Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Mother of God, Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Father speak alternately after the Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Mass and the Cenacle in the house chapel through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Again, large crowds of angels entered the sacred space from all sides. They were grouped around the altar and around the altar of Mary. They worshipped the Child Jesus and the Little King of Love on their knees, and the Blessed Mother entered the Pentecost Hall. The angels pointed to the Merciful Jesus, who is attached to the left side.

The Mother of God, Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Father will speak alternately: I, your dearest Heavenly Mother, speak today in this Cenacle through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She is completely in the will and plan of the Heavenly Father and only repeats words from heaven.

My beloved little flock, My children, you who walk the path of My Son Jesus Christ in holiness. I address you today. I speak as the mother of the new foundation of the Church.

My beloved little group, My beloved followers of My Son Jesus Christ, I want to give you today special information for your further way. This day is very important for you, because a new era is beginning, i.e. everything will be handled differently than before.

My beloved ones, pay close attention to the objections that My messenger Anne receives again and again from heaven. Yes, they are real, they are very real. No one has anything to interpret about them, for they are the full truths of heaven, the heavenly plan and the will of the heavenly Father.

I, your Heavenly Mother, may continue to form and guide you. I am allowed to give you instructions so that you can have a great relationship with this new church. As I have said, everything will be different in the future, My beloved little flock.

Your followers of My Son Jesus Christ, in the future I desire from you that you found small oases of love and peace. You should act on your own initiative.

For My little messenger the time of suffering that Jesus Christ, My Son, will suffer in her will now begin. Yes, she is the flower of suffering of My Son. In her the Mount of Olives will be repeated, the Mount of Olives of My Son, who has already once gone through this ordeal for all mankind.

I, as Mother of the Church, want to tell you that the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church is completely destroyed, that the Holy Father, whom My Heavenly Father has appointed in the Trinity in Conclave, does not obey Him. He has ensured that this meal fellowship continues to exist. Is this right, My beloved Holy Father, that you continue to address the people and not associate with My Son Jesus Christ in His Holy Sacrificial Feast? To whom do you hold this holy sacrificial banquet, to whom? To My son? No! To the people. You connect with the people. You need the honor of the people and do not connect with Me in love, in the very deep union of the heart. How much has My Son Jesus Christ chosen you. How great are you raised above all others in election. Have you used this? Have you followed these My truths to the letter? No! You did not want to follow them. You could have done it in the Divine Power. I would have stood by you, I, the Mother of the Church. I should have led you to My Son, to the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. Did you let yourself be guided? Have you united yourself with My Immaculate Heart and with the Heart of My Son, the two Hearts of Love? No, My beloved Supreme Shepherd, you did not. You did not seize the many chances I asked you, the Mother of the Church, to take. You have not accepted these streams of grace. You rejected it. You have not recognized my messenger as truthful, although it was only my words she spoke, the words of heaven. Why have you thrown all graces to the wind? As Mother of the Church, have I not longingly awaited you to finally lead you to My Son in the Trinity? Have I not loved you enough as Mother, as Heavenly Mother? Have I not wept enough tears for you, even blood tears? What have you done, My beloved Supreme Shepherd? You have sold the Church of My Son Jesus Christ. You have offered them to interfaith communities. You did not stand by her.

You have not done the full input. You have not completely fulfilled the will of the Heavenly Father. You rejected everything because you wanted to act yourself. Have you not received enough graces? Have not My Son in the Trinity and My Heavenly Father strengthened you again and again? You could turn back completely. Would not all heaven have stood by you? Have you not seen that the Church is silent on the greatest outrages, what is happening now? Do you still watch and keep silent? Do you still feel as the Supreme Shepherd of the whole Catholic Church, - the universal Church? No, you don't.

Have you not given your bishops the power to discuss and determine everything with you? Were they not allowed to take the scepter out of your hand? Have you shown your bishops the consequences for their actions? Have you once taken up the scepter and proclaimed ex cathedra? Have you at least tried? No! You did not even want it. How bitter it is now for your Heavenly Mother, the Mother of the Church, to see this.

My Son appointed Me to be the Mother of the Church and the Mother of My priestly sons. I am also your mother, beloved Supreme Shepherd. How long have I been waiting for your complete conversion. What a great responsibility you bear! Did you live up to it, to this great responsibility for the whole world?

