Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday of Mercy.

The Heavenly Father, the Mother of God and the Merciful Jesus will speak in your home church in Göttingen after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament through your instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today especially large flocks of angels were gathered around the tabernacle only in golden garments and with golden wings. They came from all sides during the Holy Sacrificial Feast, floating into this house church and worshipped on their knees. The figure of the Merciful Jesus became once again so great and the rays became water and blood and flowed visibly from His heart. They sparkled as if covered with diamonds. The risen Savior with the victory flag was bathed in golden light, as was the altar of Mary.

First, Our Lady would like to say a few words: I, your dearest Mama, speak to you today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in the will of the Heavenly Father and speaks only words that come from heaven. Nothing is out of her.

My beloved little messenger, you chosen one of heaven, today your Heavenly Mother wants to bring you this message, because today you are redeemed from the Passion of My Son Jesus Christ. You wore these torments for 7 ½ weeks. Now heaven, especially the Merciful Jesus, grants you a rest. Recover during this time with your small group, because what you had to experience will happen anew in you, at a time that the Heavenly Father determines for you. You will suffer, My little flower of suffering and your mother will stand by you. She will never leave you alone. Remember that it is not your suffering, but My Son Jesus Christ walks again in you His way of suffering for the New Church.

Yes, my little one, you too will have to bear much suffering physically and mentally. But have no fears. Everything is provided by heaven and you are supported by your small group. There are still human fears in you, but they will be taken away from you in this time when your path of suffering begins, i.e., when My Son Jesus Christ suffers in you again.

I am the Mother of the Church and the Bride of the Holy Spirit. And as this Mother of the Church, I am allowed to reveal this to you because My Son Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Father desire it that way. A legion of angels will I beg you for this time, because you will suffer hours of oil mountaining, which you can hardly bear. By human standards, you would die of it. But remember that heaven supports you, and you will not succumb to these sufferings.

My little Monika, I have also chosen something for you. You have participated several times here in this house chapel in My Holy Sacrificial Feast. This is what your Jesus Christ, the Risen One, tells you. Do not be afraid for the coming time. You too will experience suffering, because you have been allowed to enter this special chosen church and experience this holy sacrificial meal. They were oversized gifts to you, because no one will be allowed to enter this chapel any longer, because I, Jesus Christ, in My little flower of suffering carry out My suffering and I do not want anyone to experience it. There will be cruel times, cruel suffering, which you would otherwise have to watch, and you would break. Until My time of suffering you may continue to participate in this holy sacrificial meal. You are strengthened today, especially on this mercy Sunday.

Many great graces go out from this feast and from this house church on this day. Yes, your beloved Jesus especially emphasized: house church. Why? Because I have determined everything in this church. It is provided by me. I have ordered everything from you and have determined everything that should be. From the vestments to the tabernacle and the blessing mantle, everything is available but according to my wishes not according to your wishes. Therefore it contains a church. Look at the anti-scholarships, look at the robes, everything is unique and conceived for you, My beloved little group and chosen ones. Nothing is your possession, but everything belongs to heaven.

You are financially secure, My children. I wished for that as well. The Internet is still provided from heaven. The 4 to 6.000,- € per year you will be able to pay from the fund you have.

I still do not wish any donations from outside. Some donations were given out of oversized pity, because you had to make such a large amount of money to the director in Wigratzbad, namely 10.000,- €. For this purpose I have designated some people who have made this amount easier for you with donations. Of course these 10.000,- € had been paid in a completely unjustified way.

You were completely in the will of your Heavenly Father. All that I have wished you have fulfilled. Your wishes were not important to you. Furthermore you have done the whole input.

And this, dear little Monika, is what I wish from you in the future. You will only then become stronger when you walk the will of the heavenly Father step by step and do not deviate one step from my wishes. Through the internet you will get all the information you need.

Only I do not want my chosen group to be burdened with other problems of people. My little one will have to suffer very much, and I will suffer in her. I will suffer the New Church in her. Can you understand that I have to go this way of suffering, this way of the cross, once again? Why, My beloved children, because I have been crucified again by the hierarchy.

One has sold and destroyed My, Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Sold to the inter-religious communities and destroyed from within and without. Is this not bitter for Me in the Trinity, My beloved ones? Must not this church be suffered again by Me, Jesus Christ?

I have chosen this messenger for myself and have appointed her from eternity. I have made them capable of suffering through many diseases, through many mental and physical ailments. She said her full yes to me that I may continue to suffer in her the New Church. How this will look and how this will take place, only my heavenly Father knows, - He alone. He still expects from you, My little messenger, your full yes. You will suffer beyond the borders. But you have your group which supports you and which must not be hindered or burdened from the outside by telephone conversations, by letters and by personal contacts.

