Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Heart of Mary atonement Saturday.

Our Lady speaks after the Cenacle and the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göritz/Allgäu through her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Again many angels in golden garments, golden wreaths and burning candles in their hands moved into the house chapel. They grouped themselves around the tabernacle and worshipped on their knees. The Trinity symbol and the Christ statue were bathed in dark red light. Our Lady's heart was united with the Heart of Jesus. She was bathed in golden and silver light. Her robe was snow-white and golden stars sparkled in it. She held out her white rosary to us to invite us to pray the rosary. Also the way of the cross was brightly illuminated. Many streams of grace emanated from him. This should mean that we want to pray him daily.

Our Lady will speak: I, the Heavenly Mother, your dearest Mother, will speak to you today, the day of the Cenacle. I am speaking to you now, in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne to you, My beloved children. All that she speaks is in the truth, for no word is out of her. All are words of heaven.

My pilgrims, My beloved children who follow My Son Jesus Christ, and you too, My beloved little flock, I greet you and bless you at the beginning of the feast day, because today you have entered this Pentecostal Hall, the Holy Cenacle. In the Fraternita you have heard that I, your dearest Mother, am with you and watch over you. Have I not always poured out rays of grace upon you? Have I not filled your hearts with Love, with Divine Love?

What is it like today, My beloved children, in this Church of My Son Jesus Christ in the Trinity? I am the Mother of Beautiful Love and also the Mother of the Church. How much must I endure the greatest suffering, because I, as the Mother of the Church, want to lead all children to My Son, ultimately to the Heavenly Father. All are to be saved, but as I see, you are in the greatest apostasy. The apostasy becomes more, not less, my beloved ones. How many are leaving this church! Can you, My priests, My chief shepherds and also you, My Holy Father, not finally understand that I, as your dearest Mother, as Queen of Priests, want to draw your attention to this modernist Church. Is it in the truth? No!

In the modernist Church the greatest apostasy occurs, not in the Church that celebrates the Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son Jesus Christ in truth, namely in the Tridentine Rite. These, My sons of priests, I now press to My heart. I would like to inspire their hearts to become more courageous, to appear more bold and to finally confess to this holy sacrificial meal. I am referring especially to My beloved sons of priests, the Brotherhood of Saint Pius and the Brotherhood of Saint Peter and many other communities. Do you really perform courageously? No! Do you affirm mysticism? No! How many tears have I shed for you, because these messengers and messengeresses are sent from heaven, from the Heavenly Father.

My little one, who proclaims these words, lies fully in the truth of heaven. I, the Heavenly Father, have chosen them from eternity. For many years she was prepared with many serious illnesses for this great task and mission for the whole world. Yes, it is a world mission to fulfill them. And it is prepared to continue to give up its will and to transfer it to me, the heavenly Father in the Trinity.

It is not easy for you, My beloved little one, to endure and bear these sufferings. Seriously ill, you often lie down and are bedridden and suffering. What are you suffering for, my little one? Are you suffering for yourself? No! For whom do you suffer then? For the many beloved sons of priests. For the many bishops, especially in Germany, for these chief shepherds who are not in the truth and for My beloved Holy Father. Did he not sell the Church of Jesus Christ, My Son? Is it still in the truth? Did he not enter the synagogue and also the mosque? Is this not a denial of the Catholic faith? Is he still catholic? No! He inaugurated an interreligious center. How is this possible, as the Supreme Shepherd of the entire universal church?

Beloved Supreme Shepherd, how many times have I exhorted you, as Heavenly Mother, to proclaim this Motu Proprio legally, namely as ex cathedra. Have you done it, My beloved Supreme Shepherd? No! Furthermore you celebrate the modernistic mass, the meal community at the folk altar towards the people. Will the host in your hands still be transformed into the body of Jesus Christ? It is not possible, because you speak the wrong words.

It means for 'many' not for 'all' according to the foundation of the Catholic Church of My Son Jesus Christ. He himself has spoken these words of consecration and nobody may take away one iota from them. They have done it and believe that they are still in the truth.

My beloved Children of Mary, how much your Heavenly Mother suffers from these sacrileges, from these iniquities which they offer to the Heavenly Father in the Trinity.

Why don't they step back from this unbelief? They lead the whole church astray and into confusion. People who believed step out and continue to live in misbelief. How much must your Heavenly Mother watch My Son Jesus Christ suffer.

He wants to go this way of suffering once more in My prepared daughter and messenger Anne. Yes, she is the successor of the great mystic Maria Sieler. So far this mystic was unknown. You, My beloved ones, can read about this in the book offered now how much suffering she has endured and how much suffering is still waiting for My daughter Anne.

You, My beloved pilgrims and followers of My Son, form oases of prayer of love and peace and support My little one so that these sufferings become more bearable for her! Yes, the New Church and above all the New Priesthood will suffer My Son Jesus Christ in it.

Where else are there holy and good priests, who are pious, who walk the way of suffering, the way of sacrifice? Do these sacrificial priests still exist? You must seek them, My beloved ones.

This, My beloved priestly son, who celebrates the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in this house chapel daily in the Trentine Rite, is completely in the truth. He is guided and formed by me, his heavenly mother, so that he once can announce everything in truth, perseveres and never strays from this path. I protect him and I accompany him in his heart and in his balance.

Remain in the full truth, all of you who are going on this path and want to progress. Continue along this difficult steep path to Golgotha. Accompanies my little one on this difficult way.

Nothing is impossible for you, My beloved ones. I, the Heavenly Father, make everything possible. Now I have interrupted My Heavenly Mother. She looks at me and says: Yes, this is the full truth, which I love and for which you are to be there. Nothing shall be out of you. You are not to become fickle and also not to doubt, because a deep security is to surround you, in which you can accomplish everything in the will and plan of the heavenly father.

You, My children of Mary, are protected. You are in a great circle of light. Will the evil one be able to break in there? No! Have no fear, for I, your Heavenly Mother, am watching over you with care.

So, My beloved children, now I will bless you for farewell, protect you, love you and continue to accompany you on this path. Bless you the Triune God, with all the angels and saints, with your dearest Heavenly Mother, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end. Amen.


