Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mother of God Saturday.

The Heavenly Father speaks in the house chapel in Göritz/Opfenbach after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. After the Holy Sacrificial Mass, the Heavenly Father would like to give us a few words to take with us on our journey home to Göttingen. Flocks of angels were drawn into the house chapel in large numbers from all four directions. They hovered around the tabernacle and adored the Blessed Sacrament. The statue of Christ was brightly illuminated three times. The Blessed Mother radiated her sweetness. The Holy Archangel Michael struck his sword again in all four directions and the Little King of Love sent His rays to the Child Jesus. The Trinity sparkled in golden and dark red rays that descended upon us. The image of the Heavenly Father, the Immaculate Mother of Victory, the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach, St. Joseph and Padre Pio and the Stations of the Cross also shone in bright light.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today on this Saturday of Our Lady through My little, willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who lies wholly in My will, for she has transferred her will to Me. My beloved faithful, My beloved little flock, My beloved little flock, through them, My little one, special words will flow out today as I, the Heavenly Father, desire.

Take these graces with you on your journey home tomorrow, November 28, which is the first Sunday of Advent. This journey home is planned according to My plan. You will leave already at 10.00 a.m. according to my wish. Why, my beloved little flock, because you are to be protected on this journey home and because it corresponds to the weather conditions.

You were allowed to experience a beautiful snow landscape in this Oberallgäu, also according to my wish. This was my farewell gift here from this house chapel in Göritz/Opfenbach.

How many graces, My beloved ones, have you brought daily to Wigratzbad. They have been radiated through you, because you have walked this path of atonement every day, which was intended by me, in all humility and in all gratitude. Every day you have received these graces from My beloved Padre Pio, also in the Lourdes Chapel and in the Chapel of the Mount of Olives. You worshipped My Son Jesus Christ daily in the statue in Wigratzbad. Every day you went to the Holy Archangel Michael, made a stop there and prayed this Holy Michael Prayer for the protection of this Wigratzbad or pilgrimage site. Yes, it was appointed as a place of prayer, but it was not according to my wish. It should be appointed a place of pilgrimage, because here at this place Wigratzbad, My Mother as Immaculate Received Mother and Queen of Victory will achieve Her victory. She and her Marian children will crush the head of the snake. Here at this place it will take place.

Before that My event will come. Do not be afraid, my beloved little flock and you my believers who follow this difficult path. You are protected. You are under my full protection, also under the protection of my mother, the queen of heaven. You stand under your coat. A great event will come according to my plan and wish. A lot can still be done if there is still much atonement and prayer.

You have poured out a rich blessing of mercy on this place. Thank you, My beloved ones, for these 6 weeks of daily prayer, daily atonement. Also, you have always visited these atonement nights and have prayed constantly. There too you were ready to atone. It is a church of atonement and there is still much to be atoned for in this church for these great outrages that have happened here in this place. You, My little ones, know it. I have made it known to you, to you alone, because you should not accept these difficulties.

My beloved ones, continue to atone in Göttingen, your home town. There you will first be able to rest a little from your atonement, My beloved little one, so that you can do all the work there in peace. Here, too, I will give you this strength you need for this long journey. Do not be afraid of the pain that still oppresses you. You have borne this atonement in all love and sacrifice. You never said no to me, even though it was almost unbearable for you. I thank you, My beloved little one. I would also like to thank the small group that supported them so helpfully in prayer and care.

My beloved ones, when you will return to this place, I do not want to tell you yet. It still remains My secret. I know that you have always been willing to travel here and take this long journey upon yourselves. You were always ready and you never said no. This is not easy for you, for all of you. But these sacrifices are passed on to the priests, i.e. they will be of use to them.

I have especially blessed one priest here in this place. I want to thank him for his sacrifice. He will know for himself that he is a great gifted man. All other priests need repentance, penance and atonement.

The modernist meal community is still celebrated here at this altar, although it is emphasized: "We hold the sacrificial meal at the tabernacle. This is not enough for me, My beloved sons of priests. It is not a Tridentine Holy Mass of sacrifice.

