Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. A huge crowd of angels was admitted today during the holy sacrificial mass. The altar was brightly lit. Many rays came out of the tabernacle and went far beyond this room. The Blessed Mother and the whole altar of Mary were also brightly lit.

The Heavenly Father says: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today on this Sunday through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in My will and speaks only words that come from Me and not from her.

My beloved chosen ones, My beloved little flock, remain together, remain united and remain in the succession of My Son. In this last time the evil one has a great power. Hell is empty and people are possessed.

My chief shepherds, I would like to call you again: But give these believers, who are imprisoned by the evil one, the possibility to be freed. Orders exorcists. You hinder this. You say that these people should go to a mental hospital. You say that they are possessed by the evil spirit, but cannot be freed. You do not want it. You also hinder the exorcists, who have really still been consecrated as exorcists, to free these people through Jesus Christ. How many priests are possessed today. How many priests in this obsession hold the sacrificial banquet, as they say. How many sacrileges do they commit then. The unspirit is in them and in modernism as you know, - My chief shepherds.

Furthermore, you obstruct My Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite because you do not want it, because you do not want to lose your power. You mean you have the great power to prevent everything. Is it not your Heavenly Father in the Trinity who is the Regent of His Church? Ask yourselves whether you do not lie in this error and persist in this error. You are hardened. Come back to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church!

Also My Supreme Shepherd does not lie in the truth. He too continues to celebrate the modernist communion. He too celebrates at a popular altar. My beloved shepherds, I want your souls back. I woo your souls. I beg for your souls. I stand before you as a beggar. Why do you not let yourselves be softened?

Yesterday, ten evil spirits were driven out of a person by My beloved priest son, who only celebrates the Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Mass, because he performed this exorcism for My good pleasure. He has the exorcist consecration as the priests used to have it. And today? What is taught in the seminars: Not to pray the rosary and not to show piety. These pious seminarians will not receive ordination. So you decide, My chief shepherds. Do you think you are in the truth? You are in erroneous belief, in unbelief, and continue to remain in it. Do you want to be thrown into the eternal abyss? How often have I admonished you. How often have I given you these chances.

My Messages contain My truths and not My little one speaks in these Messages, no, I alone, the Ruler of the whole world, of the universe, the Regent of My Church, - My Church, not your Church. You have created a modernist church out of it.

The laymen are at the altar. The laity touch the body of My Son. They touch the monstrance, the holy of holies. How is that possible? A deacon must never touch the Blessed Sacrament. Only My priests may do this. Only they may distribute the Body of My Son Jesus Christ.

But I love them and I want their souls back. I have bought them with My dear blood. I wrestle for her. If you knew how much I love your souls and how I long for them, you would want to turn back immediately. Also in places of prayer and pilgrimage the truth is not proclaimed. Also at My place of prayer, My pilgrimage place Heroldsbach, many sacrileges continue to happen.

Pray, atone and sacrifice, My beloved little flock, who are in the following of My Son. I love you and will support you and send you out. And now your beloved Heavenly Father in the Trinity blesses you with His dearest Mother, all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be loved, protected and remain in the love of Jesus Christ! Amen.


