Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Feast of the Candlemas.

The Mother of God, the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ speak after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and Adoration in the domestic church in Göttingen through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the candle consecration, the candles shone in a golden glow and the flames became twice as big. The altar of sacrifice and the altar of the Virgin Mary were dipped in gold and the Mother of God also appeared in golden splendor. Her robe was covered with golden stars. Her crown shone in very bright light. The angels floated around the altar of Mary.

Our Lady will speak today on Her feast day: I, your dearest Mother of God, will speak on this day, the feast day of Candlemas, as it is called, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She is completely in the will of the Heavenly Father and only repeats words from heaven. Nothing is out of her.

My beloved Marian Children from near and far, today I want to give you the instructions of heaven. I have brought Jesus Christ, the light, into the temple. I have not kept him for myself, not as my possession, but have given him back to the Father and to you so that you may worship him. This little Jesus you shall worship also today. With today the christmas time is over. You, my beloved children of Mary, shall become light, light for the world, because the world is dark.

Jesus Christ: My beloved children, now I, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Mother of God, Mary, speak Darkness has come into the churches, darkness. I have given all souls My Divine Breath, i.e., the Divine Life. These souls, into which I wanted to enter today, are dead. They are no longer alive. Why, My beloved children? Because they no longer receive the Bread of Life. In their churches in the tabernacle it is empty. My Heavenly Father had to take Me out of these tabernacles of modernist churches. Why? Because I am no longer venerated there. Yes, they no longer believe in Me, in Me the Almighty God in the Trinity.

Now Our Lady says again: Therefore, my beloved children of Mary, you will become light and shine, for in you is eternal life. You have received the manna, the bread of life. This is the love of My Son. It has flowed into your heart. His Divine Love He gives to you who believe in the Trinity. Pray for these unbelievers who reject this manna, who no longer believe in My Son Jesus Christ.

What does faith mean to them? They say, "what I do not see, I cannot believe. I must be able to take it up with my awake mind and fathom it, otherwise there are no miracles for me".

These earth children, these world children, have cut off the Godhead from themselves. They have separated themselves from the deity. Can you grasp this, My beloved children of Mary? No! This is such a grave sin that you cannot grasp. The Godhead is so important, if you believe in the Godhead in the Trinity. The omnipotence of God is in your hearts and it always gives you new life. These little flames within you become the fire of the fire of love. They shine, they light up your hearts and they shine into the world, into the dark world.

How sad it is today for your Heavenly Father that He cannot light these flames in the believers of modernism. How much He has waited for their hearts. How often has He admonished them: "Turn back! Turn back to the holy sacrificial banquet of My Son. Why do you not come, My beloved authorities, to My sacrificial table? What are you waiting for? Do you want to fathom this mighty God who holds the whole creation in His hands? Everything is being. He created you out of love. He has breathed love into your hearts. Have you returned this love? No!"

The Heavenly Father says: You have become unbelieving people, an unbelieving clergy, in whom I have put all my trust. Where has your calling gone? Where has it gone, you My consecrated ones, My messengers? Where are you? Have you not promised Me to adore Me in the Holy Eucharist, the only and true God. In your hands I wanted to transform this little piece of bread into My Holy Body and into My precious Blood. So, what were you waiting for? Nothing happens anymore, My beloved ones. Is it not bitter for your Heavenly Father in the Trinity?

Again and again I speak to My beloved mother in between. I know, My beloved ones, but I cannot help it, for I am so sad, and exceedingly great bitterness is in Me that I can hardly breathe. My beloved mother supports me because she believes in everything. From the beginning, She has agreed to suffer with My Son for all mankind. Look at her weeping, how she must weep bitter tears for this Church as the Mother of this Church that lies destroyed at your feet. How many times has she called you, beloved clergy: "Come back! My son is waiting for you!" Have you answered this call? No! Furthermore, you have mocked Him, slandered Him, despised Him. You have become people of the world. Is that not bitter for me? You have taken off your priestly clothes for a very long time. You have thus stripped the Triune God. You have said, "I do not need Him in my life. I can take care of myself. I do not need a God. There is no such thing for me. If He cannot be seen, and if I cannot recognize and fathom Him, then there is no God for me, and no divine miracles either. Miracles mean supernature. You do not believe in this supernature, My beloved sons of priests. No! Not any more today. Today everything is dead in you.

