Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Feast of the Holy Family.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Again, large crowds of angels entered the house church and grouped themselves above all around the Blessed Mother, around Saint Joseph and many were gathered around the Child Jesus in the manger. The Child Jesus blessed during the Holy Sacrificial Mass and kept looking at the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph. Gratitude and joy was in His gaze.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today on the Feast of the Holy Family through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is in My Will.

My beloved faithful, My beloved pilgrims, My beloved little flock and herd, today you celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. Is this festival still held sacred today? No! They even moved it to another day. So unimportant was this holy festival to the authorities. It is a special festival, the feast of the Holy Family. On this Holy Family: The Holy Mother of God, St. Joseph with the Holy Child Jesus should be the orientation for families today, then holiness would be in their families again. Does that still exist today in this time? No! There is hardly a family that follows the path of holiness, that prays together, sacrifices together, lets the others be granted the way it is, does not want to change, can forgive, does not hold grudges, meets the other in love and lets joy flow again and again into each other's hearts, the joy of heaven.

Are these families still connected to the Holy Family today? Do they still take an example from it today? No! Outside of marriage they are bound in a partnership. This bond has no beginning and no continuation. The marriage is not concluded at all. One already lives apart in this relationship. One does not live an engagement period as it was before. No! It is said that this is not necessary. I have to see if the other person likes me and how long he likes me. When I see the weaknesses of the other and they become a nuisance to me, to accept the other as he is, then I can bind myself to the next partner. I can leave the other one alone. He was not important to me. I did not observe the sacrament of marriage. Outside the sacrament I have already lived marriage. Is that right, My beloved ones? Who is destroying marriage today?

The Freemasons, My beloved ones, have already intervened with their satanic power in the Church, in the sacraments, especially in marriage. Marriage is a sacrament and marriage wants to be lived. Then there is holiness in the families again. Look at the parents, My beloved children. There you will still find holiness, - still, my beloved ones. But you do not even respect your parents. You leave your parental home very quickly and very early and want to live in a partnership, although marriage is not planned in this partnership. In an entertaining way, you tie yourself to one partner and then to the next, just as you like it. Once like this and once like this.

Must I not be sad? And sad today is especially this Holy Family. She was ready to sacrifice everything, to give everything to the Child Jesus in the manger. This Holy Virgin, how did she live? In! How did St. Joseph live? He also embodied purity. The Child Jesus in their midst was worshipped and adored and loved. They have cultivated this love for the child Jesus again and again. Their hearts were turned to the holiest, to the Child Jesus, to the deity in the manger. The deity became man.

And yet so many families are destroyed today. They go apart and separate, although there is not even a reason to separate. One wants to live, live in the world, enjoy the world and throw away faith. "He need not be. He is not that important. My purpose in life is 'live and enjoy' to the fullest extent, for soon life will be over and that will be the end of everything. My beloved ones, is there a point to this? Does marriage have a meaning without the sacrament? No, My beloved believers, My beloved children.

Look at the Holy Family Only marriage has permanence in the Sacrament, in the Holy Sacrament. There you can accept, love, forgive and respect each other. This means the feast of the Holy Family.

And I have addressed myself today especially to the young people that they may repent, that they may live chastity. Nothing is pure to them today. And yet I love all and want to win back all souls to this Blessed Sacrament.

Go to the manger, My beloved young people and look at the Child Jesus! Does it not love you especially in purity? Does it have nothing to say to you in this Christmas season, which lasts until February 2?

But first I would like to invite you again to the atonement night on January 12th, next Wednesday.

My beloved ones, who want to follow My priest son, who celebrates the Holy Sacrificial Feast in all reverence, these believers want to be included in the Holy Sacrificial Feast at 10 p.m. After that, the exposition begins until the insertion at 6.00 a.m. Pray, atone and sacrifice, because during this time you can only persevere and give everything to your beloved Father. He himself will fix everything. Trust in Me, My beloved ones! I am the order and the life.

I love you immeasurably and bless you now in the Trinity, in the Father, in the Son and in the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Blessed and praised be the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar from now and forever. Amen.

The Heavenly Father: Live love, for love is the greatest. Amen.


