Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Passion Sunday.

Jesus speaks serious words to His priests after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in Duderstadt/Eichsfeld through His messenger.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The flock of angels has appeared and St. Michael the Archangel has again swung his sword in all four directions. The Blessed Trinity was present, Jesus as the King in the red robe with the royal crown, the Blessed Mother raised the rosary in her right hand and then she laid it down and took a scepter in her hand. Her crown was set with red stones and she became very bright.

Also today Jesus himself speaks: I, Jesus Christ, speak at this moment through my willing, obedient and humble instrument Anne. She is My messenger appointed by Me and no word is out of her.

Before Abraham was I am. What does this mean, My beloved sons of priests, who do not want to follow Me? I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. Never will my church, even if you are so hostile to it, perish. It is founded by me. My deputy here on earth, speaks to you again and again in my words. All questions of faith are important for you.

You, My sons of priests, keep saying that we have the Bible. Do you really know these scriptures, My scriptures? Do you read in these My writings? If so, then you would recognize that these words spoken by My messenger are from this Bible. No word has been changed what she speaks through me.

You only proclaim the Good News because you do not want to believe in Me. You repel Me in My holy priestly son. Why, My priests, must this happen here in this city? Why can you not recognize that it is I who want to have mercy on you?

And now I want to speak to you something very important: My beloved sons of priests, do you believe, when you hold communion of meal and lift this sacrificial chalice high, do you believe that I can transform myself in your hands, in your sinful hands? Can this be possible?

My beloved ones, through the grave sin against the Holy Spirit that you keep committing, you are separating from your dearest Jesus. Where do you hold the sacrificial chalice? To the people. And to whom do you make this sacrifice? Not to me, my beloved, not to me, then you would turn to my tabernacle, where I am present. Everything is visible to you. Everything is in my writings and you no longer even recognize my truth. How far have you gone from Me?

How often have I given you the opportunity to receive My messages and to read in them, because My truth is in these writings. Not My messenger could ever proclaim these messages from within herself. She would not be able to do this. And this, My beloved sons of priests, you have recognized. And in spite of all this, you turn away and cast them out, and cast out My beloved priestly son, who here in this Holy Place, which I have appointed, offers Me My Holy Sacrifice, also for you, My priestly sons, also for you.

For you it is urgent to turn back. How often have I admonished you, but you do not listen to my words. Again and again you reject me. Yes, you would even be able to stone my messengers because you do not want to hear my truths. They suffer a martyrdom, a martyrdom in their soul through you. Can you answer for that? Do you still have charity in your hearts? Hasn't she disappeared? Then you would be able to accept my messengers out of charity alone and would not expel them from my church. You are no longer the sons of priests I wanted. You have turned away and stone myself through the messengers whom you reject.

You want to obey your bishops? Have you ever considered to whom you obey? Have you not recognized that this is My Holy Sacrificial Feast, which you reject in such a massive way and announce and spread this? You lead my believers astray and that already for a very long time. Again and again I have mercy on you, on your offences, on your grave offences against the Holy Spirit.

How much must still come over you. These grave evils are announced by me and I cannot turn them away from you unless you finally turn back. Especially in this time of grace and penance you have the opportunity to come to this My Holy Sacrament of Penance in all repentance. How many times have I given you the opportunity that I will forgive you and that immediately, and that I want to embrace you again as my lost sons who have returned.

You, My shepherds, have turned away from Me. My words are nothing to you, nothing. You have seized power and do not want to give up this power. Who works in you then? Your egoism and your pride hinder you to celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast, not communion of meals, that is not My Sacrificial Feast. This has been celebrated in all holiness and reverence since eternal times. My heavenly Father has sent Me and He continues to send Me to you so that you may repent.

Again and again this holy sacrificial meal is celebrated here in this apartment. In the home of My beloved Mary, this Sacrificial Feast must take place because you close your churches to Me and do not open them for this Holy Sacrificial Feast. I have addressed you, not only in your hearts, but personally. You have dared to continue committing this grave sin against the Holy Spirit. You all know, My sons of priests, what this means for your Lord and Savior.

What happens in your meal community? You have chosen table fellowship with the people and have turned your backs on Me, and do not even remember that it is I who consecrated you. In this holy hour you have sworn allegiance to me. Why can you not return to these, your words, and start anew with Me? So long I wait for your attention to me. Come and turn back! Your Savior and your dearest Jesus calls you for the last time. These are My last words to you, then I must let this evil come upon all of you, also upon you, My bishops, if you do not give Me glory in this celebration of the Holy Sacrificial Mass and do not celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast and do not for My sake distribute kneeling oral communion for My glory. This is My wish! I love you and I want to win you back, because nothing is dearer to me than my sons of priests who are pleasing to me.

And now, My children, I want to thank you who have appeared at this Holy Sacrificial Feast and who again and again bring sacrifices, the daily sacrifices to which I have called you and do not turn away from Me in spite of many hostilities. You come and believe, sacrifice, pray and atone and therefore I bless you in all love, in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, in the love of the Father, in the love of the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Finally, the Mother of the Church and your Mother bless you all individually, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and glory be without end, Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.


