Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, November 21, 2010

After the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and after the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the Heavenly Father speaks important words in the house chapel in Göritz/Opfenbach in Allgäu through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Before the Holy Sacrificial Mass began, angels from all four sides drew crowds into the house chapel. They floated from there to My sickroom and brought me the offerings. They asked to place me in the cup of sacrifice and to offer all my atonement again and again for the destroyed church.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today in the omnipotence and omnipotence through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in My Will and repeats only words of heaven, namely My words today.

My beloved father children, My beloved believers from near and far, My beloved pilgrims, My beloved little flock, My beloved little flock, I speak to you today in all consistency and in prophecy.

I gather My children from all four corners of the earth who will follow My Son Jesus Christ even today. You, My little one, have seen the angels rise and fall, for they have brought your sacrifices to heaven. They have taken them from you and given them to the Heavenly Father.

To you too, My beloved believers, this great sound of the angels' trumpets also applied to you. You have heard him clearly, my beloved little one, and you shall also pass it on to mine.

Yes, My Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, the Church that My Son founded, lies in great devastation, not only in destruction. My arm of wrath has been sinking for a long time. I will unapologetically let my events come. Therefore, my beloved little one, you are still bedridden and atoning for me.

It was a sacrifice for you yesterday not to be able to participate in the atonement night in Wigratzbad, in which you, My beloved little flock and many followers of My Son, took part. They held out. They have proven that they are serious about following and witnessing My messages. I wish of all of you who will now still follow me that you bear witness for me and my messages. It is so important, My beloved ones, to whom I have assigned a special task. You are to fulfill my will in its entirety, not only a part. These, My messages, must seem so important to you that you want to announce and distribute them everywhere to those who want to read them. Obeying, My beloved ones, is not at your discretion. Give these people into My hands, into My Father's hands. Then, when they follow me, they will be guided by me, the heavenly Father. I will inflame their hearts with My love. This love will be enough to fulfill My messages completely.

My beloved little one, how important is this expiation for you here in My place Wigratzbad. How long have I been wanting this atonement from you day and night. And you obey my words and you follow my wishes and pay attention to my plan and not to your wishes. Your wishes are different. For which of you, My beloved ones, wants to suffer, suffer in this world - voluntarily and not for yourselves but for the others?

You, My little one, have given Me your will and have given this will to My son. He suffers within you - himself. He suffers the suffering of the cross again. And you suffer this suffering in your soul. What this means, my beloved little one, you have often had to experience when the agony became immeasurably great in you. Then you cried out for me and I sent you comfort although you did not feel it. I have also made you feel My abandonment. It must be, my beloved little one. You are safe and secure in My hands.

How often, My beloved believers, I have admonished you. This devastation in My Church would not have to be if My authorities had followed My words in all consistency and in total devotion. Have you done it, my beloved authority, to give yourselves to me and my will? No! - You have disregarded my will and have aligned yourselves according to your wishes. And these wishes were not in My plan. You have sold My Church.

You, My beloved Supreme Shepherd, what have you done? You have sold the power of the keys which I have given you to your chief shepherds. You have sold My Church to inter-religious communities. Is that right what you did? Can it still be said today that you must obey this church? You must obey the Chief Shepherd and the chief shepherds must obey the Chief Shepherd? Is this the truth about My Catholic Church today? No! - It is the misbelief. Satan has power in this church and not I, the Heavenly Father, because I have given it to him. I am also the ruler over Satan. When tomorrow I say that your power is over and use My omnipotence, then you must go, you satanic power, you evil spirit, you evil spirit in the many people who go astray and whom My authority has led astray by their power they have used. Your power, my beloved authority, is still important to you. Do you still believe in my omnipotence and omnipotence today? At any time I can destroy you if I wish it and it is in My plan. And it will be cruel what you will have to experience then.

Pay attention to the sound of the trombone! He will come soon! Then the end of My time is here! Not the final judgment! You are confusing the two.

The currents of time have foretold it to you. You stand at the turn of the times and you have not aligned yourselves according to my wishes. You have not gone according to the Divine Plan. You have rejected him. You have destroyed him in you because you no longer believe in the Trinity - not even that you do. You have deleted the Triune God from your lives. Who do you obey now? Satan - you obey him and he has power over you because I allow it.

