Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Atonement night in the house church in Göttingen.

The Blessed Mother speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass at 23.45 through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Large crowds of angels moved into this house church during the Holy Sacrificial Mass tonight. The angels were also grouped around the Child Jesus, who shone especially brightly today, as well as the Mother of God and Saint Joseph.

We include ourselves in the night of atonement, which now also takes place at the pilgrimage site Heroldsbach. We atone especially for the priests and the authorities.

The Mother of God will speak today: I, your dearest mother, your Mother of God, speak in this Holy Night of Atonement through My willing, obedient and humble instrument Anne, who lies entirely in the will of the Heavenly Father and repeats only words of heaven.

My beloved Marian Children from near and far, My beloved faithful, My beloved little flock and herd, I, your Heavenly Mother, speak to you today.

Today is a special day, My beloved ones, because today you are committing atonement, atonement for the many who fall away, who no longer want to believe and who do not worship, sacrifice and atone.

I, as Heavenly Mother, look at these priests this night and want to make them repent. I suffer for these priests, I as Heavenly Mother. And you, My beloved children of Mary, suffer with Me this night. Therefore you atone for their grave crimes and their serious sacrileges, which they still do not repent of today.

Beloved children of Mary, how hard it is for you to endure these hostilities again and again. One finds this cross, this lawn cross in Meggen today very particularly on. Why, My beloved ones? Because it is the cross of Jesus Christ. This cross is something very special, because My Son Jesus Christ desires that many people there be moved to repentance. They can then present their sufferings to My Son Jesus Christ and He will help them to be able to bear this suffering, above all to be able to accept it. I, too, as the Heavenly Mother, will stand by these people with care. But first they must repent of their sins. They are moved there at this lawn cross to it in their heart. As you know, many people today do not believe. But this grass cross has a very special effect on her heart. My Son Jesus Christ looks into her repentant heart.

Many healings will take place at this grass cross, especially many miracles of conversion and spiritual suffering will be healed. Heavily laden, these pilgrims come to the lawn cross there and they start their way home relieved, because their burden has been taken from them.

Why do people today, especially from the Brotherhood of St. Peter, oppose this grass cross? The cross tells the truth! Only through the cross is salvation granted to men!

You are atoning for these sins, for these iniquities of the priests, - also of the Brotherhood of Peter, My beloved children, My beloved children of Mary. It is not indifferent to you how many priest souls will fall into the abyss. You are atoning all night.

Are the brothers of Peter allowed to act against this cross? No! it is pure envy, My beloved children, because you are so steadfast. A special power is working in you, My beloved little flock, the power of God.

The omnipotence of God and the omnipotence you will feel, My beloved brotherhood of Peter, whom you do not believe, whom you do not worship and whom you do not love. You do not even practice charity. You attack! Does not the wicked also want this cross to be destroyed? Are you also for the fact that this cross is no longer there? Do you not contribute to its destruction one day by your unbelief?

But I, your dearest Mother, will storm the Heavenly Father that He protects you in all situations, that you continue to pray. This large prayer group has now been founded by the Heavenly Father. There are already 29 people who are atoning and praying and who have agreed that the plan of the Heavenly Father will be fulfilled. And I am happy about this, My beloved children. I would like to thank you for this great willingness you are showing. You believe in these messages of the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. You become more and more steadfast and the love for the Heavenly Father in the Trinity grows within you. How much He thanks you for this. Continue to love, atone, sacrifice and pray! The Heavenly Father will thank you for it.

You will be able to experience many miracles. These miracles will also happen through you. No one can rob you of this faith. Through the many hostilities you will become more steadfast, firmer, more courageous, because the Heavenly Father wants it that way. And I, your dearest Mother of God, will always ask the Heavenly Father for your steadfastness.

I love you especially now, because you are atoning and praying, because you are not giving up, on the contrary, because you are going forward even more courageously these last steps to the mountain Golgotha. In this love we, My beloved children of Mary, want to adore the Blessed Sacrament this night.

I, as your mother, thank you for this and now bless you in the Trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Continue to receive the graces from the dear Jesus during this Christmas season. He will bless you, and He will give you His great love in this time. You are overflowing with graces. Believe deeper and trust in the Heavenly Father! He will stand by your side and never leave you alone. Amen.

Praised be Jesus Christ forever and ever Amen. May the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar be adored and glorified now and forever. Amen.


