Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, January 8, 2011


Our Lady speaks important words after the Cenacle and the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the domestic church in Göttingen through her instrument and child Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Large crowds of angels moved into the house church when we started the Cenacle. Bigger angels gathered when the Holy Sacrificial Mass began and they gathered around the Child Jesus in the manger, the Mother of God and Saint Joseph. The entire altar of Mary was bathed in golden light, as was the tabernacle and the Father symbol. The four evangelists were exceptionally brightly lit.

Our Lady will speak today: I, your Heavenly Mother, speak to you today on this day of the Cenacle, My beloved children, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She is in the will of the Heavenly Father and only repeats words from heaven. Today those of Me, your beloved Mother.

My beloved children of Mary, My beloved faithful and pilgrims from near and far, My beloved little flock and My beloved little flock, how much I love you, I cannot describe. You are imprisoned in the supernatural. You have partially lost this earth-bound nature. Why? Because the Heavenly Father wants it that way. Eventually, no one will be able to understand you. You will only be in obedience to the Heavenly Father, and He demands the greatest of you. He will act in his omnipotence, omnipotence and omniscience, not as you would like to fathom it. He will rule the whole world, and above all he will put His Church back into balance. He will manage this all by himself. He will found them anew through His Son Jesus Christ in the Trinity.

My beloved children, how much I need you to manage everything in this struggle. All hell has broken loose, My children. You are in the greatest struggle and you can no longer fathom or understand anything and the world and the church do not understand you. They do not follow the messages of the Heavenly Father.

How many years have you, My little one, been educated by the Heavenly Father, - 6 ½ years. Thousands of messages have streamed into the world because the Heavenly Father wanted it that way. He himself now needs his Internet. He needs the technology. He makes use of them. Also the cell phone, My beloved children, is important for you so that you can connect with the whole world. At every moment the Heavenly Father guides you. He guides you, and He also takes away from you independence, i.e. egoism. You are to be guided and guided. You are all His instruments, who now still want to follow this path and who have agreed to give up their own will and to completely obey the Heavenly Father.

I, as Heavenly Mother, as Mother of the Church, finally lead you to the Heavenly Father through My Son. There you are safe and secure. Only there you will find the security you need. How much is the Church of Jesus Christ, which He founded, in disorder, in misbelief and in chaos. That the church must be newly founded is incomprehensible to all of you. How is this to be done? So much you have wanted to explore this in the Fraternita. Is this possible, My beloved children? Is it possible for you to fathom the plan of the Heavenly Father? No! He alone has omnipotence and omniscience and omnipotence. And these he will apply, - quite soon, my beloved ones.

I take all of you, who are now following this most difficult path to the top of Mount Golgotha, under My protective cloak. Nothing will happen to you in this fight, in this greatest fight. You remain My obedient children of Mary. Have I not promised you that you will fight this battle with Me? What must this look like for you then, My beloved ones? Look at my pierced heart, at my Immaculate Heart. How much it has suffered on the Way of the Cross, in the struggle of life with My beloved Son, the Son of God. And yet I have endured everything in Divine Power, - I, as Mother of the Church.

Now the Heavenly Father says: And now this only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church has been deprived of the Supreme Shepherd, the leader of the whole world, the Vicar of Christ, who is always to proclaim ex cathedra in his power. He is the only one who should lie in the truth, - completely. Does he obey Me, the heavenly Father? No! He has so many doubts that he cannot turn back, that he cannot put this nave back on the right track, that he does not declare this Second Vatican Council ineffective. He should do it, I have commanded him to do so, but he does not listen to My words, to My whole truth. Only I in omnipotence can support this Holy Father in truth. Does he rely on my words, on my messages that he has received? He cannot say, "I have not known anything.

You, My representative of Christ on earth, have known everything, you have had all possibilities to steer the little ship back on the right track. But you have advanced your self-will. What you yourself think possible, you have done. My possibilities lie in another area, they are supernatural. You are anchored in the worldly. You do not teach the truth. You do not correct your chief shepherds. You are responsible for them. They are against you and have rebelled against you. What must you do then, My beloved shepherd? Proclaim the truth and nothing but the truth in full range. Have you done it and proclaimed My truth? No! You have put your human fear in the foreground, indulged your pride and power. Is that right? Do you need to be recognized around the world? No! You must cultivate humility. You can only do my will and devote yourself completely to me, transfer your will to me. That was too hard for you.

