Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Portio nodules discharge.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. I would like to say that legions of angels moved into this house chapel today, kneeling around the tabernacle to adore the Blessed Sacrament. The Mother of God as Queen of Fatima, the Child Jesus and St. Joseph were brightly illuminated. Padre Pio blessed us and his robe became dark red. The image of the Heavenly Father was flooded with such bright light that I cannot describe it. Also the Way of the Cross shone in a bright glow.

The Heavenly Father speaks today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak again through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in My will and speaks only words that come from Me, words of truth.

My beloved children, My little flock, you who especially persevere here and also those who belong to it, who follow the way of My Son Jesus Christ in the following, this little flock is meant. My beloved, persevere.

First of all I want to thank you all for the many sacrifices, the prayers of reparation and the love you show to My Son in the Holy Trentine Sacrificial Banquet. Only this Holy Sacrificial Meal is meant, because My Son offers Himself again to Me, the Heavenly Father, on all these sacrificial altars through My beloved sons of priests.

I would like to thank you too today, My beloved priestly son, for your many sacrifices and your celebrated Holy Trentine Sacrificial Masses. I would like to thank you, My beloved Katharina, for your many efforts and work for the Internet. I want to thank you, My beloved Dorothea, for your perseverance and for your many efforts to continue sending these messages.

Beloved Marianne, also you are meant, especially in this small group. You persevere in prayer. You make the greatest effort to make atonement for the many sacrileges that are done at the grinding tables.

My beloved sons of priests, My appointed bishops, have you not recognized that the truth is proclaimed to you, that the truth is sent to you? Have you not recognized these many chances I have given you? Have you not recognized the holiness contained in these messages? But again and again you have rejected them.

Do not be tempted. This is the theme of this Holy Sunday. The evil spirit will overpower all. But it depends on you whether you resist these temptations. You all have the power to renounce these temptations. I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity with My Son, am in your hearts and want to keep away all temptations from you so that you do not succumb to them. What have you done, My beloved bishops? Why did you not spread this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass all over the world? Why do you not stand by My Holy Sacrificial Feast? Have you not recognized it, this holiness? Don't you want to move forward? Do you want to continue to prevent this holy sacrificial meal? Will you work to destroy My Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church through the power of Satan, through the evil powers that surround you? Yes, they can enter into you. Fend them off. It is time, My beloved appointed bishops. Do you not have a world mission to support and sustain the Holy Father, My Vicar of Christ on earth? Have you fulfilled this task? No, you pressed him. You even mock him. You reject his truths, which he wants to proclaim. Can you still answer for what you are doing before your Father, before your heavenly Father, who himself chose this representative of Christ on earth for Germany, in order to bring Germany back to the top, to the top of faith? How great this apostasy has become! How great is the apostasy!

My beloved cardinals, bishops and priests, how many rosaries are prayed for you, fruitful rosaries and still you do not ward off the evil one. Why? Am I not your lord and master? do I not have the omnipotence to take My Son out of these tabernacles where there is banquet fellowship at these tables and where My Son is placed in a corner, no longer in the middle of the altar? Can you not recognize it, whom you serve in this meal fellowship, namely the people, not me and My Son Jesus Christ in the Trinity. To him you shall offer this sacrifice. Turned to him you shall implore for the people, for the believers. You shall be role models, role models for the whole world.

How important is the priesthood! A priest who lives in holiness is worth his weight in gold. He is showered with graces. In His consecrated hands My Son Jesus Christ is transformed. Isn't that a miracle, a miracle of mysticism? Is that not the greatest mystery? Do you still not believe in it? Why do you reject this? The longing for your hearts, beloved cardinals, bishops and priests has become boundless in Me. How many messengers have I appointed to cry out my truths into the world to fetch you back.

