Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Feast of the holy arch martyr Stephanus.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Even today, large hosts of angels were involved before the Holy Sacrificial Feast and during the Holy Sacrificial Feast. The altar of Mary was surrounded by angels. The baby Jesus shone in the golden light. The newly gilded canon tables flashed and gave rays into the whole sacral space and the red stones in them sparkled in a special deep red light.

The Heavenly Father now speaks: I, the Heavenly Father, speak again today on the second day of Christmas, the feast day of My Saint Stephen, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She is entirely in My will and speaks My words.

My beloved children, My little remaining flock, you are completely in the will and plan of the Heavenly Father. You are all mine. You have surrendered your will to Me, i.e. you have made the total surrender. Everything what you do and want to accomplish lies in my will, - in my providence.

Today you have celebrated the feast of St. Stephen He was stoned to death out of an overwhelming love for Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. Yesterday I brought and gave you love, Divine Love, on the first day of Christmas. You should be immersed in these, my love, to experience these Divine strengths. Today I will speak a little about Saint Stephen and about his love for Me.

My beloved children, has not this Saint Stephen accomplished the highest thing for Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity? Did he not let himself be stoned, because one wanted to take everything from him, the divine, faith and truth, - faith in all this truth? He prayed for his enemies despite everything. He forgave them, for he came up to the love of the enemy.

My beloved little remaining flock, you too are persecuted to the highest degree. You too are being attacked. They mock you and reject you, although you continue to give only the truth, the truth of heaven, to the Internet and because you believe in it. You prove your deep faith. And you My little messenger and prophetess, how despised you are, how mocked you are, yes, they drag you to court.

Can My chief shepherds and My supreme shepherd not recognize that it is I, I who announce the truth through them? Can she announce herself, My beloved chief shepherds and shepherds who fall into untruth to her? Would it be possible that My messenger would proclaim these My truths without human fears, and in addition, she could post them on the Internet? She would succumb to her human fears. It would not be possible.

But you do not recognize it. You reject this prophetess although it is my words she announces, although I have taken away all fears from her. Have you ever read these messages with your heart? Can you then still reject me in omnipotence and omniscience? Don't I mean it very well with all of you? Do I not want to introduce you again into My truth? How long have you been cultivating modernism? How long has this meal fellowship been celebrated in modernism? Was it not right and good that I, the Heavenly Father, took My Son out of these modernist tabernacles, because He was highly disfigured in this meal fellowship towards the people?

How many people have you led astray, My priests? Can you answer for that? Why do you stone My messengers and messengers anyway. Yes, you stone them mentally. You silence them because you do not want to believe. You despise them and publicly take away their honor. Is this right what you are doing? Have you not even obeyed into your hearts that it is I, the Almighty and Omniscient God in the Trinity?

The Heavenly Father wants to lead you again, but you do not obey Me. That is why, my beloved chief shepherds and shepherds, I had to take the protection from you, - the Divine Protection. You are completely at the mercy of evil. How often have I told you: Turn back, turn back! Celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite! Why did you not follow this? Why do you continue to oppose these messengers who proclaim it? Why do you reject them completely? They have received prophetic prophecies from Me as to how it will be in the New Church, in the Church newly founded by My Son.

Was it not a sign for you, My beloved shepherds, and a sign for you, My beloved Holy Father, that you had to fall on Christmas Eve? Did a cardinal have to fall and be taken to hospital? Yes, Freemasonry works there in the Vatican. It completely destroys the Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Don't you see this? Do you not feel this in your own body and soul? She's dead. I wanted to bring them back to life, but you did not want to.

Now it goes to My messengers like Saint Stephen. Furthermore you will persecute and despise them, although it is my words that announce them. I love you, My little flock, My remaining little flock, who continue on the difficult road to Golgotha and climb up to the top. You will be able to suffer and endure everything, even though the worst is done to you. I, Jesus Christ in the Trinity, I the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit work in you. I speak out of you and I love you boundlessly because you continue to obey me in full strength. I always want to fill you with Divine Strength and be there for you.

Believe and trust more deeply and distance yourself more and more from the worldly. My Heavenly Mother forms you, because she too loves you boundlessly and constantly asks the angels for your protection: the Holy Archangel Michael, the patron saint of your house chapel, and all other Holy Angels. They accompany you on your way. Not for one second are you alone on this path. Steps forward, does not look back, but goes forward, - steadily forwards without looking back. I am with you all days until the end of the world.

I bless you in the Trinity with all love, kindness, gentleness and faithfulness and with My Heavenly Mother, all angels and saints, especially today with St. Stephen, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are loved and are loved from eternity! Live love and remain faithful to heaven! Amen.


