Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Before the Holy Mass of Sacrifice began, angels in white and gold robes from all four sides marched into this house church in Göttingen. Our Lady sent five holy guardian angels behind each of us. All holy figures were brightly illuminated. The four evangelists, the Merciful Jesus and the Pieta were dipped in silver and gold. The Heavenly Father shone above everything and He sent us His rays of grace that emanated from His heart.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now, this moment, through My willing, obedient, and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in My will and only repeats My words.

My beloved little flock, My beloved little flock and My faithful and pilgrims from near and far, thanks I want to say to you, beloved little flock, that this week you have visited the shrine of My beloved Mother Heroldsbach according to My wish and will. This night of atonement became fruitful for many priests who now have the will to repent. You have taken on a lot of trouble for this trip today to the largest place of pilgrimage of my beloved mother in Germany: Wigratzbad. There you are needed, My beloved children. These graces, which you have received in these five weeks in Göttingen in the domestic church, you will pour out there in Wigratzbad. Your hearts are overflowing with these graces.

You have expressed My will, the will of the Heavenly Father, by making this effort to want to start again this great and long journey. I would like you to leave at 12.00 noon and arrive in the evening. You have much to do there, My beloved ones. But you will master everything in balance. I will give you these Divine Strengths which I have made known to you in the reading this Sunday. (Eph. 6, 10-17).

Yes, My beloved ones, you go there into the great battle, as I have made known to you. Do not be afraid of this fight! Is it not My heavenly Mother who fights with you and is in the greatest struggle? She fights against the evil forces and she will be victorious in this her pilgrimage place Wigratzbad. A little while longer, my beloved little flock, then it is so far that I will let my event come. Again and again I tell you: Fear not, for you have full protection! Why, My beloved little flock and My beloved little flock? Because you have completely followed my will, my desire and will! You have never deviated from this my will. For this I would like to say thank you and give you full protection.

Your caring Heavenly Mother is always with you. She also sends you all the angels during your trip to Wigratzbad. Everything will keep you away from you, as before, on this Sunday, October 17. He is predetermined by Me, your heavenly Father, like everything you experience there. You receive My foresighted instructions through the ecstasies, which My little one will comment on in this house chapel in Göritz.

How very sacred is this chapel. Furthermore the streams of grace are sent from this house chapel in Göritz to the house church in Göttingen. My little Dorothea is connected with you daily by telephone in this holy mass of sacrifice. This is also my wish, because these rays of grace are to connect both chapels or church.

It is not easy for you, My beloved little flock, to master all this and still remain in serenity. Practice this serenity, because I, the Heavenly Father, will give you the Divine Strengths when you surrender yourselves completely to my desire and will.

You have mastered a lot during these five weeks in Göttingen. Were you not afraid, human fear? Did I not take it from you? You had a lot to pass. Have you not felt that the Holy Archangel Michael has kept everything from you. The evil one wanted to disturb you in the technology of internet and printing, but also in the telephone calls. But you kept calm, and that was your security. I have given you sleep in spite of everything and this will continue to happen through me in this way.

Everything will be done there according to My plan. Therefore give yourselves again and again to Me, the Heavenly Father, in total surrender. Your charisma will be transferred to others there. Pay attention to this! You will go daily to the atonement in Wigratzbad, and you will celebrate daily the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in My House Chapel in Göritz.

The dearest Mother of God, your Mama, will protect you in everything, because otherwise you would develop human fears. But they are kept from you and you are given the Divine Strengths anew.

I love you, My beloved ones, and I want to give you the blessing on the journey, the blessing of your Heavenly Divine Father in the Trinity. And so I also bless you with My dearest Mother and all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I love you! Live love, for love is the greatest! She will protect you from all harm! Amen.