And still today you have not managed the turnaround, although I have reminded you of it so many times, although I have always stirred up your conscience. You have no longer recognized what my will was by putting yourself at the mercy of evil. You, as the representative of My Son Jesus Christ, you have obeyed this evil power that is confronted with you. Why did I put you in the very first place? Do you not bear the responsibility for the whole universal church? Yeah, you wear them. And now, - the church is destroyed. Didn't you contribute to most of this destruction? Have you not let everything happen that was in falsehood? Yes, you have not instructed your bishops and cardinals, the chief shepherds, to refrain from this, to continue destroying the Church. Whatever served the church to harm, you have allowed. Is that right? I ask you again and again and want to shake you up so that you can also pass this last fight.

How many helpers do you have who support you Is not the Blessed Mother the first one who wants to support you? Did you call her? Have you consecrated yourself to her? Have you consecrated yourself to the Immaculate Heart of your dearest Mother? No! You did not do it with your heart. Your innermost being, your soul is important and the souls of those entrusted by you to the whole universal church. You have sold it, this Church of My Son, to people of other faiths. By doing so, you have put the Catholic Church in danger.

Your Heavenly Mother weeps tears of blood for you. Still not waking up? Look at my dearest mother standing there waiting for your repentance. You have to turn the wheel. Everything goes astray. You continue to lead everyone astray, into confusion, into unbelief. It is you who can turn everything around and does not do it.

Our Lady continues to say: Yes, your dearest mother weeps for you. And today you, My beloved children, celebrate this Cenacle as I desire you to do. You are My faithful, who follow My Son in his entirety. Remain faithful! Remain faithful to the whole of heaven! Fathom nothing, for you will understand nothing more. Follow willingly! You shall become like a little child who looks only at the Father and circles only around the Heavenly Father. He is the most important thing, He is the head, and He tells you everything you should do, how you should act. You are instruments of the Heavenly Father and nothing more.

My little one must be the least of all. Her selfishness must be completely eradicated so that you, my beloved little one, can let yourself be guided as the heavenly Father has provided for in every moment. Not the way you want it. You still have your egoism in certain things, and you apply and use it. I, your Heavenly Mother, support you in every situation. Look at My suffering and then look at the suffering you have to endure for My Son. Do you not want to be completely there for My Son so that He can found in you this new Church as He desires and suffer in you first of all, and above all, the new priesthood?

Look at your predecessor Maria Sieler. Did she not suffer unspeakably? Yes! She did not even have a home. She was not even provided for. She had nothing. She always looked only at the will of the Heavenly Father until her last moment of death, the return to the Heavenly Father. She wanted nothing for herself, but gave everything to the Heavenly Father. And so it shall be with you and with you, my beloved ones. You are the first to whom I announce my truth, which is to go into the whole world. And that remains as it is.

Look at your heart, what it says and how it is moved by the supernature. It can rejoice and it can suffer in the same moment. Joy and sorrow are close together and are not separated from each other, - especially not with your small flock. I love you, also you My beloved little flock.

On January 6th you made the Covenant of Allegiance. To whom do you want to be completely faithful, you My beloved nine persons? There will be some more who want to remain faithful. I love you especially and will strengthen you, My beloved children of Mary. You are mine and are sheltered under my protective cloak. Come on! Consecrate yourselves to Me and wear the scapular openly over your clothes. It is the last fight. You must be recognized, My beloved children of Mary.

The wicked one reigns, and the wicked one is cunning and wants to fight you, My little one, in a special way He wants you for himself. You will be attacked from all sides because you are the one who is the only messenger of the Heavenly Father who will proclaim His truth in its entirety, whether it is convenient or inconvenient for you. You will do it because you are under his will and have transferred your will to him. Be brave and courageous! I strengthen you and I love you and I guide, direct and lead you to the Heavenly Father.

Now your Heavenly Mother in the Trinity blesses you with all the angels and saints, especially with My Bridegroom St. Joseph, St. Michael the Archangel and My beloved Padre Pio, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end. Amen.


