Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fourth Sunday after publication.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the domestic church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The Father Symbol shone in glittering gold and silver throughout the entire house church and moved far out into all four directions. The angels went in white and golden dresses and sang the 'Gloria in excélsis Deo'. They offered this sacrifice to the Heavenly Father. The altar of Mary also shone in golden light with the Little King of Love and the Child Jesus in the manger.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now in this moment, the fourth Sunday after the apparition, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.

Beloved believers, beloved pilgrims from near and far, beloved small flock and beloved small flock, today your Heavenly Father will give you special prophecies in this message, this Sunday.

My beloved ones, your Heavenly Father has wept, and these tears have flowed into the chalice of sacrifice. They united with the blood tears of My Heavenly Mother and became blood in the cup.

My beloved ones, I, the Heavenly Father, will speak to you today about the love of God. Love of God and love of neighbor belong together as you know. My beloved ones, the love of God means that I have a deep faith which does not upset me by anything. I believe in the Triune God. I do not see Him, but I believe. And I believe in You, the Heavenly Father. Thus shall you speak, My beloved father children. You are my father children and not earth and world children. That is a great difference, My beloved ones. Most of them have become earth and world children today. Once I created them, and breathed the soul into them, i.e. I am this soul. I dwell in these my creatures. But what have these My creatures done to Me, the Heavenly Father? They have despised Me, pushed Me to the side, and they do not even feel that I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, wants to come to them with great longing. I look out for my beloved children. But where are they, My beloved children? I can't find them anywhere. I find them only in My children, who are in the following of My Son Jesus Christ and follow Him, who have nothing else in mind but to believe in the Triune God and worship Him.

Where does this faith come from, My beloved ones? From the deepest innermost heart. And what is this deep inner heart? It means mysticism, My beloved Peter and Pius brothers. You just leave out this mysticism. You say, "We cannot believe in them, for we do not have to believe in them, for they are private revelations.

My beloved sons of priests, do I, the Heavenly Father, not speak clearly to you? Why have you forgotten Me? Why do you mock me and put me on the side and keep meal fellowship without having a conscience? Your conscience is dead, My beloved ones. I no longer penetrate with My grace. I want to give this deep love into your hearts as well. But what do I find: unbelief and delusion. My beloved ones, why do you not wake up? Why do you still not believe in your loving Heavenly Father God in the Trinity? The meal fellowship means unbelief. Where is faith with you? You turn your back on me. You pay no attention at all to My supplications, to My tears, to My blood tears, which I announce in the messages. Is it not My truths, My beloved ones, that I give you through the message of My little ones? How often have I said, "I, the Heavenly Father, speak through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. It lies in my will and only repeats my words, namely the words of truth. And then you say, "These are private revelations." How is this possible, My beloved sons of priests, My beloved authorities? It is only possible because you no longer believe, and because you are in deep delusion.

What is your Chief Shepherd doing now, in whom you are to believe, who is the representative of My Son Jesus Christ on earth? What does he announce to you? You are to unite with all religions, and you are to meet with them in community. Is that right? Am I not the only true God? Do I not deserve your adoration? But I have sent you and I love you. Why do you continue to reject Me? But you are lying in delusion. Do you not feel that the other religions confuse you. Is one Allah the same God whom ye worship in the Trinity? Is Hinduism the same as your Catholic faith? No, My beloved ones! There is only one God whom you worship, the triune one. Have you put Him so far to the side? Yes! You have done it! What should you now do, my beloved authorities, my beloved shepherds?

You must prevent this your Supreme Shepherd from carrying out this union of all religions. And what do you do? Nothing! You are silent! May you keep silent? Do you have the right to remain silent if you are Catholic? No! My beloved shepherds, you are no longer Catholic. Therefore you do not recognize the truth at all. Could you check My messages of My little ones that I give to her? Would you be willing and able to do so? No! You would not be willing or able to do so. Why not? Because you live and proclaim and testify to erroneous faith, - that is why. You would see unbelief in the messages because you have no knowledge, My beloved ones. Only then can you know the truth, if you yourselves live in the truth and bear witness to it and give it to the whole world. What are you doing? Continue teaching unbelief and erroneous belief, passing it on to your shepherds. And what do these shepherds do? They are silent, silent like you!

