Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through His child and tool Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During this Holy Mass of Sacrifice many angels entered the sacred space and adored the Blessed Sacrament. I received scents before the Holy Transformation, before the sacrifice, before the Agnus Dei and before Holy Communion. Several times I have felt incense scent.

The Heavenly Father now speaks: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now through My willing, obedient and humble child and instrument Anne. She lies in my will and repeats the words that come from me.

Beloved little flock, beloved chosen one, My beloved little one, yes, you have much to suffer and you have much to suffer It has become a way of suffering, a way of the cross, which leads to Calvary up to the mountain Golgotha. Have no fears! I am in your hearts. The Heavenly Mother protects you and waits for you to implore the angels from her. She will ask them down to you, especially the Holy Archangel Michael.

My beloved little flock, it has been made known to you by this Institute Christ King and High Priest that this Vicar General, My priestly son, has rejected My messages. Yes, he did not reject your messages, My beloved priestly son, which you sent him, but they were My messages from heaven.

It is true, beloved priest's son Rudolf Schmitz, on April 27, 2008 I, the Heavenly Father, had to take My Son out of the tabernacles of the modernist churches. That is the truth. It has nothing to do with the jurisdiction of the bishops, but with My messages and with My truth, because My Son was so disgraced in these modernist churches that I had to take him out of the tabernacles, which hurt Me very much. Believe me, beloved priest's son. I did it very unwillingly.

My messenger Anne gives herself completely. She practices humility and lives humility. She takes it all upon herself to bring these My Messages to the Internet. Not for you who do not want to believe, but for those who believe and want to implore the power of heaven. As you know, My beloved priestly son Rudolf from the USA, I have not sent you these messages for nothing through My priestly son from Göttingen, who is the spiritual director of My instrument Anne. They should wake you up from this heresy.

Have you not realized, beloved priest son, that I have touched you through these messages? Did you think they wanted to take away your power? No, I am the omnipotent. I, the Heavenly Father, speak in these messages in the omnipotence of God. Everything is truth and everything is allowed. Have you not heard My loving words in these messages? Didn't you read it? It is the truth that this Institute was to be founded because of the physical and spiritual suffering of the visionary Maria Sieler. From this Institute holy priests are to be trained who are ready to give themselves on the altar of sacrifice of My Son. Your institute is still responsible for this task. You have been in charge of many. You are the Vicar General of this Institute there. You have taken this responsibility upon yourself and rejected these messages. Have you not considered that you have rejected Me? Have you not told me a clear no? You knew that the messages were already on the Internet. You have looked and checked this. You cannot say to Me, the Heavenly Father: you did not read it and you did not recognize that it was Me. These messages cannot possibly have come from My messenger herself. I, the Heavenly Father, have proclaimed them, not they, My little humble bride and My instrument Anne.

She continues to practice humility. She lets herself be hostile, mocked, but I, the Heavenly Father, will protect her also in this last stage as I have announced her. She is coming towards all of you. It is the last fight of My fight. Do not be afraid! I am with you. I'm not leaving you. Even if it seems so to you at the moment, dear little one, that I am not with you. How could I ever leave you? How could my mother leave you? Yes, you have so far and you have fought the hard fight so far.

Through these messages many fraternities and communities have been tested. You too, beloved son and priestly son of the Institute, have been put to the test. I have fought for you, for your soul, for your responsibility that you carry. One day you will have to give account before the eternal judgment seat. You can't say, "Dear Heavenly Father, I did not know." No, you received the messages. You have been touched. You got chances over chances.

Your Institute has been highly chosen and called by Me, the Heavenly Father. Think again, beloved son of the priest, whether you can declare all this null and void, whether you can reject all that the Heavenly Father makes known to you? Do you think a messenger would be willing to present herself in these messages, which can only contain the truth? She suffers. She suffers for Me and she suffers for you too, beloved son of the priest. You know that the Heavenly Father is the Eternal Love, that you are loved from eternity. You know it. And I want to save your soul, as I have already given many others the chance to save their soul. And I also want to save your soul from the eternal abyss. The evil one is cunning. You know that. You were destined to transmit these messages to the Holy Father as well. You rejected that too. Now these messages go personally to the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI.

As I had already announced, this Vatican II should be withdrawn. In this modernism, My Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, the Church of My Son, lies in total destruction. I must found it anew, I, the Heavenly Father in omnipotence and omniscience. Believe in My truths! Fight the last fight! You are not left alone. You feel the depth of the truth and the depth of your being touched in your hearts. All this is true.

Nobody is willing to give these My truths to the Internet. Why should my little one from itself give these messages to the Internet to present itself? How much suffering she must endure because she is ready to obey Me, the Heavenly Father, and to continue to fight and persevere in the following of Jesus Christ and not to give up. Again and again she gets up and falls again into severe suffering. Then I pick them up and say, "My child, am I not your father? Do I not love you? Do I not look into your heart that suffers? Does not your father suffer with you?"

