Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Heart of Mary atonement Saturday.

Our Lady speaks after the Cenacle and the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the domestic church in Göttingen through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

Our Lady will speak today: Today you, My beloved children of Mary, celebrate the Holy Mass of Sacrifice as on every first Saturday of the month at 9:00 a.m., or rather, you enter into this Cenacle. You too, My beloved Marian children from near and far, enclose yourselves in this Cenacle every month so that it may be fruitful for many people who have not yet found faith, who have not yet recognized that this Holy Cenacle is the entrance into the Pentecostal Hall, because you, My beloved children, are entering into the Pentecostal Hall of the Holy Spirit. I myself am the Bride of the Holy Spirit.

I, your dearest Heavenly Mother, speak to you today on this day of the Cenacle through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. It is entirely in the will of the Heavenly Father and only repeats His words. Today My words.

My beloved Mary's children from near and far, I speak to you and to My small flock and small herd. The remainder, who are left of those who have the firm belief that they will continue to walk the mountain to Golgotha during this time, entered the Pentecost Hall today. The Holy Spirit will teach you all that you should proclaim throughout the world.

My beloved children, your Heavenly Mother knows what is going on in your hearts, how sad you are that so many people who have gone along the way before will no longer continue to go along the way with you, but you have the firm will to continue to go along the way, even if it involves hardship, tribulation and also severe suffering. You have shown your readiness, and for this the Heavenly Father in the Trinity and your dearest Mother thank you for giving you prophecies today.

My beloved children, you are not alone. Again and again I want to give you this on the way. You will be attacked, you will be hostile, you will be ridiculed. But do I not also go along this way as your dearest mother and accompany you? As Heavenly Mother, do I ever leave you alone? No, My beloved ones. I send you legions of angels to persevere in this way.

Yes, you are with Me in the greatest battle of Satan. The smoke of Satan has entered the Catholic Church. With modernism, ecumenism and Protestantism, Freemasons had the power to allow the smoke of Satan to flow further in and out. It is sad for all of you, My beloved ones, that this One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church lies in utter destruction, yes, it is already destroyed. The most holy thing was sold by the Supreme Shepherd, who no longer believes and should resign his office because he no longer proclaims the truth in the whole world. The untruth spreads with great strides. The misbelief is advancing. And you, My beloved children, must watch with Me how to destroy this Church, how to despise My Son Jesus Christ, how to put Him on the side and how I, your dearest Mother, suffer with you. You go with me the way of suffering and do not leave me alone!

I thank you, My beloved Marian children from near and far. You have decided to separate yourselves from those who prevent you from continuing on this path. And to this belongs unfortunately also my beloved Petrusbruderschaft and Piusbruderschaft.

The Holy Sacrificial Feast is still in the truth and it is a Holy Sacrificial Mass. But what is attacked in these fraternities? The mysticism! The mysticism of My Son! Has He not also sent you these messengers, My beloved brotherhoods, that you may awake and see where the Chief Shepherd stands. do you believe that I have not also wept bitter tears of blood for this Supreme Shepherd who is selling the Catholic Church, who is putting My Son on the side, who no longer believes in the Trinity, in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar? What is he doing, My beloved ones? He puts the human being in the foreground. Man is important, more important than the Trinity and the Heavenly Father.

How many tears have I wept for this Supreme Shepherd, My beloved children. You too, my little flock, weep for this chief shepherd and atone. Especially you, My little one, have atoned for him on Thursday and also on Friday. You have prayed to the Heavenly Father that He may not count it as a sin that He wants to meet with all the religious communities in Assisi. Isn't this a great offence, to take place for the second time?

My beloved children, there is an aberration, a complete confusion. Satan continues to go into this Church of My Son Jesus Christ and pours his smoke into it. How terrible is this offense. Jesus Christ, My Son, has appointed this Supreme Shepherd Himself. He was present at the Conclave and led the Cardinals who elected this Supreme Shepherd. He wished it himself. And what does he do, this Supreme Shepherd? Didn't he get the biggest mission for Germany to lead Germany back to the top of the faith? Didn't he have all the possibilities that My Son gave him? Had he not been given these talents? Did he use them for good? No! The Freemasons enraptured him and he, did he surrender himself in total devotion to the Heavenly Father? Did he put himself completely into the sacrificial chalice and became the victim? No, My beloved ones. He did not want this sacrifice. He has given a clear "No" to the Heavenly Father.