Have you not entered a mosque and a synagogue? Was what you did right? You went to those who crucified My Son. You felt that was right and you entered these rooms, beloved Supreme Shepherd. How much bitterness must My Son in the Trinity suffer through you, - through you.

And now a new time begins, My beloved ones, for those who now still want to fulfill the will of My Son Jesus Christ in the Trinity. Great suffering will come upon My little messenger Anne, because I, Jesus Christ, will have to suffer the greatest suffering, the greatest hours of the Mount of Olives, in My messenger. Why, My children? Because I have to found the New Church, not want to, but have to! How long have I waited not to have to do this. But now my decision is made. My little messenger will be ready. I have asked her many times and told her that she experiences and suffers my sufferings, whether I myself may suffer in her. She has not told me no.

Yes, she is My weak creature and she will always remain My nothing. From eternity I have chosen them and made them capable of suffering. Their suffering grew ever greater. You, my little one, could not understand it, but today I tell you - I tell you as Heavenly Mother and as Jesus Christ. Will you continue to follow Me in everything?

Yes, beloved mother, beloved Lord Jesus Christ. (Anne cries.).

The Mother of God, Jesus Christ, and the Heavenly Father continue to say: Your suffering will become exceedingly great. You will need the support of your little band. I wish that you hasten once more today to the Holy Sacrament of Penance, to My beloved priestly son, before tomorrow I want to take and give everything to you once more as I wish, not as you wish, because My wishes are not your wishes. I work and live in you, and you give yourself to Me as the soul of sacrifice, as the soul of atonement especially for My hierarchy. They all do not live my truth, and that is especially bitter for me, the heavenly Mother, the Mother of the Church. How many tears I cry with My Son. How many more tears of blood will I have to shed over these satanic incidents in which they have maneuvered themselves through satanic powers, through Masonic powers.

Everything must be suffered and everything must be atoned for, my little one. The New Church will arise in full glory through you, My beloved little band. You have been chosen for this: First to the suffering, to the suffering. No one will understand you. Therefore I ask you: Separate yourselves from all who could hinder you on this path. I want to free you from everything so that I can and may experience and suffer this suffering fully in you, my little one. I want to remove all obstacles from your path. Any contact, be it by letter, telephone or in person, I would like to keep from you. It is My desire, the desire of your Heavenly Mother, which I may pass on, as My Son and My Heavenly Father desire. You have given me the authority as Mother of the Church to give this into the message, yes, as prophecy!

No one will understand you, My little band. You will not get this support from others. But everything will take place according to my plan in my omnipotence, in my omniscience and in my providence. I, the Heavenly Father, say this to you. We, the Trinity with your Heavenly Mother are always with you. You will constantly receive information through My little one. I will not draw this path for you beforehand, but step by step I will demand of you that you go along, that you fulfill My desires, the desires of heaven, and that you do not ask how this is possible, how can this happen, but say: "Yes Father, as it is your desire and will, so we accept this suffering.

And you, My little flower of suffering, will be able to fulfill this, because you will be supported. I will put My legions of angels at your side. Many saints from heaven will support you, especially My Holy Mary Sieler, who is in the glory of God.

And you My beloved ones, who continue to read and receive these messages, make an effort to take your own initiative, because you will not receive them in the future. There are many internet stores. And if you will, you will receive these messages. It is up to your will. You have to make an effort. Everything wants to be bought. Nothing is free for heaven. So far you have received everything sent to you, at least those who have partially followed My Way. Not everyone has walked the perfect path. You have received My messages anyway. From now on it should be different. Get these messages and read them, because in these messages you will get all your questions concerning you completely answered.

Do not hinder My little one on her way of suffering, because I suffer, I Jesus Christ, - consider this, My beloved children. My little one needs breaks in which she can recover. Also in these breaks I do not wish that you get in contact with her. She has a very special unique path ahead of her, in the greatest heaviness and suffering. She cannot compare herself to anyone else. No one follows or has ever followed this path, because I, the Heavenly Father, never wanted to found this My One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church anew through My Son Jesus Christ. Now I am forced to do this because everyone is leaving My Son alone. They do not obey Him and do not follow My truths. They are in disobedience to the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Yeah, they don't even believe in it. They have put Me at their side and have put the world to work for it. How severe will be this suffering that I, Jesus Christ, must suffer in my little one. Be considerate, My children, of Me and of My little one whom I have chosen to accomplish this suffering in her. She will obey me completely. It is supported and all will also experience this suffering, i.e. only the small flock. I do not wish all others to do so. They shall not experience my suffering. It will be hard and cruel and you cannot bear it, my beloved ones. Therefore, please understand Me as Jesus Christ and as Mother of the Church, as your beloved mother.