Beloved flock of bishops, how much bitterness is in My heart. Have I not gone this way of the cross for you too? Have I not also given you the opportunity to forgive all sins. Why don't you give people the opportunity to receive this Holy Sacrament of Penance from holy priests? Why did you make a penitential prayer from this holy sacrament? Why did you put it on the side like that? And the Holy Eucharist, is it not the most important thing for you too? Is My Son not in your midst? Will He not dwell in your hearts? How much love he puts up for you to bring you back. Turn back! How often have I, as Heavenly Father, touched your hearts, and how often have I given you these opportunities? But you do not stop persecuting the only one, Catholic Church. You yourselves are. And I still love you with My Divine Heart. I do not wish you to fall into the eternal abyss. The love is so great in my heart, you cannot imagine it and you cannot fathom it.

How many atonement sacrifices have I appointed for you? How much atonement does My Little One do with her small group. How much she perseveres. How many sufferings she takes upon herself. Sometimes she thinks she cannot bear it any longer, but she is supported by her group, by many flocks of angels, especially by her dearest mother. She accepts these sufferings, especially the sufferings of her heart. They have become greater than before because My Son Jesus Christ has to endure the greatest sufferings in their hearts to save My Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church which He has founded. He does not want to let them go under. And it will never happen that the Evil One gets so much power that it goes down, this Only Catholic Church. Confess yourselves to this One Church. It is not easy for anyone to admit to this today, because the persecutions and mockeries are great. The rejections and slander have become more. That is why it is difficult for many to admit to it. Their hearts want to say yes, but their flesh is weak. They succumb to the temptations, the temptations of the world, which were spoken of today in the Holy Gospel.

Yes, the Heavenly Father would like to keep everything from you. He loves you. He protects you. He is the Alpha and the Omega and he is the Omnipotent. I myself in my omnipotence am with you and work through you and in you. You cannot imagine the ways I have to go to save My Church, to rebuild it.

My beloved Pius brothers, once again I would like to address you. Yes, I have deliberately said, My beloved Pius Brothers. Do not succumb to temptation and recognize Vatican II. It does not. You have fought for the truth for many, many years. Stand firm!

Acknowledge however the mysticism! I, the Heavenly Father, want to make many things known in your hearts and cannot. But I wish it. Why do you reject My messengers? If you reject them, at least recognize the truth in these messages. My messengers do not demand recognition. On the contrary, they remain in the humility and small tools that give themselves to the Heavenly Father, that practice total devotion, that never want to seize power and realize themselves. No, humility is the highest commandment for them. They love the church and they fight for the truth.

In this struggle you are all, My beloved ones. How many more would I like to save through you, through your steadfastness, through your example. Be brave, be courageous and do not succumb to temptation. You have the strength to resist all temptations. Your Heavenly Father watches over you. You will not be tempted by your powers. The temptation is there for strengthening. Strong courage is required. Divine strength shall lift up your heart in truth. Only the truth can bring everything to light. And the truth is important for all people. They long for the truth. But unfortunately, this truth is no longer taught to them in the modernist churches. They are no longer made aware of what sin is, what the Holy Sacrament of Penance means, how important the Sunday commandment is, and how important the Ten Commandments are.

Why, My beloved Supreme Shepherd, did you enter a mosque, why? Have I not strengthened you enough? Why did you inaugurate this inter-religious center in Fatima, why? Was it not obvious to you that it is untruth and sin? Why have you still not taken back this Vatican II? Take it back and pretty soon! I, the Heavenly Father, am waiting for it. Why did you not practice this Motu Proprio yourself, that is, why did you proclaim this Motu Proprio and not put into practice this truth you proclaimed? You also said this modified word 'for all'. You too have celebrated this meal fellowship. Proclaim it again and proclaim it ex cathedra. My beloved Supreme Shepherd, you are called, chosen, appointed by Me. You can do it. To you I give the strength, only to you alone. Do not succumb to the temptations of the evil powers, who want to keep you from it and who teach you untruth, error and false doctrine. Into this false doctrine they want to lead you, in order to continue to destroy the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. It lies already in the destruction.