I want to separate you from all people during this time. Why? Because your dearest Jesus, dear little messenger, wants to suffer this church in you. And therefore I need all your strength. I take away your ego, your complete self. It is I who live in you, work in you, and suffer in you. You will no longer be yourself, you will not even be able to understand yourself. But please do not develop fears. You have your group that will support you, that will give you encouragement.

I also want groups to be formed from outside, small oases of love and peace. Prayer groups are to be established, and in these prayer groups the New Church is to be prayed for.

Atonement shall be made for these many sacrileges done to the Trinity, the highest God in the Trinity, the ruler of the whole world, the whole universe. What suffering has been inflicted on Me from My hierarchy to the Supreme Shepherd. Does he obey Me, Me, the heavenly Father in the Trinity? No! All messages that were important to him were sent to him. Nothing he followed. My longing grew ever greater in me and my suffering for him also grew stronger.

My flower of suffering, now I need you to atone for these sacrileges, for these grave iniquities that they have committed against Me. Yes, they have crucified me again, Me, Jesus Christ. They have prepared a people's altar for Me, they have offered a meal fellowship, they have opened up ecumenism and Protestantism against Me. Many, many other wicked deeds were added up to the modification of my words of consecration. This is also not fixed. Furthermore, they strive to implement Vatican II and not to change it and make it ineffective. No! On the contrary! They want to connect this meal fellowship with My Holy Sacrificial Feast, to fertilize it. Is this possible, My beloved ones?

There is only one Holy Sacrificial Meal that I myself have instituted, I, Jesus Christ. This cannot be repeated in a meal community. Beloved shepherds, especially you are meant, because you take care of the untruth and disobedience of your chief shepherds. You continue to celebrate this meal fellowship and lead the faithful astray.

Have I not, I, the Heavenly Father, had to take My Son out of these tabernacles of the modernist churches? Was this not necessary? What is the situation now in these modernist churches? A complete chaos has arisen because the Heavenly Father no longer holds His hand over these shepherds, and because no transformation may take place in these churches. Who is there in these tabernacles, My beloved ones? Who is present there?

You should now take your own initiative. You are to prove to Me, without having telephone or personal contact with My messenger, that you love Me, Me in the Trinity and that you acknowledge Me as the highest Lord and Master, as your soulmate.

First prove to Me that you really love Me, that you are serious about the Messages, that you take care of them yourselves, that you make an effort to experience My Holy Sacrificial Feast. Is it too far for you, this way? Am I not the center of your life? Have you rejected and misjudged me and do you continue to reject me? You connect everything with the world, nothing with the supernature. For you I am no longer present. And this bitterness I must suffer in My messenger. She will bring many sacrifices to me and her willingness will grow, - her love as well. I will give this My Divine Love deeper and deeper into her heart, so that she becomes even more capable of suffering for me.

Some times you will rebel. But you may, my little one. You will never become perfect, but your Savior supports you. Look how I have suffered for My Church. So many years have passed and still people celebrate this meal fellowship and reject Me and do not celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast. Only that is important! Only in this Holy Sacrificial Feast can I be transformed by My sons of priests who obey Me, who render Me service. How many priests and shepherds are there today who celebrate modernism at the same time, i.e. the meal fellowship and My Holy Sacrificial Feast. Can you connect this, My beloved shepherds? Can you really connect this?

I wish you complete devotion. You should give up everything. Can I not care for you if you give Me everything? Can I not financially secure you? Is that then your thing or mine? Do you fear for mammon, for your power before the people? Have you completely forgotten your Jesus Christ to whom you have consecrated yourselves? Did you put Him on the side? To whom have you consecrated yourselves: your bishop or Jesus Christ in the Trinity? You obey your bishops, even though they continue to lead you astray, even though you see it going astray.

My beloved Overseers, My beloved Supreme Shepherd, have I not fought for you, your beloved Heavenly Father in the Trinity? Why do you not obey Me? Why do you lead my people astray, - yes, into the abyss? Are you not already standing at the abyss, and do not have to watch me, Jesus Christ. If you do not turn back, my beloved ones, you will go into these abysses forever. You will not be saved because your eternal judge will judge you on the last day of your life. Then you will be called to account and you will have to give account for every single one you have led astray. You will not be spared this. Eternal judgment will come for you. Do you believe in it or are you indifferent to it?

My beloved children, you will continue to receive messages from heaven. In these messages, each individual, if he reads my truths intensively, will have his problem solved. You do not need My little band and My messenger for this. She is not to be hindered in my suffering. I will shield her from all things, that the Church may be suffered in her completely, that atonement may be made in her heart for this authority. How much suffering the whole heaven had to experience. Everything started from the hierarchy. They have insulted Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, to the highest degree and sold My Church, the Church of Jesus Christ. Yes, I want to emphasize it again because this bitterness is so great in me.

