Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the house chapel in Göritz/Opfenbach through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Even today, large flocks of angels are drawn into this house chapel from all four directions. They had small myrtle wreaths on their heads. They surrounded the tabernacle and the symbol of the Trinity and worshipped kneeling. The hearts of the Mother of God and Her Son Jesus Christ, burning with love, united. The Little King of Love sent his rays to the Child Jesus. The holy archangel Michael kept the evil from us by striking his sword in all four directions.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak again today through My obedient, humble and willing instrument and daughter Anne, who is in My will and only repeats My words. Nothing is out of her. She willingly surrenders herself to My plan and will.

My beloved believers, My beloved little flock, My beloved little flock and also you, My beloved pilgrims from near and far, especially here of Wigratzbad and Heroldsbach! My beloved children, also you My children of Mary, have given yourselves completely in this night of atonement, which takes place every 12th to 13th of the month in Heroldsbach, because you have atoned for the priests from near and far, so that they are finally ready for conversion. You have saved many priest souls from eternal ruin. Also here in Wigratzbad you have kept the atonement night and the mercy hour daily from 15.00 to 16.00 o'clock and the adoration, which takes place here in Göritz daily in the house chapel from 19.00 to 20.00 o'clock. I want to thank you for that. Thank you the Heavenly Father in the Trinity with His dearest Mother, the Immaculate Mother and Queen of Victory.

My beloved children, once again I point out to you the revelations of the Apocalypse of Saint John. These apocalypses are prophecies that are subject to the currents of time. There are many things you have not been able to see. It was too difficult for you to interpret this. But the currents of time give you the knowledge of the Holy Spirit as you now read these revelations and delve deeper into them.

Yes, My beloved ones, what do they say? Didn't Father Kentenich, who is in My glory, already mention these currents of time during his lifetime that one should orient oneself according to the currents of time? Many have not done this, especially not my authority, which is completely failing at this time.

What about this one, holy, catholic and apostolic church? Can you, My beloved believers, orient yourselves according to these instructions of the Supreme Shepherd? No, My beloved ones! Why not? Because all religions are equalized with the Holy Catholic faith. This means: There is only one God and he is present in all religions. Is it possible what the chief shepherd announces to you? Was it understandable to you that he himself inaugurated this interfaith center in Fatima? Was that faith or was that erroneous belief? Of course, you who live the faith and believe deeply cannot give yourselves over to this erroneous belief and cannot confess that, if you follow this faith, you are still Catholic. No! - It testifies to erroneous faith, to unbelief, which has penetrated into this Church, into My Church, the Church of the Triune God. Satan determines this time. The smoke of Satan has penetrated into this, My Church, for a very long time. This says that my believers are confused by the authorities, by the entire clergy. The believers are confused by what they are told and announced. Protestantism and ecumenism have deeply penetrated this modernist church. Does this modernism have a place at all in the only holy sacrificial banquet, the sacrificial banquet of My Son Jesus Christ? Only at the sacrificial banquet in the Tridentine rite can you read the truth.

Why do you not recognize it, My beloved authorities? Why do you still not proclaim the true Catholic faith? Why do you not confess the truth? My full truth is contained in the statements and messages of my beloved messengers, which I have ordered. Don't you recognize it? Is it not my truth, which I make known to you out of love in this confused time of the church? Can this belief be changed? Can this Holy Sacrificial Feast be modified in any way, the Sacrificial Feast that My Son Jesus Christ Himself instituted? Is that possible?

From His side wound the Holy Sacraments have flowed. In the hands of My beloved sons of priests I will be transformed through My Son Jesus Christ. This happens only in the Tridentine Sacrificial Feast. It cannot be celebrated in the mother tongue. That does not correspond to my truth. Every change is evil. Why do you allow yourselves to be confused by these malignant powers of the Freemasons? Can you not recognize it through my messengers that I want to introduce you into the full truth? The only truth lies in the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. If you believe deeply, will you not be filled with this Holy Spirit?

Have you not, little one, repeatedly proclaimed the words in the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit has given them to you? From within yourself you cannot announce them, nor can you reveal them.

