Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Feast of the Holy Mother Anna.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


During the Holy Sacrificial Mass, large crowds of angels are involved. They celebrated the Holy Mass of Sacrifice with dignity: Kneeling praying, praising and praising. The altar of the Virgin Mary with the image of the Holy Mother Anna was completely immersed in gold with silver rays emanating from the Mother of God. Rays also emanated from Saint Joseph, from Padre Pio and especially from the little baby Jesus. The rays were interwoven with small golden stars, which once again spread over the entire altar of Mary.

The Heavenly Father says: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. My beloved children, My chosen ones, today on this Sunday you have celebrated the feast of the Holy Mother Anne. It was also a great feast for you and to you, My little one, your Holy Mother Anna says the warmest congratulations, because she is your patron saint. She wishes you all the blessings of heaven, because you are loved from eternity. Hang in there, my little one! I, your patron saint, the Holy Mother Anna, may also stand by you.

Yes, My beloved, the Holy Mother Anna was allowed to receive in her womb the Holy Mary, the future Mother of God. She became Mother of God. Once she was Maria. She grew up in the womb of the Holy Mother Anna in all holiness. She was brought up by the Holy Mother Anna. This mother Anna has found the treasure and the pearl in her life. She sought the pearl, the pearl of holiness, the treasure of her heart, the loving Triune God. That was her treasure all her life, her pearl that shone, that she found. She never deviated from the Heavenly Father, from His plan, because He conceived this plan to conceive and also give birth to the Holy Mother Mary in her womb. She has grown in this holy womb. In her was holiness from the beginning. Also in the mother Anna.

You, My beloved and chosen ones, call on this Holy Mother Anna quite often for your protection. You too shall find this pearl and you too shall keep this treasure, the treasure of the Trinity, in your heart. There is nothing greater than finding this treasure and this pearl for you. Look again and again at the holiness of the Blessed Mother. What has become of her: The Mother of God as an immaculate recipient. She has never committed a sin. She was conceived without spot in the Holy Mother Anna. Through the Holy Spirit she conceived and gave birth to the Son of God. Is this not pure holiness, My children? Today you were allowed to celebrate this day of Mother Anna - this Sunday. This plan was also conceived by the Heavenly Father that this should be a Sunday this year. Sunday is also a holiday.

Mother Anna will also show you the way. She, too, may ask the angels down. She stands with her holy daughter, with her mother of God. She can be with her in heaven. She may help her in heaven. She is allowed to support them in heaven, because the Mother of God has been chosen as the Mother of the Church, - the new Church and this is what heaven wants to achieve.

Yes, it remains the truth that this Holy Sacrificial Feast, which today was again celebrated in all reverence in the Trentine Rite by My holy priestly son, always remains in the truth because it is the Sacrificial Feast of My Son. I give you My Son again and again on these altars where the Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son is celebrated. Is this not a gift to you, My beloved ones? Can there be anything greater for you to draw from this holiness and let this holiness flow into your hearts? Is it not Divine Love that enters into your hearts, that dwells with you, that sustains and strengthens you? This love will never end. It will grow in your hearts. And why, My children, because you are formed by Our Lady, formed in the way of holiness. This includes victims, even the greatest victims. Let not slacken in the sacrificial life and in atonement. As you all know, so many people do not follow this way in the following of Jesus Christ My Son. They are afraid of the victims. You want to have a pleasant life. But without the cross, my children, you will not be able to reach the goal. No one can enter into eternal bliss without the cross. The more this cross is loved, the more holy the cross of each personality, the more holy he will progress on his path.

Little by little Our Lady will also guide you, because she too walked this Way of the Cross, the Way of the Cross to Calvary up to the top of Mount Golgotha. There the cross shines when you have stepped up. It is waiting for you. Surrounds it! For you cannot receive more love than through the cross. This is love, especially of my son, because he has fulfilled my will. He died for all of you and I gave Him up for you, for all sinners of the whole world. How painful and bitter it is for My Son, the Son of God, that so many people have not accepted these graces and still do not do so today. But you, my beloved ones, go ahead. You continue to move forward not backward. Sometimes you think your way stops. Then My Son, Jesus Christ, goes this way. He'll take you with him. He supports you. He lifts your cross when it becomes too heavy for you, because He suffers with you as the Son of God.

In the Holy Sacrament of the Altar you can worship Him as deity and humanity. He is there for you. He shows himself to you in the monstrance. How much love He has for you, that He looks into your hearts, that He knows what is going on in your hearts, what moves you. He wants to take the cross from you. But sometimes the Heavenly Father must allow many things.

