Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Feast of the Magi.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The angels had again entered the house church from all four directions and worshipped the Child Jesus in the manger. The Magi entered from behind, knelt down and worshipped the Child Jesus as well. The rays went from the Little King of Love to the Child Jesus; not vice versa. That had its reason.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in My will and only repeats My words.

My beloved believers, My beloved pilgrims from near and far, My beloved little flock and My beloved little flock, I speak to you today because it is the day of Epiphany, of Apparition. This is an important day also for you, my beloved little flock. Wake up, be vigilant, for the wicked man will rush at you with great violence, because he can no longer bear this power that emanates from you. He wants to destroy everything. But I, the Heavenly Father, watch over you and nothing will happen to you. But the fight of Satan is great. But everything that is in My plan will happen. I still leave him this power so that my royal rule may be recognized.

Today I saw in ecstasy that the Child Jesus was suddenly crowned with a golden crown. To the right of the baby Jesus was the crown of thorns.

The Heavenly Father further says: Yes, My beloved ones, I have sent My Son Jesus Christ to earth to redeem you all. Gold, incense and myrrh brought these kings. They saw the star, the signpost of faith. They saw him go ahead and they hastened after him. Why? Because they followed the truth. Jesus Christ My Son is the truth and the life. In this little Jesus the Godhead was present and still is. One wants to pursue this Godhead in you, My beloved ones, also today. Why, little one, are you persecuted the most? Because you proclaim the whole truth to all men, - to all men. You will therefore be disregarded, yes, persecuted, hostile and mocked.

My truths will not be accepted even today, which I speak through you and which My Son Jesus Christ wants to suffer today in you, My little one, as the new Church is being founded and the new priesthood is being founded, which you cannot and never will fathom. Surrender completely to my will. In it you are secure, for nowhere is this security given to you today.

Even today heathens will be converted. My Catholic Church in this constitution of authority will have no power. One has not followed this star of truth and light. I have scattered out my truths into the whole world, but people do not believe in this truth in its entirety.

Why, My beloved little flock, does one not believe this truth? Because the sacrificial table was removed and the popular altar was placed in the middle. But my truth still comes to light through you, my beloved little flock. I watch over you especially because through you, my little one, only through you as the only messenger, this truth will come to light in its entirety. I have chosen you because you have given me your full "yes" and completely surrendered yourself to me. What I have not yet demanded of any messenger, I demand of you: work, love and suffering. Work, love and suffering belong together, My beloved ones. This should be the symbol of the Three Wise Men: Gold, incense and myrrh: love, work and suffering. That is what this dear little Jesus brings you today. It is the truth, because suffering belongs to love. And without work you will not get along in life. If you only pray without doing any work, this will not satisfy you.

However, there are special people whom I have chosen, who only suffer and expiate, who cannot work. This is wanted by me.

In life itself I also want to give you the work as you, My small group, My small flock, have experienced it so far. You were overwhelmed with work, but in spite of it all you cultivated your prayer life and proclaimed the truth. You have not deviated one iota from this, although you have been persecuted and slandered to a great extent. Love was crucial for you, for love has flowed into your hearts. Why? Because you have lived and proclaimed the truth. Nothing but the truth is important today.

Who still knows the truth today? That is why, My beloved ones, on this day I have newly founded this prayer group with nine people in the area of Wigratzbad. I myself am the founder of this group. I had already formed a group there, but it scattered because the leader of that group destroyed it through his unbelief. Today, My beloved ones, I have already tested the individual members of the group beyond all measure. They are solid - except for one person. Take heed, my beloved ones, you will know it quite soon.

Many have fallen away from this first group because they no longer followed My special steps and because these difficulties were too much for them. They did not want to make these sacrifices. I demand the highest of you, My beloved ones. You cannot fathom it and you cannot understand it.

Why, My beloved ones, have I scattered My DVD with the Holy Sacrificial Mass of My beloved priest's son out into the world, - into the whole world, not only in Germany? It is now known in many countries after only four weeks, because people long for the whole truth, not half of it. First the whole truth must be revealed before I as king will come for the second time in great power and glory, in my omnipotence, in my omniscience and my omnipotence. My mother will be with me as I always had my mother with me in all my life on earth and also in heaven.

She is the mother of the church that has been destroyed today. Must My Mother not weep tears for this destruction of the entire Catholic and Apostolic Church? But they will never be completely destroyed. But one tries with all means. It is not possible, however, because I founded this church: I, Jesus Christ in the Trinity. It is My Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Who will believe Me today, My beloved ones? The heathen from near and far will rush to this church. They long for the truth - not my beloved Catholic Christians. Where have they gone? They have scattered and have become addicted to the world. They have turned to the worldly pleasures.

Where is My clergy, whom I have consecrated, I personally through the bishops, the chief shepherds. He too has scattered. Some do not come to daylight because they are full of fear of humans. They do not confess to this sole, holy mass of sacrifice. This truth must be lived and witnessed. If I am not a witness to the truth, I do not live everything. Still the fear of man is then in the first place. I want to have everything, My beloved believers and pilgrims. Everything belongs to Me, not to you. It is my creatures and my beloved believers who today are led astray by the authorities. My sheep have been scattered by the untruth of all the clergy, including the Chief Shepherd.

What a tribulation and what a chaos is in the whole world today. There are no more guidelines, no signpost, no star. And so I say to you all today: Follow the one star of truth, which I have given you. My little one is the only one who lives and announces my truth. It follows My Star of Truth. Follow also you, my beloved believers and pilgrims from near and far, the star of truth. Decide for the truth so that you will not fall into the eternal abyss. Confess the truth, - the little Jesus in the manger.

I did not only become a man, but at the same time the Godhead was working in me. As God and man, I came into the world in the bosom of My dearest, most holy Virgin Mary. She was chosen as the Mother of God. Today people say Maria. Is it right that My Heavenly Mother can be a Mary? Any Maria? She was Mary when the angel spoke to her and she gave her fiat. In the moment of procreation by the Holy Spirit, She became God's Mother, Mother of God.

And now you believe in the Mother of God and beg to her, not to Mary. She hears your wishes and brings them to Me, the Heavenly Father. And I will answer them when they are present in my heavenly plan. I know the whole truth and I am the truth. I will not lead you astray, but deeper into the truth through Divine Love.

All heaven blesses you today, triumphing on this day. I, My beloved ones, am pleased that on this day at 6:00 p.m. the prayer group will be founded by My nine faithful and chosen ones. You will be steadfast and remain as I wish. I will be with them every first Thursday of the month at 18.00. If you also want to lock yourselves in, then contact this contact person, whom I pass through via Internet. (U. Lachenmayer, Tel. 08282/3200).

I love you immeasurably and long for every soul that is ready to follow this star of truth! Now all Heaven blesses you, My dearest Mother, the little Jesus, the Magi and all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You will be loved from eternity! Hang in there! The last time, the last minute, has come. Amen.