What do you mean, My beloved ones, private revelation? Would it be possible that I give private revelations to My messengers - for them alone - and am not there for My believers? Would that be possible? No! - I order my messengers for the whole world, so that they cry out the truth into the world and do not keep it for themselves. You are told: "You need not believe in private revelations. You can destroy them."

What do you think, My beloved believers, My beloved father children, how much this hurts Me and also My beloved mother whom I have given you out of love. Out of love I also give you the truth so that you will not be confused in these modernist churches. Is it not convenience of you, My beloved ones, that you do not acknowledge these messages? Isn't it convenient for you to attend a modernist mass every Sunday, out of duty, at a time that suits you? At 13.30 hrs this is even possible for you. It is not for nothing that this time has been set for you who want to fulfill this duty on Sunday. Is that enough for you, My beloved ones, to join in the meal fellowship at 1:30 p.m. in this place Wigratzbad, the place of grace of My Mother? Is it really a holy sacrificial banquet of My Son? Is it not celebrated in the mother tongue? Yes, one turns to the Tabernacle of My Son, but is that enough, My beloved ones? To change just a little bit is pretending to be of false faith. You are deceived by Satan, and more and more he will seize you and lead you into lie and untruth - into unbelief - and you do not realize it.

How often, My beloved children and father children, I have announced to you the truth, the whole truth through My little messenger Anne. How widespread are already these My messages, because it proclaims My messages not from itself, but from Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. It is My truth that I announce through her, because I have chosen her and she has not chosen herself, as they say, "It is a self-appointed messenger. - No! read My messages, then you will soon realize that it cannot be her. The greatest theologian would not be able to proclaim these words. I lead My messenger into these truths and want to pass them on to you, to you, My beloved ones who believe, who let yourselves be led deeper into the Love of God, also through your dearest Mother, the Immaculate Mother and Queen of Victory. She is also present.

Yes, My little one sees much here in this place of prayer, because I wish it and because the evil one is to be expelled here by My many graces, which I pour out in abundance through her and through her group, especially through My beloved priest son during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice. That is why My small group is present here. She sacrifices, atones and prays for you all. And at the moment - as I desire - My little one suffers immeasurable agonies of body and soul because My Son Jesus Christ wants to suffer in her Himself this New Church and furthermore the New Priesthood, which is to bring forth holy priests, holy and pure priests, who consecrate themselves to the Immaculate Heart of My Heavenly Mother, who has chosen Her - as Patroness.

Yes, My beloved ones, this is your mother whom I am giving you in hand. My dearest mother shall also become your dearest mother. Consecrate yourselves to this Immaculate Heart, the most beloved and most beautiful Queen of heaven and earth! It is my dearest creature, the Immaculate Received. You shall align yourselves according to it. She looks at you. Will she not, as Heavenly Mother, always be at your side, caring? Is she not always worried about you? Does she wish that you, you my believers, continue to be led into delusion? No! - She proclaims these aids to you as Mother of the Church.

Consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart Come to My Immaculate Heart! Come under my blessing cloak, under which you shall be safe! This is My help, My beloved ones. Have I not given birth to the Son of God? Is that not why I became the Mother of God, as you are to call me? Little Mary became the Mother of God and she did not remain Little Mary. She was chosen from eternity. Immaculately she conceived the Son, the Son of God, and remained intact before and after birth.

These are prophecies, My beloved ones! This is the true Catholic faith, in which everything is holy. Holiness you shall radiate, because you receive daily in the Holy Sacrificial Mass these streams of grace full of holiness, full of depth and full of Divine power. You will not work in your power, but in Divine Power, in Divine Strength, because your power, your human power, will decrease until you faint, then, My beloved ones, I can work in you as the Triune God and lead you into full knowledge. To have full knowledge means to be without serious sin. Can you recognize My truths, the truth of the Holy Spirit, if you are not in full grace, if you do not wear this white dress? No! - It is not possible. Only without serious sin can you have this full truth and knowledge. It is fully the knowledge of the Holy Spirit. I have hidden it from the wise, but I have revealed it to the little ones. And this is my little one. She is nothing. It also calls itself a nothing because it feels that it accomplishes nothing out of itself, that everything flows out of me and my truth into its heart, that it cannot announce the truth out of itself, that nothing can be out of it. She feels it because these words during and after the ecstasy flow out of her, which you, my beloved little flock, beloved little flock, hear and which at first concerns only you.