"Go away from Me, for I do not know you," I will meet you when I will appear in heaven in all power and all glory. And this is my truth, the truth of the Triune God, who will come in his omnipotence and omnipotence. Do you not recognize, my beloved ones, how far you have turned away from the true One, Catholic faith? You celebrate meal fellowship with the Protestants and are united with ecumenism and Protestantism. You massacred my Catholic Church. It was not important for you to confess Me, Me, the Triune God. Your power is in the first place with you today.

How many nights of atonement has My little one sacrificed for you, how many hours of atonement in utter agony. She said yes to the atonement. "Yes, Father, if that is your will, then let it be done to me." And I made them suffer, although it hurt Me, Me, their heavenly Father. Suffering continued to take place in her - day and night and I have communicated it to you. Did you obey? Did you believe that I, the Heavenly Father, can do it in My omnipotence? I have admonished you again and again: "Turn back, return and repent in a valid, repentant confession. Did you do it? Have you followed My prophecies that are so important for you, that I have cried out into the world through My little one, through My Internet? It belongs to me! I send out My messages and I use it for this. My messages are known all over the world today. It is not My little messenger that is to be cried out into the world, no, but the will of your Heavenly Father. It is about the truth, about the only truth, which you are to follow and which you have not followed.

How bitter is the suffering of My Son in My little one. If I would not strengthen her, she would have succumbed to her sufferings because her whole body is a pain which she has to suffer because of you, because you have devastated my church through your iniquities. And you do not believe until today. And so I must re-establish My priesthood, and My Son will suffer it in My little one. I will also found My Church, My new, Catholic and Apostolic Church, and for this I need only those who follow My Son in all consistency and who immediately fulfill His Word in the Trinity. Let them do nothing but pay attention to words and prophecies and obey them immediately, because then nothing will happen to you, my beloved ones, my beloved father children.

My beloved believers, wake up, wake up, the time has come, it is fulfilled!

How many souls will descend into the eternal abyss and I, the Heavenly Father who created them, must watch them fall. I cannot take it back because my word is valid, my eternal word, the word of truth! How many times have I told you, obey My words and walk My ways, for I am the truth and the life. My word is true.

But you live in the world. You enjoy the worldly pleasures and nothing else. I have given you your free will and I do not take it back, because I leave you this choice, to say yes to the word of the father or a no. A no remains a no. It cannot be taken back, - as also the chief shepherd has determined for himself: He has said a quite consistent no to me: "I continue to exercise my power as the Supreme Shepherd, as I want to, and I remain the Supreme Shepherd, and I continue to lead my little sheep astray, into delusion, into confusion. I do not pay attention to the words of My Heavenly Father in the Trinity, because I cannot give Him this total surrender. I live in the fear of man and not in the fear of God. I did not ask for the Holy Spirit in the place where I should have done it." So you must say it and confess it, My Supreme Shepherd.

My little one is atoning for you, also for your sins, for your iniquities and for not bearing witness. Will you regret? Will you once again beg your Heavenly Father and cry out for Him or must I continue to say: "I do not know you! You are standing at the abyss, and if I would not hold you, you would already have been killed. But I do not want the death of the sinner, but that he be converted and live.

My little one will continue to say a clear yes to the atonement for you. She suffers for you, My Supreme Shepherd, because it concerns My Only, Holy and Catholic Church.

And now My beloved little flock, soon the time of your being here in Wigratzbad/Opfenbach is over. Next Sunday you will start your journey home according to my wish and will. You, My little one, will suffer until the last day. But I give you the strength to be able to start this way home. It must be so that your suffering is planned until the last breath. Continue to say your willing and consistent Yes to Me, because you practice total devotion every day.

You too, My faithful, put yourselves into the cup of sacrifice. Look at My Church! Do you see a single sacrificial priest at the altar? Does he sacrifice himself completely? No! - Every priest who wants to follow Me keeps something for himself. And that is not the total dedication and consequence. I want everything from you, everything, everything I have given you! Give it back to me, then it is safe and sound and you will once be allowed to see my glory for ever and ever. That is your goal and is also your way. I wish it so. You are protected in the Trinity and protected by your beloved Mother, protected by all angels, especially by My Holy Archangel Michael and the Angel of Comfort, the Holy Archangel Lechitiel.

Remain in the truth and remain faithful to Me and live love, for divine love is the greatest! Look at the sky! I will come and you will see Me. Nothing will happen to you. You are to announce and testify to me. This is now all your way.

I love you and now I want to bless you, protect you and send you out when and where I want. The Triune God blesses you with all the angels and saints, especially with your dearest Heavenly Mother, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I love you and bless you. Amen.


