Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Again large crowds of angels in white and golden robes entered the house chapel. They grouped themselves around the tabernacle and worshipped the Blessed Sacrament on their knees. The chancel was brightly lit, especially the Trinity symbol, the Mother of God and the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Little King of Love has again sent His rays to the Child Jesus.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today, the 14th Sunday after Pentecost, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She is entirely in My will and only repeats words from heaven. Today My words.

My beloved children, My beloved pilgrims, My beloved Father children and My beloved little band, your Heavenly Father will announce today some things that are important for you.

My little flock in Göritz will leave for their home town Göttingen on September 8th, on the feast of My dearest Mother, your birth. I want to announce it to you publicly so that you, My beloved children and also My beloved father children, who want to follow Me in their entirety, may know of this departure.

It is important for you to continue and fully establish these oases of love and peace to support My little one in her atonement. As you know, she is the successor of My mystic Maria Sieler. Much suffering has come over them here in Göritz. She has willingly endured it and has always said her ready "Yes, Father," you, my little one, have said even in the greatest suffering to me, your heavenly Father. You will continue to wear it because you receive My powers, the Divine powers. Your human powers would not be sufficient for this suffering. You would not be able to bear it. I expect a lot from you, My little one, and also from my beloved little flock, which you must witness this suffering.

As you know, Jesus Christ, My Son, suffers in My little one in Göritz and also in Göttingen. Furthermore, you will be ready to fulfill the will and plan of your Heavenly Father there as well. As before, you will put all messages on the Internet, whether you like it or not. You will do it because it is in My plan.

Almost 18 weeks you stayed at this place Göritz. You have spent a lot of time in prayer. Each morning you celebrated this Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite at 10:00 a.m. Before that you prayed the rosary also on Sunday. Every day at 3:00 p.m. you went on pilgrimage to the place of grace of My Heavenly Mother, to join in the hour of mercy in the Chapel of Grace, and to go on pilgrimage of atonement to all chapels, as I wished you to do. You have withstood in loyalty also in persecution. The Heavenly Father thanks you for this. Daily from 19.00 to 20.00 o'clock in your house chapel in Göritz you also adored the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. This exposition also takes place in Göttingen, in your home town.

Many people who have come to follow My Son Jesus Christ are celebrating with you at these times. They have included themselves in this Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast and also in the daily exposition. For this I thank you, my beloved ones, who spare no effort and trouble to do this.

Yes, My beloved ones, you are being attacked and persecuted. Do you not know that you can only lie in true faith when you are persecuted? So you are in true faith and proclaim the truth. The whole truth is important, my beloved ones. You shall not only hear them or follow them partially, but completely and completely. Many, many do not. Therefore, your Heavenly Father is deeply grieved at this clergy, which has led the faithful astray, into delusion and into the wrong path.

You, My beloved ones, are in truth and on the true path, in the end you will be allowed to see the Heavenly Paradise to spend there all eternity.

Yes, how many have fallen off. This apostasy continues to progress. It goes not backwards, but forwards, - astray. Do you believe, My beloved ones, that I have not directed the entire clergy towards My truths? They know about my truths and yet they do the opposite. They do not pay attention to these truths, but they continue to persecute my messenger, who announces the truth, the truth of your Heavenly Father. Can your Heavenly Father, My beloved believers and pilgrims, lie in falsehood when He proclaims this one sentence in every objection, namely: I speak through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, - I, the Heavenly Father!

Then can My little one partially lie in falsehood and pass on the lie? No! It is not possible, My beloved ones. But do not believe these chief shepherds and these shepherds, who want to lead you astray wisely to be able to continue to exercise their own power. Their own power is important to them. They live in the world and announce the world. My beloved ones, you live in the world but you are not of the world. You live daily in the supernatural with all your prayers, with the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass, with the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, with the many atonement nights, atonement prayers, atonements, and your many sacrifices that you bring to Me, for which the Heavenly Father would like to give you special thanks today.

You have done everything here in this place. You have been persecuted and you have been ridiculed. You have blessed. Daily you have sprayed with exorcised holy water this lawn where My little one saw the wicked one, Satan, in full size. The wicked one must give way, My beloved ones. Not for long he will have the opportunity to exercise his power here in this consecrated place. I, the Heavenly Father, am also above Satan and determine the time and hour when he will have this power taken away.

You are still persecuted everywhere, My beloved ones. But that is in My desire and plan. Do I not protect you every day? Have I not formed a safe circle of light around you? Can anyone enter this circle of light and can you be so persecuted that you must suffer death? No!

This time has not yet come, the time of my truth and the time of my special event. This truth, my truth, one wants to break through. Untruth will be proclaimed as truth and my truth will be presented as lie. Can you, my beloved believers, still not recognize this, how your shepherds lead you astray in modernism? You still don't believe it? Just look at these parishes. How many iniquities are committed by these shepherds. How many sacrileges do they commit daily. I had to take My Son Jesus Christ out of these tabernacles because your Heavenly Father could no longer bear these iniquities and sacrileges that were directed against My Son Jesus Christ in the Trinity.

Still today He is persecuted in your heart, My beloved little one. One does not want to see you in this place anymore. Will you persevere, My beloved little one, despite the many persecutions? And you, my beloved little flock, do you want to continue to support my little one so that she can cry out these truths into the whole world and continue to be ready to bear this suffering, the atoning suffering? It is My suffering, My beloved ones, that I can give and take to My little one when and how I want it. And I did that last Monday. I took it from her for a short time. And she felt that it was I, the Heavenly Father, who gave her back this human power. But only a little while, My beloved little one, then you will continue to suffer. And you will willingly take this suffering upon yourself because you now know that your Heavenly Father protects you completely and holds you in His arms and never lets you suffer unduly. He is with you and will never leave you. You have this certainty. Even if you think you lie in loneliness and abandonment, your Heavenly Father is very close to you, - also close to you, My beloved little flock here in Göritz and there in Göttingen. Here already My fourth in your small flock is waiting for your coming, because every day the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is also celebrated there in Göttingen in this house church. Aren't you connected daily by phone thanks to technology?

I love you, My beloved little flock and also you, My pilgrims and My faithful who want to follow My Son in toto. The Heavenly Father desires that you stand ready for this event. Soon the time is here. No one is told the hour and day by Me. I wish it so.

Be ready, courageous and persevering in Divine Love and in fidelity to the Trinity! I bless you now, your beloved Heavenly Father in the Trinity, with all the angels and saints, your beloved Mother and Queen of Victory, your beloved Rose Queen of Heroldsbach and beloved Padre Pio, especially your Holy Joseph, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


