Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Vigil, prayer vigil for the unborn life

Our Lady speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and after the Vigil in the House Chapel in Göttingen through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

Our Lady says: I, your dearest Mother of God, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. My beloved ones, you, My little flock, have walked through the city today, on this day of prayer vigil praying the rosary, to pray the little souls into heaven. These little souls with their accompanying angels went before you and a great innumerable multitude followed you.

Today you have prayed into heaven a great, indeed the greatest flock of little souls that has been saved so far. I would like to thank you as your mother for making these many sacrifices. Especially you, my little one, have suffered unspeakably today. I thank you for this suffering and for this sacrifice and atonement. You have not only saved little souls, because you are also there to lead the priests to knowledge. And that is what you have done today with your sorrow. Today you, my little one, may use the cortisone ointment once.

You, my little one, carry the face of Christ through the city. Have you measured in your suffering what it means to show the bruised face to men? Thankfully you may accept this suffering and pain.

You saved these little souls who were murdered today, because I made sure that they could go straight to heaven. Your dearest mother had to watch two murders today, performed by the doctor, at the place where you were praying, and I almost fainted.

What a great suffering to kill these little souls in a bestial way. This doctor still won't stop killing. At this medical practice or clinic you prayed for these little ones. They are grateful to you, and they have gone straight up to heaven. They rejoiced in your prayer and thanked and waved to you.

You also prayed for these mothers who had their children murdered. They cannot cope with this suffering alone. I, as Heavenly Mother, want to stand by them. I want to take her in my arms because I am also a mother and I had to sacrifice My only Son for the sins of the whole world. What pain I have suffered and what pain I suffer with you, beloved mothers, who have allowed this murder to happen to you. Come to the Sacrament of Penance of My beloved Son. There you will be forgiven. There salvation is given to you, because your soul is sick, deeply sick. Please do not see a therapist, because he will not be able to help you. They will lead you in another direction, but not in the direction of faith. Only faith can heal you. And I, the Heavenly Mother, will lead you to My Son. That is what I am here for, dearest mothers. Come to Me, the Immaculate Heart of your Blessed Mother, your dearest Mother. She will stand by you on your future path. And I, as Heavenly Mother, will lead you again and again to My Son. There is salvation. There the healing of your soul will be given to you.

Yes, My beloved ones, again and again your dearest Mother thanks you for these many sacrifices and the atonement with which you can save many, many people from eternal damnation. Today you have saved the little souls. Tomorrow you will be there for the priests, - for the unbelieving priests, for the bishops, for the cardinals and also for the Holy Father. Tomorrow is the priest's Thursday. Also tomorrow you will receive a message, the message from the Heavenly Father to a priest's son.

What a joy it is for you to be in contact again and again with My Heavenly Father, with all of heaven, with your dearest Mother, as on this day. Give thanks and go every step obediently forward to the mountain Golgotha. You will master everything if you go along step by step in the following of My Son Jesus Christ. Only then, when you fulfill everything in its entirety, do you have the full protection of heaven, because the event is at the door. My Son will come in this event and I, as Heavenly Mother, may trample the head of the serpent.

You, My children of Mary, go along with these steps. I thank you for taking My hand and walking with Me. I will stand by you in every situation because I dwell in your hearts with My Son Jesus Christ. You receive Him daily in Holy Communion. This is union with My Son, with His heart and the heart of your mother. I also dwell in your hearts and will never leave you and stand by you in your needs and fears and also in your sicknesses.

I love you and I want to bless you now in the Trinity with all the angels and saints and also with these little souls. They may also bless you today - this conspicuous flock. Be blessed in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You, My beloved little flock, have the full protection of heaven. Do not develop fears in this last phase because I am with you and I will come with My Son and protect you. Amen.


