Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, March 2, 2008

Jesus Christ speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Duderstadt through his instrument Anne.


Jesus Christ now says: I speak again through My willing, obedient and humble instrument Anne. I am the bread of life, and whoever eats of this bread will live for eternity. But whoever receives this bread unworthily eats the judgment.

My beloved sons of priests here in this city, in this sinful city Duderstadt, the bulwark of the Eichsfeld, as I, Jesus Christ, have named it, are you still not waking up? Have you not understood what I wanted to tell you through my messenger, through my messenger appointed by me, not as you call her: as self-appointed? There is a messenger only appointed by me. She says My words and not her words. Do you believe that these words she speaks can come from her own mouth? Do you really believe it, My sons of priests? I humiliated her for a long time. It is very small and pleasing to me, and is my tool and nothing more.

I demand of you the total surrender, My sons of priests, the total surrender. If you do not give me your heart, you cannot have eternal life; yes, you have forfeited it for all eternity. As I have already told you, you stand at the precipice. Do you want to be lost forever? Do you really believe that I, Jesus Christ, may not send My messengers when and where I want? Do you really believe that you should not be raised from your sleep of death?

How much you offend My Divine Heart. I have called you to celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast. Do you do this, My sons of priests? Have you asked yourselves whether you are pleasing me, whether you serve me or mammon? Or are you inferior to the satanic powers and do not want to repent?

How much has already been atoned for you. How many rivers of grace were poured out on this city. This, My Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, will continue to be celebrated in this private home so that I may have mercy on you, you, my sons, who otherwise would be lost, all of you. Not a single priest's son turns back. My sons, how low have you sunk. How deeply have you given yourselves to the satanic powers. You can only serve me, no one else.

You have devoted yourselves to the world and have also externally taken off these, My clothes. Not one of them is willing to wear this priestly clothing. Therefore I send this priest, who is pleasing to me, among you. He will walk through your streets and through the streets of his hometown Göttingen, so that a drop of My blood will fall on this earth and I will have mercy on these cities.

For you will be atoned. Yes, My little messenger has already had to make many sacrifices for you in this time, in this time of grace and penance. She does not complain, but she thinks of my suffering, this heavy suffering, which I must bear through you, my sons. Wake up! I, Jesus Christ, want to be among you again. Open your churches to Me. There is no more life in these holy places.

I want to raise them up, these churches, and above all I want to raise you up. You are My beloved sons of priests and have sworn this loyalty to Me. How much I long for your hearts, how much. Follow me and my truth. Follow My steps and do not pursue My chosen ones, My messengers and priests chosen by Me.

It is a tracking time. But you, my sons of priests, do not continue to do this, this grave sin which then weighs on your hearts. How heavy it weighs in my hands. I want to enliven you and I want to call you in this time of grace: Return to My Holy Table! There you will find refreshment in me, in my bread, in my body.

This bread I would like to transform again in your hands. Speak my words, my words of consecration, in all clarity and in the exact wording. Not one iota may be taken away from these words as before.

I love you and I want to tell you: then, when you come to My Holy Sacrament of Penance, I will forgive you. Yes, just touch my cloak seam and already I will embrace you in my arms, because I am your Lord and God, your Master, yes, your Redeemer.

The love of God will last for eternity. But this abyss is also eternal. Turn away from evil and turn to good, your master, your savior.

I bless you, My beloved children, who persevere in all faithfulness, and who follow My truth and do not want to give up. Be ready to take My last steps until My coming. You are always protected. Not for a moment will I go out of your proximity, and My Mother will always dwell in your hearts and she will protect you in all care.

My Holy Church will never perish even if you are persecuted, even if you are attacked and mocked, because then you mock Me, My sons of priests, not My messengers, Me to the highest degree. And now I want to bless, love, protect and send you out into the world. I want to bless you, My chosen ones, in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. My dearest mother has begged down all the angels and blesses you all individually as a farewell. Receive this blessing and carry it further into the world. Amen.


