Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year. Feast of the circumcision of the Lord.

Our Lady speaks after the Holy Tridennian Sacrificial Mass in the house church in Göttingen through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The angels were again present in great numbers. The Blessed Mother was brightly illuminated and sent her rays to us. All the holy figures shone in bright splendor during the Holy Sacrificial Mass.

Our Lady speaks today: I, your dearest Mother, Queen of Angels, Queen of Priests, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She is entirely in the will of the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, and today she repeats My words.

My beloved children, My beloved children of Mary, today you celebrate the feast of the circumcision of My Son Jesus Christ. He, too, has submitted to the law of men. That is, He became whole man except sin. He has endured everything. Everything that the Father wanted from Him, He has fulfilled. He in the Trinity did the will of the Father again and again and was obedient. You too, My beloved children, are obedient to the Heavenly Father in the Trinity! Everything that He tells you in His instructions and in His messages, that fulfills without reserve! He is waiting for you, for your obedience, your trust and your love.

Do I not support you, your dearest mother, in every situation? Am I not with you? Today also the manger was illuminated. Especially the little baby Jesus. As a poor little baby Jesus lies in the manger and waits for your return love. Don't you love the little Jesus especially at Christmas time? Has It not become man for you? Yes, I, too, the Blessed Mother, have submitted myself to Him. Again and again I have worshipped the Godhead in the Trinity in the little Jesus.

Through the Holy Spirit this Jesus was conceived in My womb. Can you imagine this and ever fathom it? Through the Holy Spirit It became man and was begotten in My womb. How this was supposed to happen and how this happened, can you figure it out? Can you fathom the Holy Trinity Father, Son and Holy Spirit? - No! My beloved children of Mary, you will never be able to do that. I, as Heavenly Mother, was overshadowed by the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, and the holiest in Me became man. This great moment remains hidden from your senses, because you should believe it, you should trust as the Heavenly Father desires.

Has He not told you everything so far? That which was of importance was revealed to you. Some things will always remain hidden for you in the mystery of God. You are earth children and I, the dearest Heavenly Mother, was lifted up from the earth after the death of My Son. I became like the angels. Could I have lived on earth without My Son Jesus Christ, like men in the earthliness? No! My dearest Jesus in the Trinity, My Son, the Son of God, and I, too, were connected with each other. Our hearts merged at conception. Could Jesus, My Son, the Son of God, live without Me? No! He himself wanted it that way. He became man in my womb, in my womb. All that He has endured, I have endured as well.

And so I became the Coredemptrix. And this dogma I wish that it be proclaimed. But not in this time, in my time. My time is not your time. And especially I do not wish this dogma to be proclaimed in this modernism.

Hang on, My beloved little children, My children of Mary, you, My father's children. Believe completely in the Trinity. Hold fast to this deep faith. Hold fast to adoration of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Hold especially tight to this holy sacrificial meal. This holy sacrificial meal does not exist a second time. Only once has My Son Jesus Christ instituted this sacrament and founded this priesthood. This too cannot be measured by human standards. But you want it. But not only that, my beloved children, you want to destroy it. One wants to destroy everything, now in this modernist church. People do not obey My Son Jesus Christ in the Trinity in any way. They no longer recognize Him as a deity in the Trinity. They connect Him with their humanity. He was born as a man and not as a deity. That is what people believe today.

Is not My Jesus today waiting for these people who have moved away from Him, who are no longer standing at the manger and do not want to experience in their hearts this profound miracle of the birth of My Son? No! One no longer pays attention to this festival. It is completely secularized. Nothing is left of this festival. But you, My children, praise and glorify the Godhead in this little Jesus who became man for you. And I, as Heavenly Mother, worshipped Him constantly in My womb, because I knew that it is Jesus Christ, the Godhead, whom I worship in Me. Never would I have dared to connect with humanity the Jesusine in such a way that it could only be human. No! He was born as a man, but in him the deity was present at the same time. You cannot fathom that, my children, you have to believe that. And in this faith you live, and all heaven rejoices you at the beginning of the New Year.

Tonight you have expiated several hours for these iniquities of the priests and the faithful. Jesus Christ, my son, gratefully accepted this atonement from you. The Heavenly Father watches over you and never leaves you alone, - He in the Trinity. You are loved by the Trinity and by your Heavenly Mother. Your hearts are united with the Godhead through Me because My heart is fused with the Godhead. That is, I remain the virgin and the mother of God.

And that is what people confuse today. One says: I am Maria. - That is, I was Mary and have remained that Mary. Never did I become the Blessed Mother, the Immaculate Receiver, whom one does not venerate today and with whom one does not want to connect today.

You, My children, do it today on this great feast, on My high feast. I want to connect your hearts with the Trinity and with Me, the Heavenly Mother.

And so I send you out into the world Announce to all this gospel, this truth, which will always remain truth for all eternity. Thus I bless you in the protection of the Triune God and in the power of Divine Love, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end. Amen.