I, the Heavenly Father, know how you are and I am very sorry that you have to take on yourselves this pain and often these great difficulties and sicknesses that I allow. To holiness, My children, to holiness you walk! You are still on this earth, but you are connected to the supernature. And this is the most important thing for you that you are not earthbound, for the earth is a vale of tears. But if you connect this life with Divine Life, you will receive Divine Strengths. They guide you. They will not let you go. Jesus Christ, My Son, takes you by the hand and says: "Go on, My children, go on! I am with you." Your dearest mother also takes you by the hand. She is caring as Mother, as Heavenly Mother, caring for you. She looks into your heart. She feels every pain with you. Who could feel this pain more than Heavenly Mother? Didn't she suffer the greatest pain with her son on His Way of the Cross, which was difficult and hard for her? I, as Heavenly Father, had to see this how much My Mother suffered, how she suffered unbearably. I would gladly have spared her this sacrifice of the cross.

She is to be chosen as Coredemptrix, because she is involved in the redeeming life. She is the Mother of the Church and the Mediatrix of All Graces and the Advocate. How many people have you called in their need and they have been answered.

Your beloved mother Anna also follows this path, because she gave birth to Our Lady, her holy daughter. Holiness was within her. She also suffers. She is the mother of the Mother of God. How can it be without suffering and without pain? She too was not spared this path. She has lovingly raised her daughter in holiness and caring. She was allowed to experience many joys, but also later a lot of suffering, and even today she must look at this suffering of the Church, because her daughter is the mother of the Church. She has been chosen as the mother of the church. And this church, this one and only, holy, catholic and apostolic church is in complete destruction. The Holy Mother Anna must also see this. Is it not also painful for them to have to experience this today on their day, on their feast day?

Yes, my dear little one, it is your patron saint. Ask them especially that you may persevere on your path until the end, that you may not give up, that you may let yourself be strengthened, that you may accept these graces of strength and your many sufferings. Look, the Holy Mother Anna sees into your heart. Do you think it remains untouched by your suffering? Do you think that she does not know the full truth, the truth of the Triune God? It lies in all truth, for it has lived the truth. She has never deviated from this path, from this difficult path. You do not know much, My children, of the life of the Holy Mother Anna. She too foresaw many things that her daughter would suffer as a mother of God. It was not only joy in her heart. She too had to experience suffering. Their suffering was also admitted by Me, the Heavenly Father. It has been painful for them too. She too has often said, "If only this cup would pass me by. But, dear Father, not my will, but thy will be done.

My beloved children, this is also your way, this is also your support. The will of the Heavenly Father is decisive. If you walk this path again and again and confirm that you want to walk it with the "Yes, Father," the path will become difficult for you, but the supports will be given to you. You will not succumb to this suffering and pain. Even if it often seems to you as if Jesus would not go this way with you anymore. No, remember, He has taken your hand. Even in the darkness He is there. Then He looks especially into your hearts, then He especially suffers this suffering. He wants to make you happy, happy in eternal bliss. There you will be allowed to participate in the eternal wedding feast. And that is your goal, the goal of eternity. Nothing else should be more important for you than to keep this goal in mind. To live holiness is difficult, it is unfathomable. But you have the certainty that you may once enter into eternal bliss. You will be picked up on your last day and even with your last breath you are not alone. Jesus breathes out the last breath in you. Even then he is with you. Can you imagine the love that He must let flow into your hearts to experience this more deeply, because the love is so great and unfathomable and it never stops. Every day it arises anew in your hearts. Every day is a new day of love, a new beginning with heaven. You are not alone on this path. Heaven is always with you. This shall be your guarantee that you want to reach the goal and never give up the fight.

Fight, My children, the time has come, the time of the last fight. You will be allowed to trample the head of the serpent with My Mother, your Heavenly Mother. Isn't it a grace to be with the Heavenly Mother, to trample the head of the serpent with her? So you are protected and safe from evil. Admittedly he would like to press you in this last time. But he will not be allowed to press you so far that you fall over, that you cannot keep an eye on my plan. No, for that Divine Love is so deep in your heart that you can resist it. Behold My Holy Archangel Michael. How much he loves you. How much he wants to keep evil from you again and again. How often he raises his sword. How often are your guardian angels near you. They ward off evil. Recognize this, My children! There are many situations every day where your guardian angels accompany you and protect you from evil. They are not called guardian angels for nothing. They are there for your protection. They make sure that you stay on this path. Continue to call down your guardian angels, just as Our Lady does for you.

And now your Heavenly Father in the Trinity blesses you with your dearest Mother, Holy Mother Anne, your patron saint My little one, with Saint Joseph, Saint Padre Pio, with your Protectees and all the other Saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be blessed, be loved, be protected and continue to be the messengers because I love you and I want to see you progress. Amen. Love lasts forever. This protection is assured to you.


