much has she already suffered for you, for you, beloved sons of priests, so that you may receive enlightenment, so that your hearts may become bright again. You are in the deepest darkness. And I want to save you from this eternal abyss. I love you boundlessly. Believe it already! Turn back! The time of the coming of Jesus Christ is near. One day it will be too late for you and that will be bitter for all priests.

And now I want to bless you, My beloved children, as your beloved Mother, as Heavenly Mother with My Son, all the angels and saints of heaven, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be ready, My children, for this last way of struggle. Hold out. Remain courageous and be vigilant.