How was that possible, My beloved ones? This Supreme Shepherd appointed by My Son Jesus Christ, could he get lost, could he give this unbelief into the world through the Internet? He has failed, My beloved ones, he has really failed.

The whole heaven weeps for him and he wishes that he resigns from his office, that he repents deeply for this disagreement, this great offence, this outrage that he has done, that he himself takes again the way to the Heavenly Father, that he makes a valid Holy Confession in deep repentance that must precede, saying: "Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea máxima culpa.

My beloved children of Mary, do you believe that it is not possible to put this nave back on the right track? My Son Jesus Christ believes in all who take Holy Confession and show Him deep repentance. He will stand by them. Even in the greatest aberrations, there is still a return for the Almighty and All-powerful God. He can forgive the worst sins and iniquities if you repent deeply.

How often has Jesus Christ, my Son, called this Supreme Shepherd and His chief shepherds and shepherds to repentance. Have they followed My Son? No! Deeper and deeper they have fallen into the darkness of this church. Darkness surrounds this church. She no longer recognizes the truth. She has separated herself from the Triune, Trinitarian God. He himself is the truth and the life and the way. Only then, My beloved ones, can things go upward in a newly founded church, which My Son wants to suffer before. He has agreed to suffer this new church. He has chosen His messenger Himself, and He has educated and formed her so that she does not reject Him and He can suffer in her. Even the greatest sufferings she will endure through the power of God, through the Father's will in the Divine Power.

You, My little one, will continue to give your full Yes to the Heavenly Father. You have expressed your willingness by handing over and transferring your will to Him. You comfort Him. And you, my little flock and small flock, are ready to continue on this difficult path. Yes, you will be separated from your loved ones, in whom you have placed your hope that they would go with you. They also failed and you had to separate because they all follow the modernist church. This is to your detriment, My beloved children. As Mother of the Church, I must demand the utmost of you. You must now show firmness in this fight of Satan. I will form you because I love you and will take you all under my protective cloak. Consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart. In it you are well protected and safe.

But the way is hard and becomes harder, My beloved ones. I am with you at all times. Call on me so that I know that you are still ready and in need of my help, so that I can send the angels down to you for your protection. Nothing will happen to you. In the greatest distress I am with you. You stand in God's providence, God's love and God's power. You are the favorite children of our Heavenly Father. Do you believe that you can ever part with this your dearest Heavenly Father in the Trinity and not want to continue on this difficult path? No! You cannot imagine that this will ever be possible.

That is why, My beloved children, you have sworn this covenant of faithfulness as favorite children of the Heavenly Father, who will make His plan on the Cross of the Lawn possible through you. Become firmer and let yourself be formed. In Divine Love you continue to receive this power to walk this difficult path. As you know, this lawn cross, which I have given to all men out of love, is now being attacked. One does not want to see it anymore. One wants to destroy it. And all those who go this difficult way will suffer. Why, My beloved ones? Because suffering belongs to it. You are atoning for these offenses, because many people are now led by evil to destroy and mock this lawn cross.

But you, my beloved ones, are now 42 persons and you have agreed to make sacrifices, to atone, to pray and to hold an hour of atonement, a prayer hour, every first Thursday from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. You have already stated this twice. You have prayed, you have endured and you have responded to all the demands of the Heavenly Father. It must be so, my beloved ones, because the Heavenly Father knows the future and He leads you into His providence. You cannot fail in any requirement that the Heavenly Father places on you. Everything is in His plan and you continue to show Him your obedience. Even if the heavenly Father should demand the utmost of you, give it to Him. He is within you. He is the Triune, the Powerful, Almighty and Omniscient Heavenly Father. In him you can trust, - only in him. Believe in it! The evil one is cunning and wants to dissuade you from this plan of the Heavenly Father. You will be confronted by men who mock you and who change everything into lies. What you believe, they will turn around and will present the truth as lie. You will hardly recognize it. But then I, your dearest mother, am there for you. Then I will step on the scene and will trample the head of the snake with you.

You remain My beloved children of Mary. I walk with you every step of this way, this difficult way. I also suffer with you as a heavenly mother can only suffer. Believe in it! My love for you is immeasurably great, and it will become greater and greater the more you fulfill the plan of the Heavenly Father, the more you are willing to let this Divine Love flow into your hearts so that you have the strength to endure.

I bless you now, your dearest Mother, the Mother of the Church, with all the angels and saints in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Believe in love! Trust deeper and continue on this path courageously and steadily! Amen.


