Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and after the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the house chapel in Göritz in Allgäu through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Rosary and the Holy Sacrificial Mass, many angels in white and gold robes marched into the house chapel. They were grouped around the Tabernacle, the symbol of the Trinity, the Heavenly Father and the Mother of God. The holy archangel Michael was also fully illuminated and twice as big. He struck his sword in all four directions. The Little King of Love sent His rays to the Child Jesus and the Heavenly Father sent His rays to the Trinity symbol above the altar.

The Heavenly Father will say: I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you today, this Sunday, the 22nd Sunday after Pentecost, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved little flock, My beloved believers, I want to make known to you some things today so that you may more easily walk this difficult path, the path of truth and life. If you want to go this way, My beloved believers, persevere, become more courageous and fight this fight, the last fight, with My Heavenly Mother, the Queen and Mother of Victory.

My beloved little flock, I would first like to welcome you to this house chapel in Göritz. How much I have waited here for you, for your cooperation, for your atonement, for your sacrifices. You already came into a fully furnished apartment, which was furnished according to My wishes with new furniture and with new carpets, only according to My will and desire. Everything is noble and radiates holiness.

My beloved little flock, My beloved little flock, you have now shown Me the gratitude that you have hurried to Göritz according to My wish and will in spite of the many efforts. I have told you the time and I will also tell you the time of your journey home. Yes, there are many sacrifices for you to make yourselves comfortable here in this place and in this apartment. This means many sacrifices for you, which I demand of you, my beloved little flock. It is not easy for you to return to this place, the place of My Heavenly Mother, but also to the place of the greatest hostilities. You know about everything, because I have made known to you the instructions before you went here. Do not develop human fears, because I, the Heavenly Father, watch over everything. Even though the storm may blow over this place of prayer, you are safe and in full protection.

Have I not promised you that you can always hurry to this place of prayer and that you should always enter this pilgrimage and atonement way again according to my will and desire? They have tried to expel you from this place, but they did not succeed because I, the Heavenly Father, hold My Father's Hand over it. Be vigilant, My beloved children, My beloved little flock, because satanic powers are at work here, as you have long known. (The Heavenly Father wept bitterly when He uttered these words).

I am saddened by My representative on earth, the representative of My Son Jesus Christ. Does he really lie in humility? Has he declared and proved this humility to Me, the Heavenly Father? No! He went to another place, to another country and entered an Anglican Church. They say he has shown humility. He had previously been personally condemned and attacked in the highest degree. That hurt him very much. But I, the heavenly Father, was attacked.

Has the Holy Father ever asked how I am insulted to the utmost in his Vatican? Doesn't the full cleaning have to be done there first? Isn't there much to be done there according to my will and desire? Do you start with that? No!

The Anglican Communion of Faith has the opportunity to return to the true faith, the only and true faith in the Catholic Church. It has split off from the only true Church of Jesus Christ My Son. There is only one way to go back to this one true church. And you, My Holy Father, My representative on earth, have united yourself with this community of faith. You have humiliated your Catholic Church, which you represent as Supreme Shepherd.

About this abuse you told the truth. But where would you have to start first? Don't you have the possibility to first clean up in the Vatican and start there with impurity and teach your cardinals, archbishops, bishops the true and only faith? Have they not already succumbed to the Masonic powers? Aren't you going that way too? To whom do you obey? Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity? Do you mourn for this uncleanness that is happening there in the Vatican against Me? No! You see your own honor and put yourself in the right light again. In doing so, you have forgotten that you are the Supreme Shepherd of the only true Church and represent it, - not you alone!

You were acclaimed. Haven't you noticed that people see you as a person? Does one have the firm will there to return to the true church? No! You want to unite the only true church with the Anglican one. Is that possible, My Supreme Shepherd? Aren't you in charge? Have you fulfilled this responsibility? No! How many messages have I sent you? You know about everything. You know about my desires, you know about my will, you know about the truth and join the lie and unbelief and erroneous belief.

Why don't you turn back? Why is My Mother, the Mother of the Church, so sad for you? Why is your heart bleeding? Do you also look at My mother in this disbelief when you hold the modernist meal towards the people, at a people's altar? Have you removed this disbelief? Are you making an effort to celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast, the Sacrificial Feast of My Son? No! You don't make any effort! You listen to the satanic powers that want to lead you away from the true faith and with you the whole Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. But the gates of hell will not overwhelm them!

But I am the Supreme Shepherd. In my omnipotence and my omnipotence I will work, then, when you do not expect it. Have you made the total devotion I have given you? Have you given yourself completely to Me, the Heavenly Father, even if it should cost your life? No! Your honor is still in the foreground, and yet I love you so much and long for your soul, which is heading towards the abyss more and more with many, many cardinals and these chief shepherds. How often have I called their attention, I, the Heavenly Father, to this error and unbelief.

My little flock, that is what you stand for, that is what you atone and sacrifice. Every day in Göritz the Holy Sacrificial Feast is celebrated in all reverence and purity, - to my honor, according to my will and desire. Do you not atone daily, do you not sacrifice yourselves daily? Do you not go daily to atonement for Me? Don't you practice daily adoration, the hour of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in your house chapel in Göritz at 7:00 p.m.? For one hour you dwell with Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. Thank you I want to tell you that you are ready to sacrifice, to atone and to pray. You would like to stay in your home town, but you make these sacrifices for me, the heavenly Father.

You, My little one, will experience the suffering here in the highest degree because you have said your ready yes to Me. It is not so far yet. I will give you the time. You will suffer here in this place for the priests.

The event is at the door, My beloved ones! My Heavenly Mother, the Mother and Queen of Victory, will appear here in this place. She is ready! But she still wants to save many souls. And for this you too have declared yourselves ready to atone, especially for the priestly souls who are heading towards the abyss where there is no longer any hold.

Watch and pray, for the hour is near when the Lord will come in His omnipotence and omnipotence! Do not give in to love, for love flows through your hearts. My dearest Mother will let these graces flow deeper into your hearts through the daily sacrificial banquet.

Whoever adores the Blessed Sacrament daily has the right knowledge, the discernment of spirits. But he who does not practice this worship wavers back and forth between good and evil. It does not prove any firmness. Love will not grow in his heart.

My beloved little flock, hold out, hold out until the end! You will be blessed and strengthened in this place. The persecution has begun, and you are in the final battle with your Heavenly Mother, the Queen and Mother of Victory.

The Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit now blesses you. Amen. All the angels and saints, especially Our Lady, have also blessed you and remain with you and support you in this atonement and sacrifice, because love is the greatest thing. Amen.