My faithful, there should be an outcry in the whole world today after this proclamation that My Supreme Shepherd wants to meet with these religious communities. There should be an outcry from you: "Beloved Holy Father, you no longer lie in the truth. You are already in error, and you proclaim it and testify to it." Your office is no longer the truth. Lay it down, beloved Supreme Shepherd. You have no other choice. Do you not believe that My messenger and the Bible belong together? Everything that is written in the Bible, it has to proclaim according to the true faith, the only, Catholic and Apostolic faith. I am only giving her the messages to supplement the Bible so that you will wake up. You don't even read the Bible, let alone live it. You are dead! In your hearts it is empty! It is nothing that moves you. You do not even feel it anymore.

If you could acknowledge mysticism, you would feel around My little one and in her is full holiness. She speaks in the Holy Spirit, not from herself, My beloved ones. And therefore you despise them. You despise the Holy Spirit in her because you can no longer believe, because you have become world priests. Why, My beloved ones? You have taken off the priest's robe, and have done so for a very long time. By taking it off, you have laid down your Catholic faith. You have discarded Christ! Is this right, My beloved messengers and chosen and called? Have I not called you? Have you not felt that it is I who calls you to my altar of sacrifice, that you put yourselves into my sacrificial chalice, that you give yourselves completely? All this, My beloved ones, you have promised. And have you kept this oath? No! The world has you and the evil one.

And the Masons can work within you. They can tell you their will and you obey them, although you should put your Triune God, your Heavenly Father, first. 'I am the Lord thy God! Thou shalt have no other gods beside Me.' Does My Supreme Shepherd do this? No! He has many other gods beside him and thinks he is still catholic. No! The erroneous belief is drawn into it. The evil one wants to take over all. He has seized his great power over this church. And I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, ask you Will this One, Catholic and Apostolic Church perish? - No! 'The gates of hell will not prevail against them. I will suffer them anew through My Son in My little one. This is very difficult, My beloved ones. How many times have I cried in My little one. My Son Jesus Christ must give Himself again for your iniquities and abominations. Once again He walks the difficult way of the cross in My little one. And she suffers and suffers.

These messages are sent out into the world from their bedside. How much suffering she has already suffered for you, my beloved authorities. How much atonement has she already offered. Atone, My beloved ones, who are the followers of My Son Jesus Christ, atone for these iniquities. They do not stop, they become more and more serious. You have become scum. You offer me a spectacle. Where the altar of sacrifice should stand, there is a folk altar. You serve the people. Is that not an outrage? Where is the altar of sacrifice, My beloved priests of sacrifice? Are you still? No! You have become world priests and the scum of the earth. You offer the believers a spectacle. You celebrate a meal fellowship and you think you are celebrating a Holy Mass. No! You celebrate nothing but meal fellowship. You are not capable of more unless I instruct you through My Son to transform this Host into My Holy Flesh and the wine into My Holy Blood, into the Blood of My Son Jesus Christ. You are no longer capable of it.

You have already discarded this priesthood. You no longer wanted them, and I, the Heavenly Father, with all the angels and saints and with the Mother of God, must weep. I have shed bitter tears and My Mother and all the angels and saints with Me. Can you imagine that? No! Why not? Because you have already rejected mysticism and do not want it at all. You do not want to hear your Heavenly Father crying and begging you to turn back from this black path, because this path leads inevitably into the eternal abyss.

And you, My authorities, will you be asked at the eternal judgment as a community and can say, "all have done this, Heavenly Father"? No, you can't say that. I ask you individually as a personality, as an individual, as My priest and messenger: "My priestly son, what have you done on earth? Have you denied me? Have you mocked me? Have you believed in Me and served Me, or have you lost the people, your believers, for whom you were responsible?" Then you have to say, "Yes." And I say to you, "Get away from me, I do not know you. Such a harsh judgment your Heavenly Father must speak about you. Is this not bitterness for Me, My beloved? Is what you do not yet enough?

This whole world, this whole Church lies in total chaos, in total destruction, not least by My Supreme Shepherd, the Vicar of My Son Jesus Christ, whom I hoped for, whom I appointed and who equates all religions with the Catholic faith.

