Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, December 23, 2007

Fourth Sunday in Advent.

Jesus Christ speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the assembly hall in Duderstadt through His obedient instrument Anne.


Dearest Jesus, I thank you for wanting to speak to us today. You appeared with nine choirs of angels. These nine choirs of angels sang the hosanna. The Blessed Mother appeared as Rosa Mystica and as Fatima Madonna and also Padre Pio. "Dearest Jesus, how grateful we must be to You that You have mercy on our humanity again and again. We love you, Lord Jesus Christ, and we want to comfort you also today".

Jesus Christ now says: My beloved children, My chosen ones, you have come here to Me in this place which I have sanctified. Here My Holy Sacrificial Feast was celebrated in the highest reverence, as I wished by My chosen priestly son. Yes, I have chosen this priest's son to bring My Church to the New Shore. This is incomprehensible to you people. But I am the Godhead. I want to reign now in My omnipotence in My Holy Church. I will purify it to the last place.

As you all know, My beloved children, this My Church has long been defiled, long has it been destroyed by My beloved sons of priests. How often have I, Jesus Christ, given them chances through my little ones, my chosen messengers. They do not listen to my prophets, yes, they reject them, because I, Jesus Christ, come to them in my divinity.

How long have My sons of priests no longer worship Me in My Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. How little they kneel before me. At these folk altars they want to serve Me; no, that is not according to My desire. They serve the people and not me. I will soon smash these folk altars. I say it again, My children, I will smash them.

How sad I, Jesus Christ, am that even My dearest and holiest Mother is no longer served and worshipped. One rejects the rosary. One prays it only silently in the closet. My priests no longer pray the rosary. They no longer love My Heavenly Mother. Yes, in My place of prayer Heroldsbach, where My dearest Mother was allowed to weep, there the tears of My dearest Mother were rejected by this church. It is no longer My Church. I will have to found it anew.

One no longer obeys My Supreme Shepherd, your Holy Father. This Motu Proprio, which he had to announce at my request, is rejected by all the bishops in Germany. Yes, they have set their own rules, their own rules. They want to demand obedience from their subordinates, the priests, but they themselves do not obey the Supreme Shepherd. With what a role model they precede. They have taken a position of power, and they do not want to give up this power.

I desire from these, my sons of priests, who follow me, again and again the practice of humility. You are all members of my body. You can bear fruit only when you obey me and follow me in small steps in the following of me. This succession will be painful and also stony for you. But, my beloved ones, persevere! Wait until the end, for your dearest Jesus will soon bring the soul show.

In this show all will have to recognize their sins, and this is very bitter for some, especially for My chief shepherds who have caused so much mischief in My Church, yes, they throw My holy priests out of their Church. They think it is their church, no, I, Jesus Christ, have appointed My priests as stewards. They are my shepherds and shall lead the flock. But how can they do it at these popular altars?

I only wish that all believers receive Me kneeling in the highest reverence and in oral communion. I wish that no one serves as a layman at My holy altars. It is My sanctuary. I do not want the laity to enter the presbytery. Yes, they too can commit great sacrileges. How many have already received My messages as a chance from My little one who serves Me again and again. Yes, she only speaks My words. She is My willing, humble and obedient child and I lead her, I guide her and My Heavenly Mother will form her. She practices humility and practices obedience to Me, the highest Lord and Savior.

You, My children, have come here to My sacred place, for I am seeking shelter. You have let me in. I was cast out of My places of worship. Therefore, I had to go into a hall and must have celebrated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass here by My priestly son. What a pain for me and my mother. Furthermore you, My children, go to the next hostel search. I will guide you. No one else will guide and direct you than your dearest Jesus. If a door is slammed shut for you, I open the next one for you. Do not be sad and do not despair. Again and again I show you that I am the one. Not you will work, but I will work in you. Practise total input! Pray the rosary! Love My Mother! Travel to these places of pilgrimage! There is still holiness.

Very soon, My beloved ones, I will appear in great power and glory with My Heavenly Mother in the firmament. Do not be afraid. You are all protected. But those who do not follow me, I will not know either, because they do not know me, yes, they reject me.

Comfort Me, My beloved, for I need your comfort. How lovelessly I am treated in my churches. How lovelessly one distributes myself, myself. I am among you with body and soul, with Godhead and humanity. Continue to worship me and adore me. Believe in this Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar, in which you worship Me in the highest reverence. Come to My Holy Masses of Sacrifice. Seek out places where this My Holy Sacrificial Feast is celebrated. More and more I will do this cleansing and you, my beloved ones, walk with me this stony path. I will give you gifts in the greatest abundance.

Be vigilant, for the wicked man is walking. You too can fall. Pay attention to My signs and My wonders. I will give you heavenly scents out of gratitude. You will recognize them because they are not earthly and cannot be compared with earthly scents. In the firmament the sun, moon and stars will change. Also pay attention to these characters. Then I will come, if you do not expect it. No one will be allowed to proclaim the hour and the day. To none of my messengers will I tell this day, because only my Father in heaven knows about this hour. Hold out! Pray for the fallen. Pray that they will get up again. You are here for salvation, for the salvation of My Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Follow me and keep on following me in small steps. Do not ask how I lead. I am the highest God and unfathomable. You are all My beloved children and the dearest children of your Heavenly Mother, the children of Mary. You will be allowed to trample the head with My Heavenly Mother of the serpent. Hold out! Be vigilant! Pray, sacrifice and suffer! Do not complain about your difficulties! I am in these difficulties in your hearts and I suffer everything in you.

And now I want to bless and protect you on this last way of Satan's greatest battle. Believe in it! The victory is certain for you if you endure these sufferings for me, your dearest Jesus, until the last hour. I bless you with My Heavenly Mother, all the angels and saints, with cherubim and seraphim and also with your dearest Padre Pio, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and glory be without end, Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Amen. Dearest Jesus, I thank You that You want to be with us, that You never leave us alone, that You dwell in our hearts when we open the doors of our hearts, that we may celebrate this great feast where You are reborn in our hearts as the little Jesus. Let us practice humility again and again, humility before you and before our neighbor. Stay with us, if the wicked one wants to press us. Amen.


