Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Feast of the name of Jesus.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The angels have again moved into the house church in large flocks and adore the Blessed Sacrament and the Child Jesus in the manger. They also grouped themselves around the Blessed Mother and the Father Symbol.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today on January 2 of the New Year through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.

Today you celebrate the day of the name of Jesus, My Son Jesus Christ, who redeemed you. I, the Heavenly Father, greet you today on this feast day.

How I long for souls. Do these people still obey me today? Do these priests still obey Me today? Do they not turn away from My Son Jesus Christ, who today celebrates His Day of Name? Yes, more and more, My beloved ones, they turn away from you. That means, they turn away from my messages, from my truths, which I announce to you for your salvation and the salvation of many souls.

My beloved priestly son, have I not given you the power to deliver many people who are afflicted by evil? Yes, I have given you power and in My name, in the name of Jesus Christ My Son, you will continue to deliver these people from evil. Of course the evil one wants to prevent this and will always put obstacles in your way, and My little one will have to suffer a lot.

Many people will turn away from you. Why? Because they do not want to believe and because they do not want to be liberated. That means making sacrifices. To believe in me, the Triune God, seems too difficult for them. The broad way is simple and easy to walk, but the narrow way means sacrifice, many sacrifices to develop a great faith and not to be afraid of people and to put the fear of God first. Many do not. Above all now in these last steps to the mountain Golgotha they want to turn away. You, My little one, suffer for these souls, because they were important and dear to Me. How hard I bought them.

In the name of Jesus you, My beloved priestly son, have cast out the evil one. You men who have the evil one in you today, turn to this My priestly son. He will be allowed to free you in my name, in Jesus' name, through my power, not through his power. He will then lose his strength more and more because my strength must increase. Your love must grow and trust must grow, My dear believers, My beloved children.

Some people have already turned away. This hurts, My beloved ones. This hurts very much. My beloved mother cries bitter tears for these people. Have I not promised you miracles? Did I not want to make miracles happen around you and in you and through you in the name of Jesus Christ? Have I not promised you? Yes! Did these miracles happen? No!

In a special practice I wanted to make miracles happen. I could not let it happen, because I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, was not fully obeyed. I weep bitterly for this soul. Turn away from it. This too is bitter for me.

And what about My beloved lawn cross? How is it with men who do not believe, who are not firm, who put the fear of men first, and not me, the heavenly Father, that they do not put the fear of God above it, but always cultivate the fear of men. Is it not I, who can work in omnipotence, who is omniscient and omnipotent, who can change everything around you, who orders and cleanses? This purification requires many sacrifices from you and a deep trust in your Heavenly Father. With some people it now diminishes because the way is too stony and demands even more sacrifices. They no longer want to believe.

And this is what My beloved lawn cross is all about. I have let it arise, and I can take it from you in omnipotence, then, when I wish it. Familiar deeper and more intimate. I have promised you miracles, spiritual miracles on the grass cross. They will only happen in men who trust deeply and firmly and believe in my omnipotence. Wonders of the soul and wonders of the body I have promised you. Many humans set me now their self-will against and obstruct the miracles at the lawn cross. But I continue to work, I clean and order there.

For the time being, My beloved ones, My beloved little flock and My beloved little flock, turn away from this place, for the wicked man is going about, and the wicked man wants to seize everything. There at My beloved lawn cross, which I have dearly purchased, the evil one works, and you shall not be confronted with evil. Turn away for the time being, as it is the wish of your Heavenly Father. Believe in it! The evil one still works there!

I will change My plans, because one obstructs My present plans and thwarts them. Pay attention to My signs. The Divine Savior, the Lord and Master in the Omnipotence, will work there, but in a different way than you can imagine, and in a different way than seems possible to you. Can I not make the impossible possible? Do I not have the power and the strength for it, especially when one opposes my plans and does not obey me?

You, My beloved little flock and My beloved little flock, believe in it and I want to embrace you firmly and deeply in My heart so that you may survive all that is still to come. Have faith, yes, have blind faith in your beloved Heavenly Father! The Holy Archangel Michael will continue to protect you from all evil and your dearest mother will be caring for you.

I suffer, My beloved ones, I suffer immeasurable agonies in you, My beloved little one. You feel it because many will now despise me and they will no longer want to believe in my omnipotence.

The Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit now blesses you. Amen. I love you and I long immeasurably for your souls and for the many souls that are not ready to repent. Amen.