Bitterness afflicts me as on the Mount of Olives. So My tears become tears of blood and I have to found this church anew in My Son Jesus Christ. The gates of hell will never overwhelm them. Even if Satan seizes you, My Only, Catholic and Apostolic Church will never perish. I will build them up in all glory and glory.

Now Our Lady says: My beloved children of Mary, whom I may take to the Father, only they believe. They believe deeply and firmly in the Trinity and follow My Son Jesus Christ in total surrender. They do not ask why. No, they walk His arduous path without asking what I get in return. No! They believe in eternity and live for eternity. They are strengthened in My Son through His Holy Flesh and Blood. This is their daily food, which they receive in the Holy Sacrificial Feast, which they celebrate every day.

Strength is in them. You could admire them, my beloved authorities, these my little children of Mary, whom I have gathered around me and whom I will continue to call, because they are mine. I bring them all to the Heavenly Father. They belong to Him. Divine love embraces them in their hearts. They feel safe. They live in the world, but they are not of the world. They reject the worldly pleasures. The spiritual battle is within them. That is, they fight with Me, the dear Mother of God, the fight that leads to victory.

The Heavenly Father says: Victory is certain for you, my beloved ones. I continue to call you to battle. Do not let up! Satan is cunning and wants to drag everyone down into the abyss. But My Son Jesus Christ loves His children exceedingly, and He strengthens them with His Divine power. Nothing will be too difficult for them to ever leave this stony path. They will go on and on, may come what will. They feel rejection very often, but they know that I am rejected in them, the Triune God.

Now Our Lady says: My beloved children of Mary, My Son and the Heavenly Father, - again and again you interrupt Me, the Heavenly Mother, because you feel such bitterness in yourselves that I want to weep for these lost souls who will fall into the eternal abyss.

I, as Mother of the Church, call upon her again and again, because I love the clergy. I followed him - pleading and asking. I wanted to bring him the Light, the Divine Light, but they left Me at the door because they rejected My Son Jesus Christ in Me. Strong as they felt, they said: "We do not need messages from heaven. The supernature does not exist for us." How I had to weep then as a mother, as Heavenly Mother, who brought Her Son into the temple - today on this day. And St. Simeon lifted the little Jesus up to the Father and said, "Now I can finally die in peace, for I have seen Him, this Divine Child.

You, My beloved ones, look at this little Jesus who smiles at you, who wants to draw you to His Heart, to His loving Heart, who wants to give you gifts and brings you gifts, every day anew.

Pray for the conversion of the whole world and the whole church. More and more people become worldly people and they decide for the eternal abyss, for the eternal fire, because that never ends. To fall eternally into the abyss means never again to be allowed to see the glory of God, the only begotten Son in the Trinity. Never to be allowed to take part in the wedding feast, as you, my children of Mary, are allowed to do. Heaven is promised to you. I draw you today on My feast day especially to My mother's heart, because it beats for you, My children of Mary. I rejoice that you are here, that you give consolation to Me, the Heavenly Mother, through your steady way upwards and through your firmness and your love, which you prove to Me as your Mother, as Heavenly Mother.

I thank you on this day. You will be allowed to see the eternal light one day in glory. Now go out and take this light of your heart with you into the dark world, for you will shine and your deeds will be known.

Beloved little flock, beloved little flock, I bless you now in the Trinity, Father of the Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Live love, for love is the greatest! It will nourish you in your hearts that are ready to receive this love. Amen.