Are not the laymen at the altar with you too? What is this deacon doing with My Blessed Sacrament? Is it not the holy of holies, the monstrance, which only a priest may touch and bless with it? It is My Blessed Sacrament, the Blessed Sacrament of My Son Jesus Christ. He is present with Godhead and humanity. May anyone else ever take hold of this sacred monstrance? No! It is not possible. But here it continues to happen. Much is happening here at this place of prayer Wigratzbad, which does not correspond to my plan and wish.

Still you do not see, My little one, the dearest Mother of God, the Immaculate Received Mother and Queen of Victory on this Church of Atonement, as you have seen her for years. St. Joseph is not yet visible to you, my little one, as the protector of this Church of Atonement. The Holy Archangel Michael is not yet visible in the Church of Atonement. For many years, they have watched here and protected this place of prayer from all evil. Now the wicked man has power because I leave it to him, - still, My beloved, still he has power. From one hour to the next I can take this power from him. And all who work with him make themselves available to Satan. Yes, that is so, My beloved. So important to me is this My place of pilgrimage, the place of prayer of My Heavenly Mother, the Immaculate Received Mother and Queen of Victory.

How big will this event be when it appears, even though this appearance has been rejected so far. Yes, it is rejected by my sons of priests and this false doctrine is sent into the world: "It shall not appear and it shall not happen.

But, My beloved children, am I not the omnipotent, almighty and omniscient God, God the Father, who knows everything and who wants to save all souls? It is I, My beloved children, who speak through this instrument, I, the Heavenly Father.

So powerful are these messages that My Little One gives on the Internet and so important for the whole world. But like many priests, the entire clergy, the authorities, do not obey these messages. One day they will be asked before the eternal judgment: "Why did you reject my messages on earth? Why? Why did you fall? Could you not have done everything for me on earth? And you didn't do it. Now I hold you in judgment."

And I'll have to say, "I don't know you!" Do you think that this is not the hardest thing for your Heavenly Father? Don't you believe it? I want to save all priests! They are important and valuable to me, - every single priest! I love them all, for I have chosen them. They are the chosen ones, messengers. Do they behave like the messengers today? No! they are disgracing My Blessed Sacrament, the Blessed Sacrament of My Son Jesus Christ, and still do not turn back.

My door of heart, My beloved sons of priests, remains open! Out of my wound of the heart you have come forth. Therefore you are sacrificial priests. Prove it to me at a sacred table of sacrifice and not at a dinner table. Will your Heavenly Mother not stand by you then? Does she not love you more than anything? Is she not also the queen of the sons of priests, - your queen? Couldn't you call her at any time and you don't do it?

And now my beloved ones, I would like to come back to the DVD. I want to thank you, beloved Raphael, for all the work you have done for God's reward. You did it for my sake. With all my heart I say thanks to you. You are My beloved Raphael!

All who would like to receive this DVD, please be patient. Because first of all these DVDs have to be burned. And that still needs some time from my beloved Katharina, who does this work. Be patient! This DVD is important for everyone, because it is to go into the world, because it proclaims My whole truth, - My Holy Sacrificial Mass in all truth!

If you follow these steps, My beloved children, you will remain in the full truth and will be led deep into My love and into My Holy Sacrificial Feast, which My holy priestly son celebrates daily.

And now I wish you a good journey home My beloved little flock here in Göritz. Go home in My blessing. Heaven watches over you. Nothing will happen to you. Everything will be done according to My plan. You will be able to return safely to your beloved hometown Göttingen without harm. My beloved mother is going with me. I hired you. And also the Holy Archangel Michael and Saint Joseph will accompany you.

Once again I would like to thank you for these precious 6 weeks with you. I love you and I will continue to guide you in your hometown Göttingen. Be protected in the love of the Heavenly Father in the Trinity and be blessed in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Be brave, strong and proclaim My truths, all of you who fulfill My plan and desire and walk this difficult path to the top of Golgotha. Thanks for your effort. I also bless you from near and far. Amen.