Don't you see? Will you not believe the words of your Heavenly Father? If you do not believe the messenger, at least believe in the truth of your Heavenly Father. He asks you through the messengers. If you reject them, at least believe in this truth, which they proclaim in the will of the Heavenly Father and not through themselves. They are very small tools as I have told you. They are a dust, nothing more. And they do not want to be anymore. They are willing to make the greatest sacrifices for this saint, Catholic Church. They want to make the biggest sacrifices. They are ready, My messengers. How long have you been telling me this willingness and availability? Do you not recognize it that they make themselves available and no more? How many messengers have I appointed around the world? Do you want to silence them all to death? Will you not thereby acknowledge My Church, the Church of Jesus Christ? Do you want to remain and remain in ecumenism, in this great falsehood, in this sin, in this turning away from God? Do you not love your church? Take up the fight! Everything that you take back and repent of with all your heart will be forgiven. Never will your Heavenly Father reproach you for these offenses. No, once forgiven is always forgiven. Repent them deep in your hearts. You have the opportunity to change and take back everything you have done against the Catholic faith. You have the opportunity. You can do it and you get Divine Power.

The time has come. Not only the time of the battle in the last phase, but also of My coming, the coming of My Son Jesus Christ with His Most Holy Mother, the Immaculate Mother of Victory. She will crush the head of the serpent with you, My beloved children of Mary, and with you who stand and walk in the following of My Son. You are ready to fight this fight, the last fight and cost it your life. You have said it and you stick to it. In faithfulness you will persevere. Love, loyalty and humility belong together. Heavenly Mother will teach you the virtues. It will continue to shape you on this path and will not cease to let the Divine Strengths and Divine Love flow deeper into your hearts. We, the Trinity, love you. We love you all. Your Heavenly Mother also loves you. She is the queen of priests and the mother of the church. She too is in the biggest fight.

Heaven will not let this church sink. Fight with and stand in the fight of good. Evil wants to keep you away. But you fight only for the good because I give it to you and because I wish it from you.

My beloved ones, My beloved little flock, all those who want to fulfill My plan, the Heavenly Plan, in the following of My Son Jesus Christ, I bless you, I protect you and especially I want to send you out in this time, in this phase, the final phase. I embrace you and I love you. You are especially blessed in Divine Strength as My messengers. With My Heavenly Mother and with all the saints, I bless you now in the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Legions of angels are waiting for your request that they may stand by your side.

My children, continue to be ready to stand in this struggle and pray for My little one to persevere. She and her spiritual leader are the most persecuted. They need your prayer with their small group. Pray, sacrifice, atone and persevere. Do not despair of how things are today, but pray and become courageous and strong. Amen.

Marian Holy-Spirit Rosary for our Holy Father, the Cardinals, Bishops and Priests (Desired by the Heavenly Father - made known to a visionary).


To pray like a normal rosary.


Hail Mary...

1 Through the Holy Face of Jesus, O Mary, implore the Holy Spirit for our Holy Father, the Cardinals, Bishops and priests of the Heavenly Father. Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners...


Hail Mary...

Through the wounded heart of Jesus, O Mary, implore the Holy Spirit for our Holy Father, the Cardinals, Bishops and priests of the Heavenly Father. Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners...


Hail Mary...

Through the precious blood of Jesus, O Mary, implore the Holy Spirit for our Holy Father, the Cardinals, Bishops and priests of the Heavenly Father. Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners...


Hail Mary...

Through the wounds of Jesus, O Mary, implore the Holy Spirit for our Holy Father, the Cardinals, Bishops and priests of the Heavenly Father. Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners...


Hail Mary...

5. by the name of Jesus, O Mary, invoke the Holy Spirit for our Holy Father, the Cardinals, Bishops and priests of the Heavenly Father Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners...


After each sentence you pray the addition: "Holy Mary, Mother of God and our dear Mother, sacrifice the precious Blood of Jesus, His Holy Wounds and Merits and our prayers to the Heavenly Father as a support, that He may strengthen our Holy Father in His great task, that it may lead to God's desired goal, and pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen."


1 x Come Holy Spirit come through the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your so beloved bride.

1 x Glory to the father...

1 x O my Jesus forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell.

1 x Praise and adoration without end', Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

1 x May the dogma of the Coredemptrix, Mediatrix of all graces and Advocate be proclaimed soon by the Church.


At the very end: O Mary Coredemptrix and Mediatrix of all graces, pray for us who take our refuge in You.


