Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Feast of Saint John (Evangelist).

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The whole room was filled with graces, that is, with rays of grace and very bright golden light. The candles flared up and became bigger. The angelic crowds grew and moved into this house chapel from the front and back. Around the baby Jesus in the manger were many angels and worshipped the baby Jesus. There were also many angels around the Blessed Mother. St. Michael the Archangel was dipped in gold and the golden canon tablets that came to this feast and were seen from heaven, shone and gleamed and gave back these rays in gold, silver and red. The cross above the tabernacle was immersed in a sea of rays. St. John, the favorite disciple of Jesus, has appeared.

The lilies and roses on the altar of Mary suddenly opened. All the lilies and also the roses showed their full splendor and fragrance. The angel above the baby Jesus sounded the trumpet and the angels sang the Kyrie and the Gloria.

The Heavenly Father says: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She is My daughter and speaks all that I give her. It is My full truth and nothing is out of her.

My beloved little flock, My chosen ones and My beloved ones, today, on this feast day, the feast of Saint John, the Evangelist and the Apostle, this Saint John, My beloved, was the favorite disciple of My Son. He was allowed to rest in the heart of My Son. What does that give you back, My beloved ones? That you also may rest in the heart of My Son and also in the heart of My baby Jesus in the manger. You may show that you love It, for you are loved immeasurably, especially in these Christmas days.

This favorite disciple has a great task for you. This prophecy in the Apocalypse will be fulfilled completely. He was the greatest prophet I had chosen. Look at this disciple and look at his purity. That is why he was also the favorite disciple and the favorite of My Blessed Mother. He protected My Blessed Mother after My Son ascended into heaven, and he cared for and nurtured her. He gave all his love to her when My Son was no longer on earth and My Mother suffered very, very much.

There is something else I would like to give you on the way. You too are my disciples. You too live in purity. You too come to this altar of sacrifice of My Son in complete purity. You are chosen and chosen and are disciples of My Son Jesus Christ, since you follow His way in its entirety - this difficult way. To this path you have said your yes. You have always taken these persecutions, hostilities and mockeries upon yourselves after you have been chosen. To this election, which came to each one personally, you have said a willing yes. Not one moment have you strayed from it, - not one moment. For this I thank you. You may continue to rest in the heart of My Son. You are His favorites.

I would like to add that I have expected the same from My chief shepherds. In no way have they accepted my truth, although they knew that these words of my little one, are not from it. You cannot have it out of you, because the wisdom of God flows around you and has flowed into you. It is the wisdom with which also my disciple and apostle John was equipped. He was completely in Divine Wisdom and was constantly being infused with new energy. Why, My children, are no longer in this wisdom of God? Because they do not believe in the truth, because they reject the truth and because they reject my prophets, prophetesses, messengers and messengers, whom I have chosen and who speak my truth. No one is chosen from himself. Never will my messengers and messengers deign to announce untruth. It is always the truth of the Heavenly Father. I wish that My words be proclaimed all over the world so that this truth will be recognized because no one of My chief shepherds and shepherds tells them the truth. They are completely in darkness as also my chief shepherds walk in darkness and darkness. They have no wisdom, but are completely obscured. They have built a thick wall for themselves. They cannot approach the truth because they reject the truth. He who rejects my truth has no divine wisdom. It cannot penetrate him, although he sometimes wishes it to. Complete darkness prevails there.

How many messages of My truth have already entered the world. My darlings who believe in the Truth of My Son and follow this way, this arduous way to Golgotha, they have Wisdom. You can read from them. They live in complete purity, because they want nothing else than to follow this path in love. They recognize the darkness and they recognize the cunning of Satan. You cannot deceive them, although you would like to. The cunning of Satan is great, My children. But you will receive very special graces of wisdom this Christmas season. The wisdom within you will increase. You will know more and have the spirits of discernment because many who oppress you are not in the truth and also do not want to accept this truth but continue to persecute you.

Hold on, my beloved and faithful ones! Loyalty and love belong together. You were faithful to me and to all heaven. This loyalty now proves its worth in perseverance. Become more courageous and proclaim My truths all over the world as I wish. And no one will be able to press you so that you fall away. The protection of the Triune God is above you and within you. You are indeed tempted, but you do not fall into this temptation, but remain faithful. You recognize untruth. You recognize the cunning of Satan and quickly come to your beloved Jesus at His heart.

You feel comfortable at the heart of the Immaculate Conception. The Blessed Mother will save you under her protective mantle. In Her Immaculate Heart you will find security and peace. It is love, and this love will also flow deeper into your heart. I am the way, the truth and the life. You daily receive My Son in deity and mankind. He penetrates you. You receive him and he shines out of you. Give thanks again and again for this Holy Sacrificial Feast, in which you may participate daily.

I love you boundlessly and bless you now in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Now My Heavenly Mother visibly blesses you and the Child Jesus. My little one sees it and communicates it to you: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hildegard Lang, one of the visionary children of Heroldsbach (1949-1952), died on Christmas Eve and was allowed to enter heaven. She was visibly present in our house chapel and was allowed to be with us during the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass. Heroldsbach is a special place of pilgrimage because the children have made the greatest sacrifices. They also saw the baby Jesus and held him in their arms and were allowed to caress him. Therefore Hildegard was allowed to enter heaven on Christmas Eve. She has carried so many crosses willingly and sacrificially during her life. Praised be Jesus, Mary and Joseph forever and ever. Amen.