Look at the heart of My Mother! In many places she continues to cry tears of blood and you don't even acknowledge her, you don't pay attention to these tears, you ignore them. Have you also forgotten My Mother, the Immaculate Heart of My Mother, which can save you from the eternal abyss? Why, My beloved shepherds, do you not consecrate yourselves to this Immaculate Heart? Did you not promise in your consecration that you would go this difficult path, this extraordinary sacrifice? You are priests of sacrifice and not world priests. Now you belong to the world and so you are also in bondage to the world. The priestly garments, My beloved ones, you have long rejected. How many are possessed by evil today? Are you freeing these people? You are obliged to do so. You let them go astray and you do not free them. From these terrible sufferings you shall deliver them.

You, My Pius Brotherhood, do you deliver these people from their evil powers? No! You do not. Only My priest's son in Göttingen was prepared to do this - the only one who was prepared to drive out these evil spirits through Me, through My power, not through his power. Did he have fears? No! I have taken these fears away from him. He cannot work from his power, he can exorcise, - never, my beloved Pius brothers. Look at the many who are waiting for you, for your liberation, and do not send them away. Does not develop fears. If you are ready to want to free these people through my power, they will be freed and the wicked will not be able to pass over to you. You are protected because I want it so, not because you want it.

I love you immeasurably, My beloved shepherds, chief shepherds and My Supreme Shepherd. How much I long for your liberated hearts, for a repentant confession, for your complete conversion. Not through your power, through my power will you be able to turn back. How long have My chosen ones been praying in Göttingen for your conversion. How long have they atoned for you. How long has my little one already worn the crown of thorns for you every Thursday. How long has she been wearing the cross every Friday. Do you not believe it, that it is My truth? Is my little one able to do all this on her own? Would she be capable of that? Look how I have prepared them. Why do you reject it although it is My tool and it fully proclaims My Truths to the whole world, because I continue to use the Internet?

Yes, My beloved ones, today, on this special day, on this Sunday of Mercy, I will, in the Holy Hour from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m., through your prayer, free some priests who are ready to repent from all their sins, from all their iniquities. My justice will not affect them, but my mercy will be especially great today.

Hold this hour also, My beloved chosen children and atone on Monday in your home church. Atone and remain in prayer at night for the many priests and chief shepherds and for the chief shepherd. Atone for the wicked deeds, so that my righteousness does not already come over them now. Who does not repent will have to experience my justice. Therefore I ask you once again on this special day: Turn back! I, your beloved Jesus, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, await your conversion with longing!

And your Heavenly Mother? Does she not look upon you full of longing, full of love? Does she not suffer for you? Can you see her continue to suffer like this, - your beloved Mother, the Heavenly Mother? Have you no heart for her? Will you not join your heart with Her Immaculate Heart to become pure? Isn't she the purest of the pure and the most beautiful of all the beautiful? So I have created them, not only for me, but also for you. To you I have given her under the cross. She is also your mother and she will stand by you in all the most difficult hours. Call you! Call the many legions of angels! They are there for you!

The time of evil has come. Satan fights. He wants to draw many more into eternal damnation. The cunning and treachery of Satan is increasing. But who is the ruler of the whole church and the ruler over Satan? I, the Heavenly Father in His omnipotence. And you will feel my omnipotence, - quite soon!

You too, My Pius-Brothers, will experience it if you do not recognize mysticism and continue to act as massively against My messenger whom I have appointed as before. It's me! Wake up! She is a nothing, she is My nothing and remains a nothing! She is My flower of suffering and nothing else! I have chosen her and she will fulfill my will. Not her wishes will she be able to satisfy, but she will satisfy my wishes! Just look at My truths, at My messages, at My prophecies! Could she ever say that, she, as a little nothing? No, My beloved ones! It is not possible! Use your intellect and return to the Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, which I will found anew and also the priesthood!

My little one will be My flower of suffering, in which I will suffer this priesthood. The priests have insulted Me to the utmost, so I will choose My priests for Myself. I will appoint them anew. Only those are important for me who celebrate my Holy Sacrificial Feast, - only this, and make the total surrender to heaven.

I love you all, My most beloved children and want to call you to My Kingdom, to My Eternal Kingdom. That is my goal, and it shall also be your goal. I wish it in the Trinity! And now be blessed in the Trinity, loved, protected and also sent forth in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love lasts forever and love is the greatest! Remain among yourselves in love, then I will spread full protection over you. Amen.