What has the predecessor of My present Holy Father already done? He kissed the Koran in a mosque. Is it possible to kiss a devil book? Is this possible, My beloved ones? And still no cry comes from you, my beloved shepherds. You have the duty and the right, when the Supreme Shepherd gives the misbelief into the world, to enlighten it and to keep it from it. That's what you're here for. And you are silent because you no longer love your Triune God, even despising Him.

And still I cry out My truths through My little one, who has given Me her will, into the whole world through Internet. And still she suffers for you, my authority. Her suffering is immeasurable and you say: "She is not real. You cannot check their messages. They should be put aside, even burned." You too, My beloved sons of priests in the brotherhood of Peter and Pius say the same. You too despise my truths. You also say, "We don't need them, we have the Bible. And where does My little one not lie in the faith of this scripture of the Bible? Can you prove it? Do you have the right to do this? If you are already in delusion, you cannot find the truth.

My little one proclaims My whole truth and she is ready to lay down even her life for you. Can you imagine how she suffers because she is ready to continue to cry out my truth into the whole world to save human souls. This is their only desire and the desire of their group, which suffers, which follows the path, which never gives up praying, atoning and sacrificing for you. Every day a holy mass of sacrifice. Worship every day. Many hours of daily prayer and other work is waiting for them and they do not give up. They still pray at night and atone for you in atonement nights, which they hold in spite of their human weakness, which shows itself again and again. But I strengthen them with My Divine Power. The Holy Spirit will come upon them and continue to strengthen them.

And you, my authorities, you cannot test this truth because you lie in misbelief and unbelief. Where will you recognize the truth in these messages, if you teach and testify to unbelief. You are not able, I have to tell you again so that you know where you stand and what you do and how your Heavenly Father in the Trinity suffers for you and does not give up, because I love you and want to save you all from the eternal abyss. That is what my small group is for, to save you from the eternal torment of the eternal fire in the abyss.

Come back so that you may become father-children! Put your priest clothes back on! I beg you! The earth children and world children must again become father children, otherwise you cannot reach the kingdom of heaven. Never can an earth child, which is dedicated to the earth, reach me without a valid repentance and confession. This separates you from Me the Triune God. Do you take the Holy Sacrament of Penance? No! Do you recognize your sins? No! I have revealed them to you today. You still have the choice and the chance to grasp this straw so that the evil one does not drag you down into the eternal abyss.

My messengers and messengers suffer so much for you and they implore Me: "Please Heavenly Father, save them all from the eternal abyss. My little one has already been allowed to look into this eternal abyss. And she will never forget it. It was frightening for her and she said to me: "Heavenly Father, never again do I want to experience this vision. It was so cruel that I can never forget it. I beg even more for your souls, which you want to have back. You may reclaim them through me. Accept my illness, my worries, my needs and my difficulties that I have. But you will be able to make them fruitful, you the omnipotent, omniscient, almighty God and Father in the Trinity. We all love you and we want to comfort you in this great torment. We will not cease to comfort You, for You are for us the greatest, the most important, the holiest. We live for You and there is nothing else in our heart but this great treasure, which we will keep as a pearl. Again and again we say to You: Dear Heavenly Father, save the whole world, for it is going under. You have everything in your hands, you know everything and you will arrange everything. We beseech You, seize an You mighty, omniscient and almighty Father in heaven. We can no longer bear it here, where you are insulted to the utmost and continue to commit these atrocities.

My beloved children, you, My father children, you have always comforted Me, and I thank you for it. I am grateful to you, immeasurably grateful, because you endure, because you persevere in this time of confusion, and because you never say, "No, Father, it is too much for me. On the contrary, you say, "Yes, Father, we are yours and our promise is forever. You can always take us by the hand, because we love You and want to go Your way and fulfill nothing but Your plan, the Divine Plan, because You give us the strength, the Divine Power. When our power goes out, then you are there. You are always there. How could a Heavenly Father ever forget us? You will never forget us and Your Heavenly Mother, our Mother, whom Your Son gave us under the Cross, she cares for us day and night with Her angelic hosts, whom She sends us, because She loves us immeasurably. And we love you, all heaven and beg you, save the world, it is going down. The Catholic faith must be lived again, the only, holy and catholic faith".

And so I bless you, My beloved Father children, My beloved ones from near and far, My beloved little flock and My beloved little flock with the blessing of all Heaven in the Trinity, of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Live love, for love is the greatest! Harret out until the end, My beloved ones, for I love and strengthen you! Amen.