(Now the Heavenly Father speaks with a very heavy heart. He can hardly speak, so it hurts him to have to announce this. He does it with an unspeakable sadness :).

My beloved ones, this truth and these prophecies I, the Heavenly Father, did not want to give you on the way at first. But it is necessary on this day. Believe in it!

My Supreme Shepherd, I, the Heavenly Father, desire it, would like to resign his office as Supreme Shepherd.

Why, My children, why should he do this when he should introduce the whole world church into the truth and where through him only words of truth should come, which you should listen to? Is he really in the truth? I myself, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, do not want to take this office from him. No! He may lay it down himself, because this responsibility, which he now has to bear, has become intolerable and unbelievable for all people through interreligion and through much, much more. He did not withstand to proclaim the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite fully and to live it himself. That alone has made him untrustworthy. Others have to celebrate it secretly to avoid being hostile. And he himself continues to celebrate the modernist meal in Protestantism, in ecumenism.

My beloved ones, have you not often asked yourselves, where do we stand as Catholic Christians in truth, where do we stand? Are we still lying in the truth or are we already announcing the lie? Has the lie come to us, too - out of great comfort, because we would have to change, because we would have to sacrifice and atone and give up many, many other things that have become dear to us on earth?

Yes, I have even demanded of you, My beloved little flock, to separate yourselves from your relatives. And why? Because your friends and relatives lead you into modernism and believe in it.

What do you believe in, My beloved little Monika, whom I have given so richly? Do you really believe that someone today still takes it from you that you don't know what sin and what erroneous belief means? You have made yourself comfortable, and I have given you so abundantly through My little flock. I have given you everything for free. These many graces have been poured into you. The full truth. Never modernism. And what are you doing today? You want to justify yourself so that your failure is justified. You do not want to admit that you have failed yourself. You want to burden it on others who have not failed, but continue to proclaim the true faith. You're going after them. You will even accuse them of delusion. Is that right, my beloved little Monika? How much have I followed you on your ways and protected you from evil. And now? Who do you have now to protect you? Are they your parents? Is it your husband? Is it your children who really stand by you? No! They are not. You know it that they lie in delusion and that it was all alone your failure that you showed me, me and my little ones, who wanted to do everything for you and who listened to you for hours to save you from evil. They have made the greatest effort, but you have now shown them your failure. How much will your Heavenly Mother weep for you How many tears will she now have to shed for you, because she loved you, she protected you, she followed you as a caring mother. You would never have failed, because my little flock was supporting you.

Yes, My beloved ones, this is how it will be among you, when it seems too difficult for men, the believers, to decide this way for themselves and to go, then they reveal to men that this is no longer true. What was truth before has now become a lie. So they announce it to the people, although they were allowed to experience the greatest happiness.

My beloved ones, we, the heavens, suffer. The Heavenly Father with His Son Jesus Christ the Redeemer and the Holy Spirit of Love and the dearest Mother of God, all angels and saints suffer in Heaven. All of you wish to repent and live only the truth and not only read it, but prove that you want to fully comply with the will of the Heavenly Father, that your will is directed towards saying, "Yes, Father, your will be done, no matter how difficult it is for me. Again and again I say to you a ready yes."

And so you, My little flock, My beloved little flock and My believers from near and far shall live this faith of truth. I am with you all days and never will I let you bear your suffering and tribulations alone. That means I am with you every day! Not what you made of it.

The tabernacles are empty in the modernist churches, but the tabernacles of the Holy Masses of Sacrifice, they are filled with My Son Jesus Christ, who is truly present with body and soul, with divinity and humanity, and who gives you daily new gifts.

Out of exceedingly great love I now bless you, My beloved ones, I, the Triune God, with all angels and saints, especially with your dearest Mother, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are loved! Remain courageous and hold out until the end of time when my event comes! You are the recipients and will be allowed to experience eternal happiness. Amen.