In this time, form these small oases of love and peace and pray fervently for My small flock so that they may persevere and willingly endure all sufferings.

You cannot understand it and My little band will not be able to fathom the will of My Heavenly Father either. What is happening now is unique and unfathomable and incomprehensible for everyone. But it is my full truth, because I, Jesus Christ, suffer my new priesthood in addition. I will have to found a new Institute, with priests who walk My holy path in its entirety, who believe and who celebrate only My Holy Sacrificial Feast, not in addition to the meal fellowship. I cannot use these priests for the New Church. They do not obey Me. On the one hand they lie in untruth and on the other hand they are not fixed. I will have strong priests who will never be overthrown by other people, by others who do not want to believe, and who will lead them away from the truth.

These priests of the newly founded Institute will love Me with all their heart and will only walk My path in its entirety. This Institute, what will come into being, I will suffer in My little one and no one will know how it will happen, how I desire it and how I will carry it out with all the sufferings that are necessary for it.

Beloved little flock, the objection, this message, shall soon be published on the Internet, in the world, because My little messenger is already known all over the world. Not through them, through their will, but through my messages, which I have sent out into the world, so that these men have the possibility to start anew and to be able to believe anew, because they have been led astray by my hierarchy, and that already for so many years. They cannot turn back because they are no longer ready. They live in complete darkness, in complete isolation from the Triune God. There is nothing in them that can illuminate this darkness.

I would also like to address you, my Pius brothers, also you again. Do you also want to suffer this darkness? Do you still want to reject mysticism? Do you still want to reject my messenger, whom I have appointed from eternity, although she only speaks my truth and you have already recognized this truth? Do you want to continue doing this? Then I must also inflict much suffering on you so that this is atoned for. Everything must be atoned for, because you commit outrages against the heavenly father, not against my messenger. It remains a nothing and is a nothing. How often have I stressed this. Why do you not obey Me? Can you not distinguish truth from untruth? Would it not be easy for you to read these messages, My truths, intensively and follow them. But you are too proud to acknowledge them. You want to achieve and cause everything. You too are nothing. I can still sweep you away today if it wants my omnipotence and my omniscience. As it is my wish, so will everything happen in you and around you. All will be providence. You will achieve nothing by your own efforts.

The dialogues you continue to have with My Supreme Shepherd will not bear fruit. You will realize it quite soon. Why? Because you do not acknowledge my truth in its entirety, my full truth. It contains the whole mysticism. It will be a mystical New Church that will exist. And if you continue to reject it, you do not belong to my New Church. So you will stand apart as before.

So far you have decided to take the hard way to celebrate this My Holy Sacrificial Feast, which has given me great joy. But now you go your own way, and I do not wish this way. You will experience it, what I in my omnipotence bring about in you. You are nothing, and this nothing also does nothing in you, if you do not give yourselves completely to the will of the heavenly Father. I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, stand above all. I determine everything in the whole world. I also have omnipotence, which I will use and you will recognize it quite soon what happens through my little messenger.

Return! Return to the truth! Recognize the truth and obey me all alone!

And you, My little Dorothea, will now go to the shrine of My Heavenly Mother. You will arrange everything there so that My little flock can come soon. This is My wish. More I will not open to you, and I will not give you more information about it, because you cannot understand it. My will and my way cannot be fathomed.

I want to say to you: I love you in such a great abundance! And deeper and deeper this love is streaming into your hearts. You will be filled with this great love. Wait for My graces that will flow now, especially tomorrow. Tomorrow is My Mercy Sunday. There I will pour out My mercy. Receive them. Accept these graces, for they will be there in abundance. Take it and grow with it.

I love all of you who want to fulfill and do the will of God in its entirety, the will of the Triune God. And so now your Heavenly Mother in the Trinity blesses you with all the angels and saints, with all the messengers who walk this path, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be ready for the new way and for the new beginning, because I love you immeasurably, your dearest mother. Amen.