Support my little one, because she can't take it anymore. She has suffered so much emotionally so far and she is ready to continue to fight because it is about the truth. At human discretion, she would give up. But I lead and guide them and my Heavenly Mother watches over them. Also the holy archangel Michael will have to keep the further from her. It lies in severe suffering. Support them wherever you can. She is My little weak creature, but she never gives up. She believes in my truths, even if everything speaks against these truths. She believes in it. Faith, my children, your faith is important and it comes first. Not what you receive in return, but faith. The truth is the light and the life and you draw from this Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son. You, My son of priests, have celebrated it again in all reverence and My chosen ones with you.

Yes, I, the Heavenly Father, would have liked you to celebrate this Holy Sacrifice in the churches. But you are not even allowed to go into these churches. You have been cast out. My Holy Sacrificial Feast is still refused to be celebrated there. This is my truth. You had to go, you had to descend to a small flock, to diminish yourselves, because no one wanted to go this difficult path with you in truth. You have decided to continue on this path. I have asked you My beloved ones, My beloved little flock, "Do you want to continue on this way?" and you have confirmed it to Me in your hearts. Thank you, because this is a choice for you.

I said: "All days I will stay with you until the end of the world. This does not mean that I have to leave my son in the tabernacles every day, where he is insulted and disgraced in the grossest way. That is not what it means. Do not interpret it like that, my believers. You know that it is untruth and comes from the father of lies, from evil powers.

How many times have you been tested, My children, whether you will stand firm, whether you will continue on this way. You cannot help but obey Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, because She dwells in your hearts, even if you think you are succumbing to powerlessness, especially you, My little one. I know what it looks like in your heart. The two phone calls last night were allowed by me. I told you in your heart: I wish you to call there. I know what you said. It met my wishes. Do not be afraid!

Your friend Katharina also suffers with you. You know it, little one, you know it very well. She stands by you. Your spiritual leader also stands by you. Have I not supplied you with this spiritual guide myself to strengthen you? Have you chosen him? No, you continue to be thankful that he goes and walks this path with you and does not let up in the truth. He too will support you now. Right now it looks like everyone has left you. You suffer for the New Church.

Have I not put this book by Maria Sieler, My messenger, into your hand so that you may see how she suffered for the Church and was destined to suffer for this Institute. She saw everything ahead because she got My insights. It was rejected, rejected, ridiculed, slandered. She also had spiritual leaders who stood by her and strengthened her. How often, My little one, she too was at the end and thought she was helpless and powerless and impotent. But then I, the Heavenly Father, came to her. I came into her heart and gave her the consolation to keep on fighting and not to give up for the true, only, holy, catholic and apostolic Church, which is completely in destruction as many messengers have proclaimed.

But you, My little messenger, are destined to continue to put this truth on the Internet even if it is more and more difficult for you because your illness prevents you from doing so. Your heart has become very sick. You feel it. But your heart beats for me until the last breath. You belong to me and you belong to me. You, the little band, are ready to fight on this path. Do not give up and ward off the wicked one! As you know, this enemy is so cunning that I have to send down to you again and again the Holy Archangel Michael, who repels these enemies from you. Your hearts will be filled again and again with the power of God and with the daily Holy Sacrifice of My Son Jesus Christ.

Yes, My beloved priest son, you will continue to take confessions from the people who have been expelled from My Church. My little one may tell you her sins. She regrets them with all her heart. From whom should she receive this sacrament of penance? One wanted to cast it out so that no one might know anything about it, namely the truth, the full truth. And this confession, this sacrament of penance, is especially important for them. My blood is made liquid by them. She is ready to confess. She is ready to confess her guilt, admit her faults and weaknesses and continue to fight in humility.

I love you, you, My chosen ones, My little flock, who now still want and want to follow this way in the following of My Son Jesus Christ, who have the firm will. You are meant. You will be strengthened and others will read from you what divine strength means. Where human strength ceases, there the Divine strength becomes effective.

One path ends and the next begins in the power of God. You cannot understand, My children. You cannot fathom what is happening now. I, in my omniscience, will arrange everything and I cannot make it known to you. Trust Me! As you know, this path is to be walked in deep trust, only in deep trust because I am guiding you, because it is the path of Providence and the path of admission and the path of suffering. You are in My school of suffering with My Heavenly Mother, the Queen of priests and the Queen of angels. And so I bless you in the Trinity, in Divine Love, in Divine Strength, in Divine Truth, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The whole heaven has blessed you, so that you can go out strengthened and carry on. Love is the greatest, My children! Harret out! When weakness comes, I am there, the heavenly Father. Never can I leave you, My beloved children. Believe in it! That is your strength. Amen.


